Friday, October 28, 2011


In the body, in addition to blood vessels also contained lymph vessels. These vessels transport the fluid from the tissues to the blood. Moreover, it also transports fat and foreign materials for an overhaul to the lymph nodes. Lymph vessels empty into the various tissues and the circulation, including circulation open. In the body there are two large lymph vessels as follows.

1. Ductus Limfaticus Dexter (Right Lymph Vessels)

These lymph vessels carry lymph from the head, right chest and right arm. Right lymph vessels lead to the veins below the subclavian vein dextra (the vein that passes through the right collarbone).

2. Ductus Thoracicus (Breast Lymph Vessels)

These vessels carry lymph from other parts of the body and empties into the veins below the subclavian vein sinestra (the vein that passes through the left collarbone). Chest lymph vessels is also a place empty kil vessels or vessels of fat, ie vessels which collect fatty acids are absorbed from the intestine. Fat is what causes lymph fluid whitish yellow.

Derived from lymph fluid throughout the body. This allows the nodes contained in the germs. The germs of this disease need to be filtered by the lymph vessels. This process is carried out by the lymph nodes. So, if there are germs in a wound, then the germs will be destroyed before it gets into the blood circulation.

In the human body there are several glands of the body as follows.
1. Lymph glands in the folding elbows, armpits, groin, knees, and neck.
2. Lymph glands in the intestinal mucous membrane.
3. Follicular glands at the base of the tongue.
4. Tonsils.
5. Adenoids in the pharynx wall.

Lymph circulation system also has several important functions in the body of them as follows.

1. Taking excess fluid in the tissue and send it to the blood.
2. Absorb fat and lactic acid in the small intestine and transport them to the blood.
3. Help defend the body from disease is to fight germs that come in, filter out toxins produced by these germs, as well as forming antibodies.

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