Thursday, October 27, 2011

Keloid disease and treatment

Keloid disease and treatment
Keloid is a disease that is not familiar among the public. Keloid is a disease difficult to cure, but this is all the will of God we are only trying. Nothing wrong if we sought to cure it. Keloid healing there are several ways, all of the way we do it only as an intermediary. Virtually all of it's healing was a god.

To be safer just use keloid treatment with herbs. Let's go back to nature, healthy living with herbal. Look left-right around us, we do not realize that all around us can also be used as an intermediary as a cure for a disease that you suffer. With herb has a small risk compared to chemical drugs. Medicinal chemistry is a fast way to heal, but if it will consume more high risk. Moderate herbal healing ways with long periods of time, but recovered with the natural no risk. Cuman if using herbal treatment should be patient and painstaking in doing insaallah will be cured. We can only strive and pray, only God disposes.

charcoal people concerned that the reaction occurs inside the burning of wood chemistry and physics. Through a process of chemical reactions and physical (heat), water in fuel wood is pushed out into the bottom of the timber because the top wood burning experience. In the Balinese language of water is called "Yeh Saang Fire" (water fuel wood).

Bali has been known for generations that firewood water efficacious to remove the scar scarring (keloids), a thickened meat covering the wound. Based on experience, the producers tried to smoke water extract of medicinal plants for treatment of scar scar.

Dizaman modern, where the material is very rarely used firewood, firewood water course very hard to come by. Through the process of condensation (changing smoke into the water, through a cooling process), smoke and steam from medicinal plants managed to take water and named Banyu Kuntho.

Banyu Kuntho smoke water is a medicinal plant that was developed by Mr. Oles condensation technology with the traditional.


Ingredients: Water smoke medicinal herbs, plant extracts dissolved in water and heat from chemical reactions.

Purpose: Eliminate inshallah scar scarring (keloids).

Usage: dioles 3-4 times a day, more and more frequent greasing the faster the results. Within a month 2-4 months keloid will shrink or disappear altogether. Depending on the size of keloids.

Besides following the above manner there are some insights about keloids:
Lumps on the skin, known as keloids of interest may be up to our skin, especially when there is injury, either exposed knife strokes, burns, boils or acne marks. Keloid attached to the skin often looks awful in the eyes of people. Keloid may result in reduced skin aesthetics, especially when these occur in the keloid is not expected to place the face. For women, their beauty would be very disturbed.

What is it keloid? Keloid is a solid lump in the skin which is a proliferative growth (multiplication) of fibrous tissue (connective tissue on the skin) after wound healing. True keloid is a benign tumor on the skin but not keloid invite danger to life. Keloid is more than 1 we refer to as keloidosis.

In a wound, the catabolism and anabolism achieve a balance of about 6-8 weeks after surgery. In normal circumstances, injuries occurring on the skin will make the skin cells and connective tissue (fibroblasts) begin multiplying to repair the damage. In the case of keloid, there is an imbalance between formation and destruction (degradation) of collagen. Although the wound was closed, growth continues to occur, resulting in excessive accumulation of fibroblasts and then bulging out the skin's surface which eventually form a lump of scar tissue.

Factors cause keloid is still not known with certainty, but thought to be caused by inflammation. Several factors can cause keloids include:

Genetic and race: Keloid associated with HLA-B14, HLA-B21, HLA-BW16, HLA-BW35, HLA-DR5, HLA-DQW3, and blood group A. Keloids are more common in blacks than whites in the west. More African descent suffer from keloids than white people. So also with Malaysia. Most of the people of India have keloid-prone skin, the second is the Malay race, and the third is the Chinese nation.
Age: keloid usually appears in children and young adults (10-30 years). Men and women do not have a difference in having a keloid.
The type and location of trauma: keloids are more common in long-standing inflammation and heal the skin in areas with high strain, for example: chest, shoulders, neck, head and legs.
Vaccination: Usually BCG vaccination will cause scars.

Symptoms and signs of keloids: is the presence of reddish dome-shaped lump, hard, irregular, bounded clear, prominent, pigmentation, size is much larger than the wound itself, its widening and rising with the visible presence of teleangiectasis. At this early stage the lump feels rubbery, itchy, and painful to the touch but eventually hardened lumps and does not feel anything. The development of keloid is usually rapid, approximately in the monthly period.

On physical examination needs to know history of the lesion, lesion characteristics, as well as the frequency of lesion sites. In keloid actually do not need to perform laboratory tests such as blood tests because it will only add to the cost of inspection, but enough to do a biopsy only.

These locations include the emergence of keloid on the cheek, ears, neck, and tends in the upper chest and shoulders.

Therapy given for keloids include:
Intralesional corticosteroid injection: The form of the injection at the location of keloids. Generally, the injection should be repeated so often patients complain of discomfort.
Operation: In operation, it is difficult to conduct a thorough removal of keloids. Less suitable for operation done because by making a new incision it will cause more new keloids.
Surgery freezing (Cryosurgery): Using liquid nitrogen. This technique is generally preferred because they cause less pain. But this technique can only be applied to the keloid is small in size.
Skapel Surgery: It is a lightweight operating keloid retrieval using knives and specialty yarns. Prognosis in keloid which is only treated with surgery alone usually can skapel recurrence (> 50%). Usually these techniques will be combined with other techniques.
Laser: This is a method that many do because it does not damage surrounding tissue. The duration of treatment depends on the size of keloids. Post treatment laser therapy should be careful, for example should not be exposed to water, change the bandage must be clean to prevent infection.
Smearing cream
To reduce redness and relieve pain and itching.
Compression: Use plaster containing polyurethane hydroactive effective disguise keloid. This therapy is only done for 12 hours a day in a row for 8 weeks.

In addition to following the above methods is no way with the herbal treatment:

Wounds that are relatively in such scar, puncture wounds, burns, gunshot wounds and even a tattoo or piercing wounds can cause keloids. To eliminate the following ingredients can be tried:

1 tablespoon sour kawak
1 tsp whiting
Mix both ingredients until blended.
Then apply on the keloid twice a day until healed.


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