Saturday, May 28, 2011

Dangers Of High Cholesterol

Dangers Of High Cholesterol

Cholesterol are:

A fatty substance that circulates in the blood, produced by the liver and is needed by the body.

However, excess cholesterol will cause problems, especially in heart and brain blood vessels.

Where does Cholesterol come from?

Everyone has cholesterol in the blood, where 80% is produced by the body itself and 20% comes from food. Cholesterol is produced consists of 2 types of cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterol.

LDL cholesterol is bad cholesterol, which if the amount of excess in the blood will be deposited on artery walls to form clots that can clog blood vessel.

HDL cholesterol is good cholesterol, which has cleaning function blood vessels from excessive LDL cholesterol. High levels of HDL cholesterol is a sign of good all LDL cholesterol less than 150 mg / dl.

There was also Triglycerides. This fat is formed as a result of the metabolism of food, not only in the form of fat but also the food that shaped the excessive carbohydrates and proteins, which are not entirely necessary as an energy source. Triglyceride levels will increase if we consume excessive calories, greater than our needs.

Why is high blood cholesterol is a problem?

o Due to high blood cholesterol is one risk factor that can cause:

Blockage of the coronary arteries that can lead to heart attacks.

Blockage of the blood vessels of the brain that can cause a stroke.

Are high triglycerides a problem?

High triglyceride levels will exacerbate the risk of clots in blood vessels of heart and brain, if obtained in conjunction with high LDL cholesterol and low HDL cholesterol levels.

How can so that we can monitor cholesterol levels?

The only way to monitor cholesterol levels and blood fat is to do the examination of blood samples taken after fasting for one night or 10-12 hours.

What is normal blood cholesterol levels?

Total cholesterol 200 mg / dl HDL cholesterol 35-65 mg / dl LDL cholesterol 150 mg / dl Triglycerides & 200 mg / dl Ratio of total cholesterol: HDL cholesterol <5 What causes increased cholesterol in the blood? Genetic factors; The body produces too much cholesterol. As we know 80% of cholesterol in the blood produced by the body itself. There are some people who produce more cholesterol than others. This is caused by hereditary factors. In these people, although only a few foods that contain cholesterol or saturated fat, but the body still produces more cholesterol.

Factors food From some dietary factors, fat intake is very important to note. Fat is a food that is very important, if we do not eat enough fat then our energy will be reduced, but if we eat too much fat can cause damage to blood vessels. As we all know fat in foods can come from meat, but in Indonesia, the source of intake of fats can be divided into 2, namely:

Saturated fats come from meat, coconut oil.

Composed of unsaturated fats: omega-3 fatty acids, fatty acids omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids.

Recent research shows that:

Fat derived from fish called omega 3 can prevent the occurrence of sudden death caused by coronary heart disease.

Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce levels of LDL cholesterol and raise levels of HDL cholesterol and lower the risk of clots in blood vessels.

Omega-6 fatty acids derived from vegetable allegedly also can prevent coronary heart disease.

Omega 9 fatty acids known as olive oil, are also found in palm oil which has undergone a special process. Omega 9 fatty acids can cause elevated levels of HDL cholesterol.

In most cases, the cholesterol comes from food eaten foods that contain saturated fats such as animal meat and coconut oil.

Unsaturated fats found in vegetable oil when used for frying with high heat will be able to alter its chemical structure so that it can cause negative.

How m keep for blood cholesterol levels remained normal?

1. Consuming balanced meals in accordance with the needs of: o Food is a balanced diet consisting of: - 60% of calories come from carbohydrates - 15% of calories come from protein - 25% of calories come from fat - calories from saturated fat should be no more than 10% o Excess calories can result from excessive intake (eating more) or use a little energy (less activity). o Excess calories derived primarily from carbohydrates can cause elevated triglyceride levels. - Examples of high carbohydrate foods that contain rice, cakes, snacks, noodles, bread etc.. - Examples of foods containing high animal protein are meat, fish, shrimp, egg white. - Examples of foods which contain high vegetable protein are tofu, tempe, beans.

2. Lowering your intake of saturated fat.
- Saturated fats are mainly derived from palm oil, coconut milk and all other oils such as corn oil, soybean oil, etc. which have high heating or heated repeatedly.
- Excess saturated fat will cause elevated levels of LDL cholesterol.

3. Keep saturated fat intake remained both in quantity and quality.
- Unsaturated oils mainly found in marine fish and vegetable oils and olive oils are not heated with high heating or not heated repeatedly.
- Intake of unsaturated fats will be able to raise levels of HDL cholesterol, and prevent the formation of deposits in blood vessels.

4. Lowering cholesterol intake
- Cholesterol is mainly found in fat from animals, offal, egg yolks, and "seafood" (except fish).

5. Eating more fiber in the diet daily.
- Fiber is found in many fruits (eg apples, pears are eaten with the skin) and vegetables.
- Fiber is recommended at 25-40 g / day, equivalent to 6 red apples with the skin or 6 cups of vegetables.
- Fiber serves to bind fat from food in the digestive process, thereby preventing elevated levels of LDL cholesterol.

6. Changing cooking methods
- We recommend that you cook the food instead of frying but by boiling, steaming or burn without oil or butter. - Cooking oil from unsaturated fatty acids should not be used for frying but are used for salad oil, which has a positive effect on the increased levels of HDL cholesterol and the prevention of deposits in blood vessels. 7. Perform physical activity regularly. - It is advisable to perform aerobic exercise (brisk walk, jog, bike, swimming, etc..) Regularly 3-5 times per week, for 30-60 minutes / day, with a pulse during exercise of 70 - 80% (220 - age). - Regular exercise will help increase levels of HDL cholesterol. - When doing a street sport, jog should use the appropriate sports shoes to prevent injury to joints.

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