Monday, October 24, 2011

anterior nares

The anterior nares are the channels in the nasal cavity. Channels that empties into a section known as the vestibule. Nasal cavity mucous membrane is coated as a very rich in blood vessels, and continued with a layer farinx and sinus mucous membranes that have a hole into the nasal cavity. Cavum septum nasi separating two rice. This structure consists of a thin bone and cartilage, often bent to one side or the other, and both sides coated with mucous membranes. Lateral wall of the cavum nasi formed by partial maxilla, Palatinus, and os. Sphenoidale. Smooth and curved bones attached to the lateral wall and protruding into the cavum nasi is: superior conchae, media, and inferior. The bones are covered by a mucous membrane.
Cavum nasi basis formed by the os os Palatinus Frontale and rice while the roof cavity is a narrow gap formed by the os and os sphenoidale Frontale. Olfactory mucous membrane, on the roof and the adjacent parts of the cavum nasi, contains specialized nerve cells that detect smell. From these cells the nerve fibers through the lamina cribriformis Frontale os and into the olfactory bulbus olfactory cranial nerve I.
Paranasalis sinus is a space in the skull through the hole into the cavity associated rice, sinus is lined by mucous membrane which is continuous with the cavum nasi. The hole that opens into the cavum nasi:
Sphenoidalis sinus, above the superior Concha
Sinus ethmoidalis, by some of the holes between the superior and Concha Concha media and between media and inferior
Frontal sinus, between the Concha and superior media
Ductus nasolacrimalis, below Concha inferior.
At the rear, opening into the cavum nasi through appertura Nasalis posterior nasopharynx.