Monday, October 24, 2011

chest cavity


LIMITED piston cavity by the rib-cage on the back of a united and in front of the vertebra thorakalis sternum.iga 8.9.10. attached to the costa v11. rib to 11dan12, floating in the muscles. chest wall consists of vertebrae thoracalis 1 s / d 12, 12 costa sternum, costa cartilago and muscle.

The chest cavity which has two entrances;
above the entrance / arpertura toracalis superior;
LATERAR; cartilago costa and 1
Anterior; manubrium sterni
posterior; Corpus vertebrae thorakal 1
entrance down / Apertura toracalis inferior
anterior; cartilago costa v11-x and xiphisternalis joint
Posterior; vertebra VTH-v11 and costa. covered by a fibromuscular structure known as the diaphragm

Chest cavity is divided into kompartimen
right is hemithoraks artery
the left is the left hemithoraks
the middle is the media stinum

costa distinguished his attachment to the sternum is divided into three
vera costa; costa 1 ~ 7 attached directly to the sternum
costa spuria; 8 ~ 10
fluktuates costa; costa 11 ~ 12 is not attached to the sternum

extrinsik muscles of the chest wall consists of
M.pektoralis major and minor (supericial)
M.seratus anterior
M.latissimus dorsi
M.rhombodius major and minor

intrinsic muscles consist of;
M.intercostalis internus
M.intercostalis externus all in innervation by N.intercostalis except M.pektoralis major and minor.Vaskularisasi by R.intercostalis posteror a.intercostalis superior and aortic branches thoracalis

wall in the wall covered by the pleura thorks parietal pleura where it continues to cover the lung as the pleural viselaris. pleural folding occurs in pulmonary hilum and placed under the hilum occurred duplicator pleural pantietal known as the pulmonary ligament.

This condition is important for example in cases of pneumothorax lungs will shrink towards the hilum and pulmonary ligament, while in the case of lung hematotoraks smaller only because the blood tends to bottom, gather under the direction gravisitasi.
fracture of ribs 1 ~ 3 possible major vascular injury
4 ~ 7 rib fracture injury likelihood of heart and lung
fractures of ribs 8 ~ 12 chance of injury INTA abdominal organs

Chest wall is composed of cutis, subcutis, mammary gland (in women) fascia, muscles and parietal pleura. m.pectoralis chest muscle consists of major, minor m.pectoralis, m.intercostalis externa, costa, m.intercostalis internus, m.intercostalis intima and m.tranversus thoracalis

anatomy of the lungs

Pulmonary artery carrying venous darak of the right ventricle continued to follow bronchia itself as the pulmonary capillary alveoli.vena ranging from lung capillaries carry blood to the left ventricle containing O2 throughout the body

Bronchialis artery is a branch of a direct branch of aorta lung consists of five lobes;
the right lung three lobes comprising 10 segments
superior lobe: apical segment, anterior, posterior
anterior lobe
lobe inferir
the left lung lobe 2 consists of 8 segments
superior lobe; apicoposterior segment, anterior, linguilarissup and inf
inferir lobe; anteromedis superior basal segment, laterobasal

respiratory physiology

air outside the body can enter the body if the pressure of the lungs at a pressure less than atmospheric pressure in the lungs may be smaller if a large lung volume, the volume scale is caused by enlargement of the chest cavity. enlargement of the chest cavity due to two factors namely thoracal and thoracal abdominal zoom factor and the transverse direction due to work anterosposterior interesting m.intercostal abdominal ribs and above factors increase the vertical direction through the work diaragma, where the inspiration the diaphragm will be pulled towards the chest cavity of the abdomen thereby expanding the vertical direction

when the expiratory intercostal muscles and will diaragma relaxation so that the volume will return to normal, so the pressure of the lung will be higher than atmosphere so that air will come out.

inspiras and expiration = 1:2 +1 time normal inspiration and expiration seconds + 2 seconds so that the total time repirasi 3 seconds so that the normal respiratory frequency more than 20 times per minute

after the air out of trachea.bronchus principalis, then end at the alveoli, the alveolar CO2 will diffuse from the capillaries into the alveoli. lung capillaries get blood from a.pulmonalis that contain lots of CO2 (venos blood) and blood flow containing O2 through V. pulmonary O2 the body needs every minute of 250 cc and in adults it takes 4.3 l / min flow-alveolar a alveolar ventilation. in order to transport O2 to the tissues affected arterial blood hb hb 1gram cc 1:34 maximal binding on the state of O2 so O2 annemi tranport will be disturbed

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