Thursday, June 2, 2011

Not all women have a uterus

Not all women have a uterus, but some are having second womb, of course it is one woman's uterus disorders. Often a lot of complaints arising in connection with the uterus. For example, menstruation did not come, pain during intercourse, there was a lot of bleeding during and outside the menstrual period as well as various other complaints. There are many other abnormalities woman's uterus.

As we know, the uterus is useful to the process of reproduction, both in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and childbirth. In the circumstances do not pregnant, the uterus is located in the small pelvic cavity between the bladder and rectum. Estimated as a pear shape. During pregnancy, the womb as a place to accommodate the conceptus or the meeting of sperm and ovum. Just as incubators that make the fetus to be great.

Further explained Billy, the uterus muscles is actually a structure that is strong enough. The uterus consists of 3 parts, namely the corpus uteri (uterine body) is triangular, cervix uteri (cervical), a cylindrical, and the uterine cavity (uterine cavity). "During pregnancy, the body that serves as base uterus fetus to grow and develop."

Congenital abnormalities
Also called congenital abnormalities or congenital abnormalities at birth, due to processes that occur while still a fetus in the womb. "So, the formation of the uterus derived from imperfectly lasts Mullery duct and become involved in the formation of uterine disorders," said Billy.

But Mom, do not worry because this disorder is not dangerous so no need to act like the removal of the uterus all. However, inevitably have to form her uterus surgically repaired. If not, can cause infertility problems, in addition to interfere with pregnancy and childbirth such as miscarriage or premature birth.

Unfortunately, this is rather difficult to detect abnormalities at an early stage because there has been since birth. New to suspected or known if any menstrual disorder, menstruation does not appear, have long had no children, premarital examination, or by antenatal ultrasound.

The category of disorders that include, among others:

There was no uterus.
"It should be every woman has a uterus," says Billy. But in reality, there are also women who do not have a uterus. This happens because the uterus does not grow (agenesis), in addition there may also be caused by chromosomal abnormalities.

One of the characteristics of women who do not have a uterus is not having periods. But that does not mean that not menstruating woman must not have a uterus, lo. "It could have happened because she had no vagina intercourse or any female hormonal disorders," said Billy.

Of course, women who had no uterus so not having periods and subsequently could not have kids. Unfortunately, no action can be done to fix it. To be sure, this type of disorder will not endanger the woman's life because of its effect on the body is not so visible.

Rahim little or no growth.
Abnormalities of the uterus of this type lies in its small size, less than 5 cm. Usually caused by hormonal disorders, namely the lack of female hormones. "So, not her ovaries produce female hormones like estrogen and progesterone, so the uterus so it does not develop," explained Billy.

This disorder usually encountered during puberty baliq, but only be known after the examination. The symptoms are similar to the symptoms do not have a uterus, which does not appear menstruation. Or, "can also experience menstruation, but very little. For example, only a day and just spots."

Treatment is the provision of hormonal therapy for the uterus to grow at a normal size about 7 inches and will grow to be a fetus in the pregnancy. Of course, if no treatment, the woman is difficult to conceive.

Having two uterus.
In these types of disorders of a woman's womb has two separate bodies to each other, two cervix and two vaginal canal or vagina intercourse. This disorder occurs because the process of unification of her womb is not perfect. However, symptoms or complaints is not known, except if the woman is married. "She and her partner will experience a disruption in penetration during the sexual intercourse because there is partition in the womb," said Billy. If the septum is not removed there will be infertility.

However, it is still possible to get pregnant, "depending on the channel where the sperm entry and uterus that will function into the fetus, while the other uterus will remain empty." In this disorder, nidasi process (attachment of the meeting of sperm and egg cells in the uterus) is not interrupted when endometrium normal circumstances.

If pregnancy occurs in one womb, the birth process can go on as usual. "But, even then depending on the big baby and if no other indications such as fetal distress, deliveries do not forward, and so on. If any such indication is then performed seksiosesaria action," explained Billy.

How to cope with these disorders by repairing is bulkhead surgically, using equipment hysteroscopy. After surgery, usually the uterus will function normally. However, said Gatot, complications can occur during operation, ie no uterine perforation or tembusnya during surgery. "But if the surgery is an experienced physician, these complications are rare."

Two other uterine abnormalities with the uterus is bokornis bikolis or state with two uterine cervix and two but one hole intercourse. Thus, this disorder will not bother nidasi process and delivery.

Heart-shaped uterus
Rahim any, lo, a heart-shaped, that is, if there is one cavity of the uterus and there is a prominent part in the womb so that disrupt the process nidasi products of conception. Thus, the woman concerned will be difficult pregnancy and also disrupting the delivery process. To overcome this, part that stands out to have an operation. Abnormalities of the uterus is rarely encountered and sometimes difficult to detect.

Rahim insulated.
The disorder is called uterine subsepta and bersepta, the state of the uterus in which there is a separator. This disorder can disturb the process nidasi so that corrective action needs to be done surgically.

Uterine horns.
In this disorder, the uterus has two uterine horns also called bikornis unikolis. The uterus has a cervix and one vagina intercourse. This disorder can cause interference nidasi process, so it needs to be corrected.

Well, bright Gatot, in each of the above uterine disorders, symptoms are not specific and sometimes even complained of no symptoms at all.

LAY uterine disorders
The position or location of the uterus in women, explained Billy, actually not always the same. "This position also has an innate that can not be changed." The location of a normal uterus in the middle of the pelvic cavity and the top of the uterus leads to the front. So, when its direction was thus said to be the location of the abnormality. But not all of these disorders can lead to complaints or a disease or infertility.

Usually, this disorder is caused there is a push by the tumor mass, adhesions, or weak connective tissue and muscles of the uterus buffer. Thus, the uterus will be pushed to the right or left by the presence of adhesions or masses in the opposite impulse.

The disorder is usually not cause symptoms, although some are complaining of pain and pain when you perform certain movements. "This can occur when there is strain on the network that stick on the uterus. Infertility also can occur when adhesions cause the blockage of the oviduct."

Abnormalities associated with the location of the uterus include:

Hyperretrofleksi (where the womb to the back).
The reason is the encouragement, mobilization of the uterus are labile, or any attachment. If for adhesion, it is usually more due to the infection. "The disorder is more common in mothers who already had many children, or often give birth so that all tissue binding so soft and loose," said Billy.

Complaints are often color this disorder is difficult to urinate and defecate frequently if pain / aching. This is due to the mouth of the uterus pressing the urinary tract. In addition, at the time of copulation was going to hurt.

Obviously, in these disorders would be encountered obstacles, especially in the meeting of sperm and egg cells. "Sperm hard to get into the cavity of the uterus, causing infertility or difficulty conceiving." That is why, explained Billy, to the couples concerned are encouraged to copulate with how knee-chest position (nungging) or post-coital (after the husband-wife relationship).

When going over the first trimester of pregnancy, the uterus will be to the normal position, ie out of the pelvis and going upstairs because the baby is getting bigger, so could not have stayed in the pelvis. Of course, pregnancy occurs when there is no attachment. So, if there is adhesion of the uterus, the woman could not become pregnant because of obstacles in the meeting of sperm and egg cells. Therefore, laparoscopy should be done, which is releasing adhesion surgically.

Hanging stomach.
Actually, the light of Billy, the location of a growing uterus forward or like hanging is the norm, not the uterus is abnormal because of direction forward. But because the connective tissue abdominal muscles are loose and could not stop so when pregnant tend to be more in the future. That's why so often found in the uterus of mothers who already have children a lot.

But Mom, do not worry because this is not a problem. Only recommended to use octopus, girdle or belt a little tight stomach and firm to support the belly from below.

To note, the uterus forward, deliveries will be longer and the contractions are less good, so need to be accelerated, the addition of reinforcing substances contraction. "It takes at least seksiosesaria action, depending on size of baby and could at least pass through the pelvis," explained Billy.

Uterine prolapse (uterus protruding out or in the vagina).
This disorder occurs because of weakness of connective tissue in the pelvic area, especially the transverse connective tissue. For another, skilled delivery assistance that is not so meniran occurs when the opening is not complete, there was the birth injury can cause weakness of connective tissue supporting the vagina, and the mother of many children so that the connective tissue beneath the pelvis loose. Menopause can also cause a decline in the uterus because estrogen production is reduced so that the reduced elasticity of connective tissue and muscles shrink causing the weakening of support in the womb.

The symptoms are very individual. Complaints that often occur among others, the feeling there is a wedge or protruding objects in front of the vagina so it is very annoying when walking or working. Sometimes arise in the womb of a prominent injury is due to friction or other briefs in the occupied and from the wound can cause infection. Other symptoms, often resulting whitish because of the injury or because of blockage of blood vessels in the cervical area, and there were complaints of pain and soreness in the waist. Complaints of this pain will go away when the woman was lying.

"Usually, uterine prolapse rarely occur alone, but accompanied by a decrease in the vagina called sistokel front and rear vagina called retokel," explained Billy. Sistokel frequent urination cause symptoms that a little and often. Bladder felt full and hard emptied entirely, unable to hold urine when coughing or straining, sometimes there is difficulty urinating so enlarged bladder. While rektokel often causes bowel problems because of feces gathered in the living retokel.

To diagnose this type of cervical abnormality be done by the patient asked to squat while pushing so it would appear a lump in front of the vagina. But in fact, these disorders can be prevented, by the time of delivery or do stopped episiotomy and delivery assistance, eg by forceps or vacuum delivery so that any time soon.

While treatment with muscle exercises or pelvic floor surgery to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, so do not come out again.

"So, the uterus is mounted on and fastened with a network of muscles in the upper abdomen. The network was shortened muscles loose and be born into the uterus so the uterus does not go down again." Another way is to do action removal of the uterus from the vagina through surgery. The consequences certainly could not have children anymore. Another case when the strengthening of uterine surgery, probably still have children still can.

Inversio uterus (womb upside down).
This is due at time of birth while the retractable cord so that the uterine contractions has not happened yet flipped. Symptoms after delivery is very worrying. Patients become shock, severe pain, and bleeding. This incident can cause the patient died due to lack of blood.

Handling with repositioning be done immediately. So, when it is inserted again with anesthesia or general anesthesia so that the return to normal, then given a booster contraction in order to survive in the abdominal cavity. "If repositioning is not immediately done and severe symptoms will not occur inversio cause chronic.," Said Billy as he continued, "When too late, then bleeding complications is a lot that required surgery and removal of the uterus."

Prevention by making aid delivery, wait until the uterus to contract, and prevent anemia so that contraction of the uterus to be good. So, Mom, when experiencing a lot of complaints relating to the uterus, immediately consult a doctor to be addressed immediately.