Friday, October 28, 2011


PRIMARY FUNCTION lymphatic system
The lymphatic system has a function:
1. Collect excess fluid and protein from body fluids and return it to the blood
2. Transport of fatty tissue around the small intestine into the blood
3. Filtering and destroy microorganisms
4. Long-term protection against MO and other foreign objects

Structural components of the lymphatic system consists of:
1. Lymphatic capillaries that serves to collect excess interstitial fluid in tissues.
2. Lymphatic vessels function Bringing kappiler lymph from the lymphatic fluid into the veins in the neck that will be returned to the blood vessels.
3. Lymphatic node-There is along the lymphatic vessels that serve to filter out material from lymph before entering into a vein.
4. Tonsils serves to destroy foreign objects entering the upper respiratory and digestive systems.
5. The spleen serves to filter foreign objects from the blood, produces lymphocytes, stores red blood cells, releasing blood into the body in cases of severe blood loss.
6. Thymus gland; Forming antibodies in newborn infants, producing timosin, where differentiation of lymphocytes into T lymphocytes
Hydrostatic pressure of blood in the veins of the contraction of the ventricles causes the water and pushed out a small protein from the blood vessels and into the interstitial. This excess fluid can cause interstitial edema. Under normal circumstances the excess fluid in the interstitial will be entered into the lymphatic circulation and will be returned into the blood vessels. This fluid called lymph fluid.

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