Friday, October 28, 2011

Causes of Varicose veins

Disease are enlarged varicose veins. Veins carry blood to function, the rest of the metabolism of all body tissues and return to the heart. Varicose veins are very disturbing appearance because the color blue - tint which is located in the calf. Varicose veins can occur anywhere on the body, on legs, hands, esophagus, scrotum and vulva. This time we will discuss about the veins of the legs.

Causes of Varicose veins

The main causes of varicose veins is weak / damaged vein valves. In the veins there are valves - the valve that serves to hold to the blood does not go down / move backwards. With the valves in the veins causes the blood vessels will continue to flow toward the heart. The valves are damaged or weak will get the blood moving backwards causing blood to pool in and causing clots that interrupt blood flow known as varicose veins.

Risk Factors for Varicose veins

Varicose veins risk factors are factors that contribute to varicose veins or factors - factors that trigger varicose veins. Risk factors of varicose veins are:
Genetic factors / descent. Varicose veins that occur at a young age and no known cause of varicose veins is most likely caused by genetic or hereditary factors.
Pregnancy. Pregnancy causes weight gain that would burden the foot and venous blood vessels that lead to obstructed blood flow from the legs.
Age. The older age of the risk of suffering from varicose veins because the older the elasticity of blood vessels including veins decreases.
Sex. Women tend to suffer from varicose veins than men because of hormonal changes during pregnancy, or menopause premenstruation could be a factor causing varicose veins. Hormone replacement therapy and birth control pills can lead to varicose veins. Female hormones tend to weaken the vein walls.
Too long standing. Too long is too long standing causes leg weight-bearing load of the body that cause the veins to gain weight, consequently experienced venous dilation.
Wearing high heels too. Wearing high-heeled shoes with heel causes the muscles can not work optimally help the venous blood vessels.
Obesity. Excess weight will make the burden of venous blood vessels so that the higher the risk of suffering from varicose veins.

Symptoms and Signs Varicose

Symptoms and signs found on the varicose veins are:
Veins will stand out on the surface of the skin that are purple or dark blue usually looks like a shoelace, most often appears on the back of the calf. If you have chronic varicose veins then it would seem that resemble spider veins - (spider navy).
Varicose veins can also form in other places in the leg from the groin to the ankle. Symptoms - symptoms of varicose veins is perceived:
Sore and heavy feeling in legs
Burning, cramping, throbbing and swelling in lower legs
Increasing pain in the foot if you stand too long.
Sometimes - sometimes followed by wound around her ankles are difficult to heal.
Swollen legs due to venous blood vessels dam.
In varicose veins that have been chronic, on the back of the calf veins will look - bluish veins and winding - winding.

Complications of Varicose veins

Varicose veins rarely cause complications. The complications that can occur in varicose veins are:
Ulcers or ulcers. Ulcers or ulcers often occur, especially in the area near the ankles.
Blood clots. If varicose veins are getting bigger it will form a clot - a blood clot is called thrombophlebitis. The next leg will become swollen due to clots - blood clots that require medical treatment.

Drug Treatment and Varicose

For treatment and cure varicose veins, doctors can perform surgery (surgery), oral medication or injectable drugs that depend on the severity of varicose veins. Treatment of varicose veins are:
Wearing compression stockings. Compression stockings have a wide range of size and strength of suppression. Useful compression stockings to improve the swelling, nutritional exchange, and improve microcirculation in the feet which are varicose veins. Also useful to relieve discomfort caused by this disease. Wearing compression stockings should be strong but not necessarily tight. If by wearing compression stockings, varicose veins do not experience the healing then it should consider other treatments.
Sclerotherapy. In this procedure, doctors inject the drug into the varicose veins that will keep shrinking. Drugs commonly used are sklerosan groups such as polidocanol (POL) and sodium tetradecyl sulphate (STS). Sclerotherapy has been used to treat varicose veins for 150 years.
Surgical lasers. The doctor uses a new technology that is laser surgery to seal small varicose veins and varicose veins that resemble a spider's web.
Endovenous thermal ablation. Endovenous thermal ablation is a method of treating varicose veins are quite effective for short and long term but not all doctors can perform this technique because they have a course and have a fairly expensive equipment.
Vein stripping. Vein stripping is to remove some or all of varicose veins. This is an outpatient procedure for most people.
Ambulatory phlebectomy. The doctor will remove smaller varicose veins through a series of small puncture in the skin. Only part of your leg that pierced the numbness in this procedure and is generally minimal scarring that occurs.

Traditional Medicines - Herbal Varicose

Herbal remedies that can be used for varicose veins is an herb that works to improve and facilitate blood flow. Herbal remedies are onion, garlic, onions, ginger, gingko biloba and cayenne pepper. Herbal remedies can you eat when you eat directly such as onion, garlic and red pepper. Gingko biloba supplements you can buy at pharmacies and is available in capsule form. Ginkgo biloba supplements have side effects, namely the blood is too thin if it is consumed in the long run because it is before you eat Gingko biloba first consulting with your doctor and during the meal you should be diligent in Gingko biloba blood checks. As for onions, garlic and red chili has no side effects even at meals in the long run. Soy milk contains high lecithin and antioxidant flavonoids that are helpful to increase blood flow.

How to Prevent and Eliminate Varicose veins in the legs
If you are obese then you lose weight until you reach your ideal weight.
Expand food and beverages that contain high antioxidants such as green vegetables, apples, carrots and oranges. It is advisable to drink soy milk because it contains flavonoids that contain high antioxidant, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, magnesium, folic acid, calcium and zinc are very useful to prevent and aid recovery veins.
Do not stand too long. If your job required to stand up for long so try not to dwell but once - once you walk so that your muscles are not static (stationary) and once - once you sit down to rest.
Replacing high-heeled shoes with low-heeled shoes, if allowed to wear shoes without rights.
Avoid socks and stockings that are too tight.
Diligent exercise is exercise that uses the feet as a footstool such as brisk walking, jogging, biking and swimming at least 30 minutes / day.
At the time of sleeping, elevate your feet, higher than the position of the hip or your heart. Position feet higher than the heart will facilitate venous return of blood flow to the heart.
Finish the move or working, leg straightened (not bent) then you lie down, lift your feet about 20 cm higher than the position to the heart for 20 minutes. Hold your legs with pillows or anything to make you relax.
Reduce salt intake and high cholesterol-containing meal.
Consume high-fiber vegetables and fruits and foods that can stimulate blood circulation, such as onion, garlic, onions, ginger and red pepper. Also, foods rich in vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, magnesium, folic acid, calcium and zinc such as wheat and soy beans (soy milk).
Do not massage the area of ​​existing varicose veins, because it can cause broken veins. Apply lightly and gently massage the areas prone to have varicose veins lightly and regularly from the bottom up (toward the heart) using a balm or massage oil. The purpose of the massage on the feet that are prone to varicose veins to help the blood flow in the legs.

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