Sunday, May 13, 2012

How To Reduce Cholesterol Levels

How To Reduce Cholesterol Levels Sometimes for some people to have high cholesterol levels do not show symptoms. Usually because of circumstances such as these make a person's cholesterol level can not be controlled before blood examination in the laboratory by the cholesterol content of the then known already on the verge of the normal range. For some others, the symptoms of high cholesterol will be felt by the occurrence of various specific complaints, such as joint pain, feeling vertigo or migraine recurrence. To ensure that cholesterol levels are in normal limits or even otherwise, then one way is best done in a laboratory blood test. However normal levels of cholesterol are not the same in every person. Factors that greatly affect a person's normal cholesterol levels, are influenced by various conditions, such as age, medical history, risk factors and how much he has. How To Reduce Cholesterol Levels Here are a few ways yag can help you to lower cholesterol levels. Do not eat the yolk, just the white part. Breakfast with havermurt. Drinking cow's milk without the fat. Or sauteed vegetables are so fresh vegetables. Remember, do not eat vegetables cooked with coconut milk. Eat chicken or duck without the skin or just choose a meat rabbit. Here are a few foods to avoid. Sausage, cheese and high fat milk. Butter and various fried. If there is, use olive oil or canola oil. Clams, crabs, shrimp, snails, and eel, because of the high cholesterol content. Fatty meats such as beef lard and lard goats. In addition to food should be avoided, there are foods that actually never eaten because of very high cholesterol content. Bovine brain. Egg yolk. Squid. Quail eggs. Cholesterol can indeed be lowered by eating right and regular exercise on target to be achieved. Exercise is done to lower cholesterol is usually associated with cardio, such as aerobics, running, or a treadmill at 3 to 5 times a week. Another important thing is not smoking and not drinking alcohol. Cholesterol Lowering Foods There are some foods that can lower bad cholesterol or Low-Density Lipoproptein (LDL). These types of foods that can lower cholesterol levels. 1. Nuts Nuts are a source of soluble fiber is so high, in which soluble fiber can reduce cholesterol levels. Therefore, the tomb of beans (chickpeas, lentils, and beans) with a routine for six weeks can reduce cholesterol as much as ten percent of the beans. 2. Avocado Avocados are a source of unsaturated fat that can boost the level of HDL. But unfortunately, avocados are high in calories and should be mixed with vegetable-suppressor syuran calories. With a medium-size avocado has 300 calories and 30 grams of unsaturated fat. Meanwhile, the normal needs of the human body is 1,800 calories and 30 grams of unsaturated fat each day. 3. Salmon fishing Omega-3 acid content is in very good salmon and trigiserilda lower LDL and increase HDL. In addition, EPA and DHA present in the salmon is very good for heart health. The American Hearth Association recommends at least two servings per week to obtain maximum efficacy. Besides salmon, the other consumption good as well, such as tuna, trout, sardines, mackerel, and herring. 4. Garlic Garlic is believed to contain many substances that are good for human health for thousands of years ago. Ancient Egyptian people manggunakan garlic to increase stamina. In modern times, garlic is used to lower cholesterol, protect the body from infections, prevents blood clots and lowering blood pressure. Recent studies suggest that garlic can prevent cholesterol particles stuck to the walls of blood vessels. 5. Soybeans Soy beans and processed products such as tofu, tempeh, soy milk, and soy flour, in it contains isoflavones (substances that can suppress LDL). However, tofu and tempeh may not be effective in lowering cholesterol when treated carelessly. For example, fried in cooking oil mixed with coconut milk or coconut milk and cooking oil as a source of saturated fat. National Agency of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mnegatakan that for lowering cholesterol, consume at least 25 grams of soy protein differing day. 6. Cashew, Almonds, and Walnuts Monounsaturated fat content in cashews, almonds, and walnuts, very good for heart health because of a low-fat. All three mengndung vitamin E, magnesium, and phytochemicals that are closely linked with heart health. However, kcang nuts are very high in protein, like avocado. 7. Margarine Some types of margarine was able to reduce cholesterol levels, such as margarine, canola flower from seed oils. 8. Spinach Spinach is a vegetable that contains lutein, a substance essential to maintain healthy eye function and sharpness. Lutein can maintain heart health because it can prevent grease build up in blood vessels. Therefore, diajnurkan consume half a bowl of spinach every day to obtain maximum results.
READ MORE - How To Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Tea Leaf-Soursop Fruit

Benefits: Tea Leaf-Soursop Fruit Soursop plant is one type of fruit that can be growing in the yard and in the fields to a height where approximately 1000 m above sea level. Soursop also has great benefits for human life, ie as the nutritional requirements of fruit and is a material traditional medicines that have multi properties. In the food industry, soursop can processed into jams and fruit juices, syrups and soursop lunkhead. Nutrient content of soursop fruit is as follows: Soursop fruit consists of 67.5 percent meat, 20 percent of the fruit skin, fruit seeds 8.5 percent and 4 percent of the core pieces. After water, the highest content of nutrients in the soursop is carbohydrates. One type of carbohydrate on the soursop fruit is a reducing sugar (glucose and fructose) with levels of 81.9 to 93.6 percent of the total sugar content. Soursop fruit contains very little fat (0.3 g/100 g), so it is good for health. Sour taste in soursop derived from non-volatile organic acids, mainly malic acid, citric acid, and acid isositrat. Vitamins are the most dominant in soursop fruit is vitamin C, which is about 20 mg per 100 grams of meat. Requirement of vitamin C per person per day (ie 60 mg), was able to be met only by consuming 300 grams of meat soursop fruit. The content of vitamin C is high enough on the soursop is an excellent antioxidant to boost the immune system and slow the aging process (stay young). The minerals are dominant enough phosphorus and calcium, respectively by 27 and 14 mg/100 g. Both minerals are essential for the formation of bone, making it useful to build strong bones and prevent osteoporosis. In addition to nutritional components, soursop fruit is also very rich in non-nutritional components. One of them is a lot of fiber-containing foods (dietary fiber), which reached 3.3 g / 100 g of fruit flesh. Consumption of 100 g of fruit flesh can meet 13 percent of dietary fiber a day. Soursop fruit is a fruit that is rich in phytochemicals, compounds, so as to ensure that the fruit is very much beneficial for health. Phytochemical compounds are likely to have health giving properties, although not all scientifically proven. Range of benefits such as soursop therapy treatment for gallstones, antisembelit, uric acid, and increased appetite. In addition, the fiber content also serves to facilitate digestion, especially for the treatment of constipation (a bowel obstruction). Juice (juice) of soursop in the digestive system Other names: Soursop (UK), corossol or Anone (France), Zuurzak (Netherlands) guanabana (Spanish), graviola (Portuguese), Brazilian Paw Paw, Corossolier, Guanavana, Toge-Banreisi, Bengal Durian, Jackfruit Blanda, and Jackfruit Londa .
READ MORE - Tea Leaf-Soursop Fruit

Type Cholesterol

Type Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a type of fat that is a normal component of most body tissues, and is necessary for health. However, if the levels are high can increase the risk of disease progression (eg heart disease).

If high cholesterol levels it will display symptoms of health problems. Normally, to help reduce the risk of this happening, cholesterol levels were measured with a simple blood test. This examination is done by measuring the level of your cardiovascular health, such as blood pressure tests.

High levels of LDL cholesterol can cause fatty deposits in artery walls, called atherosclerosis, or "hardening of the arteries". Atherosclerosis makes blood vessels narrow and rigid, and consequently, increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

You include people who rely on supplements to maintain a healthy body? Sure there are many supplements which contain vitamins and mineral elements by the plant which is extracted from vegetables and fruits. However, various studies show, that there are many substances phytochemicals (natural content of fruits and vegetables) that until now have not been able to be extracted. Or, if the matter can be extracted, absorbed by the body has not been able to perfect dg. When in fact it is not difficult to get the needful supplement by the body. Simply dg always include fresh fruits and vegetables in our daily menu.

Come, let us look at the content of what we can get from vegetables and fruits that are colorful.

1. Fruit and green vegetables => spinach, green beans, kale, broccoli, squash, cabbage, pokchoy, asparagus, green tea, pears, avocados, kiwi, apples, cucumbers, squash, peas, peas, etc..
a. Isothiocyanates
These substances to stimulate the body to destroy the nature of the carrier substances karsiogenik. This means that prevent healthy cells from becoming cancer cells. It also helps the body destroy toxins derived from tobacco in special rokok.Yg, these substances can reduce the risk of lung cancer. Many conceived by broccoli.

b. Indole-3 carbinol
These substances are antioxidants and could potentially prevent cancer. Also can destroy free radicals and encourage prokduktifitas hormone estrogen plays an important role in the work which the female reproductive organs. Abundant in cabbage plants.
c. Cathecins
Cathechins famous rich in natural anti-cancer ingredients. Recent research shows, these substances can inhibit the accumulation of fat and lower cholesterol levels. Many are on the green.
d. Chlorophyl
Some research suggests those who eat foods rich in chlorophyll diligently to have a better quality of healthcare. This substance is able to resist chemicals such as carcinogens contained in cigarettes and who poison aflatoxin. It is also useful to encourage the process of detoxification in the body.
e. Folic Acid
This substance serves to prevent at least five serious diseases: anemia, cardiovascular disorders, cancer, birth defects, neural-tube defects and Alzheimer's
If possible, eat green vegetables in a fresh condition. If cooked, cook briefly so that the chlorophyll is easily absorbed by the body

2. Fruits and vegetables red => red chili, red spinach, lettuce, red peppers, beets, kidney beans, red apples, tomatoes, red grapes, watermelon, strawberry, red guava, rose apple red, red onions, dragon fruit .
a. Class of carotenoids (lycopene, Alpha Carotene, Beta Carotene)
Some pharmaceutical research finds regular intake of lycopene lowers the risk of prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer, and cervical cancer. From article in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says the results of epidemiological studies, taking beta-carotene may reduce risk of heart problems. Beta carotene also stimulate the formation of molecular constituent elements of endurance, especially those working to combat cancer and arthritis.
b. Anthocyanins
These substances form red pigments, purple and blue fruits and vegetables, including red wine. Flavonoid substances, which in many food substances appear in the form of derivatives, anthocyanins, was allegedly able to help prevent stroke and inhibits tumor growth.
- Although both eaten in a fresh condition, tomatoes cooked in oil can improve absorption of lycopene into the body
- Strawberry is rich in antioxidants also contain up elegat, which may help prevent esophageal and colon tumors.

3. Vegetables and fruits are purple => purple eggplant, purple cabbage, purple sweet potato, purple peppers, onion, pomegranate, blueberries and blackberries, purple grapes, jamblang (juwet), passion fruit fields, plum, plum
a. Quercetin
Most numerous in the skin of apples and onions. This phytochemical substances rich in antioxidant elements, antihistamines, and antiradanng. Qeercetin able to prevent cancer, especially prostate cancer. It also relieve symptoms of allergies and asthma, also can relieve pain due to arthritis. It also can reduce symptoms of fatigue, depression and anxiety.
b. Ellagic Acid
In 2008, a study conducted on 19 patients with narrowing of the arteries (carotid artery stenosis). After they regularly drank pomegranate juice (rich in ellagic acid), decreased their blood pressure and arterial wall thickening is not anymore. Previous studies (2005) showed ellagic acid inhibits the negative effects of chemotherapy is called neutropenia (white blood cell count decline)
c. Resveratrol
Many substances that are found in purple grape skins, may help the body fight fungal infections, and recover from stress, injury and exposure to hot sun. A number of studies also show, resveratol can be used to prevent cancer and heart problems

4. Orange colored fruits and vegetables and yellow => carrot, pumpkin, orange melon (cantaloupe), sweet potatoes and red fruits (both fleshy orange), mango, apricot, corn, oranges, lemons, limes, pineapple, banana, kunit
a. Beta Carotene and Alpha Carotene
Our body can convert alpha-and beta-carotene into vitamin A. This vitamin is to maintain healthy skin, bones, eyesight also immunity
b. Beta-cryptoxanthin
So far, the beta cryptoxhantin, slah a yellow pigment (xanthophylls) are compounds that are believed to have potent antioxidant power and prevent lung cancer
c. Hesperidin
This substance is believed to play an important role in maintaining healthy blood vessels. Also to expel the bad cholesterol and maintain blood pressure remains normal, even inhibit bone loss. It also has anti-inflammatory and increase blood flow in brain
d. Phytochelatins
Which, among other substances found in sweet potatoes is effectively helps the body bind to heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and copper, and then throw it out the body
In addition to the above four groups of substances with the colors of fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins C, manganese substance (collagen formation), potassium (to prevent ulcers and diarrhea recover. Many found in bananas) and antibacterial (in turmeric). Eating vegetables and body in this color group will be better when cooked so that carotene is more readily absorbed. But do not be cooked in high temperatures.

5. Vegetables and fruits are white => Garlic, BAWAG white onions, leeks, cauliflower, cabbage, white mushrooms, ginger, soy (including soy and tempeh), bengkoang, bananas, radishes
a. Isothiocyanate
Same with green fruits and vegetables, isothiocyanates are also found in cabbage. This substance proved to contain benefits rid of cancer cells, particularly lung cancer
b. Isoflavones
There are myriad benefits to the many substances found in soy. Started to help improve bone health, lower the risk of cancer and heart disease, to help protect prostate health and help the health of female reproductive organs. Touge for example, contains a natural astrogen to help increase bone kapadatan, prevent menstrual pain, until the disruption caused by menopause
c. Organosulfur
This element of magic phytochemicals, which thankfully there is lots of garlic and onions. These substances help to lower glucose darh efficacious, so that could be used to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol as well as detoxification in the body
Seeds that germinated soybeans can increase levels of saponin substances, substances that flush bad cholesterol without eroding the good cholesterol. Saponin also arouse the immune system
READ MORE - Type Cholesterol

Outer Ear

Receive sound waves and sent into a message to the brain.
specific receptors for hearing and balance (fonoreseptor). These receptors form of hair-shaped cells that have a function to receive the stimulus in the form of vibrations and converts them into the next sensory impulses are transmitted to the auditory center in the brain. Sound stimulation delivered to the brain
through the nerve connecting the ear and the brain (nerve vestibulokoklearis)

The ear consists of three parts:
1. Outer Ear
2. Middle ear
3. Inner ear

Outer Ear
Outer ear serves to capture the sound, Having parts:
a. Ear leaf (auricula) 1.5 cm in length.
b. Channels Outer Ear (external auditory Analyst) 2 cm in length. In this channel there are glands excrete sudorifera serumen, to protect the ear from the many impurities that enter the outer ear / effect on the insects that would go into the ear (because the smell was not pleasant). And keep the outer channel surface and the eardrum is not dry.
c. Tympanic membrane (ear drum) is a thin membrane that limits the external ear and inner ear.
READ MORE - Outer Ear

The composition of human skin

The composition of human skin
Human skin is composed of two layers, namely the epidermis and dermis. Epidermis and dermis can be bound to one another due to the ridge papilare dermis and epidermis.
The epidermis is the top layer of human skin and has a different thickness: 400-600 μm for a thick skin (the skin on the palms of the hands and feet) and 75-150 μm for thin skin (skin other than hands and feet, hair). In addition to epithelial cells, the epidermis is also composed of layers:
Melanocytes, the cells that produce melanin through the process of melanogenesis.
Langerhans cells, ie cells that are bone marrow derived macrophages, which stimulates T lymphocyte cells, binding, processing, and represents an antigen to T lymphocyte cells Thus, Langerhans cells play an important role in skin immunology.
Tues Merkel, the cells that function as mekanoreseptor sensory and related functions with diffuse neuroendocrine system.
Keratinocytes, which are layers of the outermost layer to innermost being as follows:
Stratum corneum, consists of 15-20 layers of flattened cells, without a nucleus with a cytoplasm filled with keratin.
Stratum lucidum, consisting of a thin layer of eosinophilic epidermal cells that are very flat, and dense cytoplasm terdri of keratin. Between cells are desmosom.
Granulosum stratum, composed of 3-5 layers of flattened polygonal cells containing granular cytoplasm keratohialin. In the granule cell membrane there is an issue lamella adhesive material between cells, acting as a selective filter against the entry of foreign materials, as well as providing a protective effect on the skin.
Spinosum stratum, composed of cells kuboid. Spinosum cells are held together with a filament, this filament has a function to maintain the cohesiveness (adhesiveness) between cells and fight the effects of abrasion. Thus, this spinosum cells numerous in areas that potentially have such friction soles.
Stratum Basal / Germinativum, a bottom layer of the epidermis, consists of a layer of cells kuboid. In the stratum basal mitotic activity occurs, so that this stratum is responsible for the renewal process of epidermal cells on an ongoing basis.
Dermis, the layer of skin below the epidermis, has a thickness that varies depending on the area of ​​the body and reaches a maximum of 4 mm in the back. Dermis is composed of two layers with no real limits, namely the stratum papilare and reticular stratum.
Papilare stratum, which is the main part of the dermal papilla, composed of loose connective tissue. In this stratum was found fibroblasts, mast cells, macrophages, and leukocytes out of the vessels (extravasation).
Retikulare stratum, which is thicker than the stratum papilare and composed of irregular dense connective tissue (mainly collagen type I)

In addition to the above second stratum, the dermis also contains several epidermal derivatives, namely hair follicles, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands
Hair, is a long berkeratin structures derived from epithelial invaginasi epidermis, the hair follicle. On the widening of the terminal follicles have shaped bumps on a papillary dermis. Dermal papilla contains a capillary and covered by cells that will form the hair cortex, hair cuticle, and hair root sheath.
Sweat glands, which consists of merokrin sweat glands and apocrine sweat glands
Merokrin sweat glands, in the form sipleks coiled tubular glands with the channel empties into the surface of the skin. The line is branched and has a diameter smaller than 0.4 mm of their secretions. There are two kinds of cells that surround the secretory mioepitel, the dark cells containing secretory granules and light cells that do not contain secretory granules.
Apocrine sweat glands, has a larger size (3-5 mm) of sweat glands merokrin. These glands are set in the dermis and hypodermis, and duktus empties into the hair follicle. There is in the armpit and anus.
Sebaceous gland, which is a gland holokrin, immersed in the dermis with the amount varying from one hundred to nine hundred per square centimeter. Secretions of the sebaceous glands are sebum, which is composed of a mixture of lipids include triglycerides, wax, squalene, and cholesterol and its esters.

At the bottom of the dermis, there is a loose connective tissue called the subcutaneous tissue containing fat cells that vary. This network is also called superficial fascia, or panikulus adiposus. This network contains a rich fabric of blood vessels and lymph vessels. Arteries that have formed two plexus, one of the stratum papilare and retikulare, another one between the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The branches of the plexus is bloody papillae dermis. While venous plexus form three, two are located such as arteries, one in the mid-dermis. The lymph vessels have the same location with the arteries.

To support the skin function as a recipient of the stimulus, then there are many nerve endings, including the epidermis, hair follicles, cutaneous glands, dermis and subcutaneous tissue, and dermal papilla. These nerve endings responsive to stimuli such as palpation, pressure, tactile sensation, temperature high / low, pain, itching, and other sensations. These nerve endings include tip Ruffini, Vaterpacini, Meissner, and Krause.

Also leather is another derivative of the nail. Nails are plates have keratinepithelial cells on the dorsal surface of each distal phalanx. Nail plate lies in the stratum corneum, while the base of the nail lies in the basal and stratum spinosum.
READ MORE - The composition of human skin

Hepatitis B virus interfere with liver function

Hepatitis B is a liver disease caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV), a member Hepadnavirus which can cause acute or chronic inflammation of the liver are in a minority of cases may progress to liver or liver cancer sirosi. Treatment of hepatitis B progressively developed by the various State and became one of the World Health Organization's attention.

The cause of hepatitis was not merely a virus. Drug toxicity, and exposure to various chemicals such as carbon tetrachloride, chlorpromazine, chloroform, arsenic, phosphorus, and other substances used as medicine in the modern industry, can also cause hepatitis. These chemicals may be ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin of the patient. Neutralize toxins circulating in the blood is the work of the heart. If a lot of toxic chemicals that enter the body, the liver can be damaged so that it can no longer neutralize the other toxins.

Hepatitis B virus interfere with liver function and activate the immune system, which produces a specific reaction to combat the virus. As a consequence of pathological damage, the liver becomes inflamed. A small percentage of infected people can not get rid of the virus and become chronic infections. If there are people who are undergoing treatment of hepatitis B in these circumstances, should be wary because these people are at high risk of death from liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Prevent transmission of hepatitis B virus

Hepatitis B virus is transmitted through contact with blood or body fluids from an infected person - the same way as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, HBV virus is 50 to 100 times more infectious than HIV.

The main way of transmission of infection with HBV are:

Perinatal (from mother to baby at birth)
Transmission of the virus
Injections and transfusions
Sexual contact.
Around the world, most infections occur from mother to baby, and from reuse of unsterilized needles and syringes. How to protect yourself against hepatitis B diiri with vaccination. Hepatitis B vaccine has a record of safety and efficacy, and since 1982, more than one billion doses have been used around the world. The vaccine is 95% effective in preventing chronic infections from developing. Protection lasts for 20 years at least, the booster is not recommended by WHO. It is recommended as prevention for those at risk and the treatment of hepatitis B for those who have been infected.
READ MORE - Hepatitis B virus interfere with liver function

Tea Leaf-Soursop Fruit

Benefits: Tea Leaf-Soursop Fruit Soursop plant is one type of fruit that can be growing in the yard and in the fields to a height where approximately 1000 m above sea level. Soursop also has great benefits for human life, ie as the nutritional requirements of fruit and is a material traditional medicines that have multi properties. In the food industry, soursop can processed into jams and fruit juices, syrups and soursop lunkhead. Nutrient content of soursop fruit is as follows: Soursop fruit consists of 67.5 percent meat, 20 percent of the fruit skin, fruit seeds 8.5 percent and 4 percent of the core pieces. After water, the highest content of nutrients in the soursop is carbohydrates. One type of carbohydrate on the soursop fruit is a reducing sugar (glucose and fructose) with levels of 81.9 to 93.6 percent of the total sugar content. Soursop fruit contains very little fat (0.3 g/100 g), so it is good for health. Sour taste in soursop derived from non-volatile organic acids, mainly malic acid, citric acid, and acid isositrat. Vitamins are the most dominant in soursop fruit is vitamin C, which is about 20 mg per 100 grams of meat. Requirement of vitamin C per person per day (ie 60 mg), was able to be met only by consuming 300 grams of meat soursop fruit. The content of vitamin C is high enough on the soursop is an excellent antioxidant to boost the immune system and slow the aging process (stay young). The minerals are dominant enough phosphorus and calcium, respectively by 27 and 14 mg/100 g. Both minerals are essential for the formation of bone, making it useful to build strong bones and prevent osteoporosis. In addition to nutritional components, soursop fruit is also very rich in non-nutritional components. One of them is a lot of fiber-containing foods (dietary fiber), which reached 3.3 g / 100 g of fruit flesh. Consumption of 100 g of fruit flesh can meet 13 percent of dietary fiber a day. Soursop fruit is a fruit that is rich in phytochemicals, compounds, so as to ensure that the fruit is very much beneficial for health. Phytochemical compounds are likely to have health giving properties, although not all scientifically proven. Range of benefits such as soursop therapy treatment for gallstones, antisembelit, uric acid, and increased appetite. In addition, the fiber content also serves to facilitate digestion, especially for the treatment of constipation (a bowel obstruction). Juice (juice) of soursop in the digestive system Other names: Soursop (UK), corossol or Anone (France), Zuurzak (Netherlands) guanabana (Spanish), graviola (Portuguese), Brazilian Paw Paw, Corossolier, Guanavana, Toge-Banreisi, Bengal Durian, Jackfruit Blanda, and Jackfruit Londa . Some researchers at the Health Sciences Institute recognizes if soursop fruit anti-tumor effect / cancer is very strong, and medically proven to cure all types of cancer. Qorya Clothing provides: Soursop Leaf Tea Bags Packing Box contents 2 @ Box contents: 25 soursop leaf tea bags Weight content of soursop leaf tea bags 2 grams
READ MORE - Tea Leaf-Soursop Fruit

Friday, May 4, 2012


Cancer, in general, can be a dead end for many people. Treatment can sometimes cause more damage. But with further study, early detection of cancer has become more accurate. By using this tool, some types of cancer can now be cured. However, most types of cancer are still beyond the reach of science. Pancreatic cancer is one of those that remain elusive with modern medicine. Treatment for pancreatic cancer remain the same. Shoot where the most important and pray to God that it works. If you intend to prolong your life in the hope that healing will come soon, you can choose your pancreatic cancer treatment using the pointer.
1. as much as possible about it Learn. You will not make the drugs themselves, if that's what you think. Educate yourself about your illness does not just help you make the right choice, will also help you cope better. If you are overwhelmed by the fact that your clock is up, know what you have will help you solve or focus on treatments that could be available to you. The reason why self-education is the first idea that you should learn is due to the fact that you can not act on something you do not know. By learning your illness, you may be able to meet with people who can steer you in the right direction. You will also learn to see signs that might require you to ask for help ASAP. It is also important to know the current stage of your cancer.2. Choose the treatment that you can afford. At this point, you must have read or heard about most of the procedures used to try to cure pancreatic cancer. Most of them will be expensive even if they may not actually cure you. surgical intervention, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and palliative care are some examples. Other methods may not cost a penny, such as clinical trials. Currently, no treatment is ever function alone. If you can afford surgery and chemotherapy, then do it. Some patients, regardless of how promising the possibility of them, chose not to have something done to them for the sake of their families. Inpatient, so expensive, has become the choice is worse than death. With this situation, the definition of the word "capable" changed from a financial perspective becomes more emotional value.3. Are you still physically fit? Besides ill with cancer, you're still on your main? Asking yourself this will help you decide whether you have to go through the blade. Physically demanding operations. Too old or too young people can not stand a chance. If you have other health conditions, radiation or chemotherapy may you more harm than benefit you.4. Work with your oncologist. An oncologist is a physician specialized in cancer cases. Note that he specializes in cases of cancer and not just the disease. This doctor can help you find ways to reduce your pain and the pain your family. Listen carefully. They are the experts so they have advice but the final decision must come from you, which means that you must understand what they say.
Humans do not have a cure for cancer but miracles can happen. If miracles happen, it would be good to make the right choice so you can experience it as it happens.Incoming search terms:

how to heal the pancreas
how to treat pancreatic
how to cure pancreatic cancer
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how to treat pancreatic
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how to treat pancreatic cancer
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READ MORE - Cancer

Benefits of Aloe Vera for Health

Benefits of Aloe Vera for Health Aloe vera. Plant this one has been known since Roman times, once it has been said frequently used by Queen Cleopatra to keep the beauty of the face, and soften the skin of his body. Apparently, in addition to aloe vera is also useful as a hair treatment. A medicinal plant that contains a variety of benefits for beauty treatments, especially for women and also can we consume the various food products such as variants of nata de coco, lunkhead, and so forth. Aloe vera has the amino acid, amino acids, enzymes, minerals, polysaccharides, vitamins, and other ingredients that are beneficial to health. Here are some benefits of taking aloe vera: Treat hemorrhoid, do take half the stem leaf aloe vera that has been washed clean and remove thorns. Treating Strep Throat, how to grab a piece of aloe vera leaves are washed and peeled. Treat diabetes mellitus, do laundry two aloe leaf stems discarded needles and cut into pieces and boiled in three cups of water. Lowering blood sugar levels, how to take the midrib of the aloe vera that is approximately the size of your palm, then peel and clean the skin and spines. Treat constipation, how to wash and peel half a stalk of aloe vera. Cut into small pieces and pour half a glass of water use. Add a tablespoon of honey and drink while warm twice a day. As a hair fertilizer, how to take aloe vera leaf midrib, wash and peel. Apply the contents of peeling on the hair that has been washed at night and wrap with a cloth. Rinse the next day. Do it for three months every day.
READ MORE - Benefits of Aloe Vera for Health