Thursday, October 27, 2011

Heal Prevent Diseases With Massage Nutritional Anemia

Heal Prevent Diseases With Massage Nutritional Anemia

In order for humans to have good physical working capacity, it must be supported by good nutrition state level as well. Good nutritional state level will support the work of an efficient and optimal. Conversely, if the state of nutrition is not good then it will lower the body resistance to infectious diseases and low labor productivity.

In other words, a state of malnutrition in both children and adults can cause frequent disease. One cause of malnutrition is low protein content in the blood cell / anemia.

Anemia is one of the malnourished state with the state of hemoglobin (Hb) in the blood is lower than normal. People who have a low Hb, physically not yet show symptoms of anemia and is still visible in a relatively healthy state. However, the lower the Hb, indicating more severe anemia suffered by the state and also the ability of the lower leg-work.

If you suffer from anemia, then when standing after squatting or sitting will feel giddy and dizzy vision, the body often feels lethargic and weak physically, quickly tired if working, are not capable of working hard, often sleepy though not the time to sleep, eyelids and skin face looked pale, when worked hard to concentrate.

There are several factors that can cause a person suffering from anemia, namely:
Shortage of blood due to bleeding, such as accidents or bleed too much during childbirth.
Red blood cell destruction occurs in the body.
Production of red blood cells in the body that do not meet the need.
Shortage of materials forming red blood cells one of which is iron.
Failure of bone marrow function.

Anemia may occur due to bone marrow function to replace the old red blood cells into a new disorder. Supplies of nutrients in the body is strongly influenced by the food consumed daily. When the supply of nutrients needed by the body does not fit / foods do not contain adequate nutrition, there will be disruption in the manufacture of new red blood cells, which can cause anemia and lethargy work. Anemia are caused by nutritional deficiencies commonly called anemia.

Generally, anemia may occur because a person's nutritional iron deficiency that is useful in the formation of red blood cells. One of the important elements in the blood is Hb, and Hb core is iron, so that if the iron requirement is less fulfilled then the blood will not be able to carry oxygen throughout the body to the maximum, so it can not produce power / energy.

Low iron stores in the body has close links with sufficient / least amount of food consumed each day. Iron is found in many foodstuffs such as beef, chicken, eggs, fish, wheat flour, green vegetables, nuts, fruits, and many found in beef liver / chicken.

The occurrence of anemia can be prevented by attention to the composition of daily food menu. As for tips in the prevention of nutritional anemia, namely:
Eat vegetables and fresh fruits that contain lots of vitamin c which is a complement to rice and side dishes.
In order to consume adequate nutritional needs of rice and side dishes are enough. If you do not like vegetables or fruits not guarantee his body will be healthy and fulfilled the needed nutrients.
Eat foods that contain iron which is useful for the formation of new red blood cells and blood launched in carrying oxygen throughout the body. Raw foods contain iron such as beef, chicken, eggs, fish, wheat flour, green vegetables, nuts, fruits, beef liver / chicken
A balanced diet such as rice, side dishes, vegetables and fresh fruit should be equipped with at least a glass of milk to maintain good health and increase productivity.

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