Friday, June 3, 2011

Pneumonia Disease

Pneumonia Disease

Pneumonia is an infectious disease or inflammation of the lungs caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites in which the pulmonary alveoli (alveoli) responsible for absorbing oxygen from the atmosphere become inflamed, and filled with fluid. Pneumonia can also be caused by chemical or physical irritation of the lungs or as a result of other diseases, such as lung cancer or too much alcohol. But the most frequent cause is assault bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae, or pneumococcus.

Pneumonia disease most often affects the elderly (seniors) and those with chronic disease as a result of damage to the immune system (immune), but pneumonia also can attack a lean, healthy young subjects. Currently the world's diseases Pneumonia was reported to have become the major diseases among children and is a serious disease that meragut lives of thousands and thousands of parents every year.

Pneumonia Disease Occurrence

How to viral or bacterial infection Pneumonia until now has not known for sure, but there are some things that allow a person at high risk of developing the disease pneumonia. These are:
1. People who have weak immune system, such as people with HIV / AIDS and people with chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes mellitus. Neither of them ever / regularly undergo kemoterapy (chemotherapy) and taking classes Immunosupressant in a long time, which they generally have immunity (immune) Weak.

2. Smokers and alcohol drinkers. Heavy smokers may experience irritation of the airways (bronchial), which ultimately led to secresi muccus (ripple / sputum), When the ripple / sputum containing bacteria then can cause pneumonia. Alcohol can adversely affect white blood cells, causing weakness of the immune system to fight an infection.

3. Patients who are in intensive care room (ICU / ICCU). Patients who performed the action ventilator (breathing aids) 'endotracheal tube' highly at risk for pneumonia. When they cough will issue a back pressure of gastric contents (stomach) to the esophagus, if it contains bacteria and migrate into the cavity breathing (ventilator), the potentially higher risk of pneumonia.

4. Inhaling polluted air pollution kemikal substances. High risk faced by farmers when they spray crops with kemikal substance (chemical) without wearing a mask is happening cause irritation and inflammation of the lungs which consequently suffer from pneumonia with easy entry of bacteria or viruses.

5. Patients who long lay. Patients undergoing major surgery that caused him problems in such matters, mobilization is one of the high risk of disease Pneumonia, where the bed lay a static allows ripple / muccus gathered in cavity lung and a bacterial growth media.

Signs and Symptoms of Pneumonia Disease

Symptoms associated with pneumonia include cough, chest pain, fever, and difficulty breathing. While the signs of suffering from pneumonia can be known after undergoing X-ray examination (Rongent) and sputum examination.

Handling and Treatment of Pneumonia Disease

Handling and treatment in patients with pneumonia depends on the severity of symptoms and type of cause of pneumonia itself.
1. Pneumonia caused by bacteria will be given antibiotic treatment. Treatment should be really really komplite until no longer any symptoms or the results of X-ray and sputum no longer shows the existence of bacterial pneumonia, otherwise it will return someday suffered pneumonia.

2. Pneumonia caused by a virus will be given treatment similar to flu patients, but more emphasis to the provision of adequate rest and plenty fluid intake and good nutrition to help restore the immune system.

3. Pneumonia caused by fungus will receive treatment with antifungal administration.

Besides giving other drugs to help reduce pain, fever and headache. Provision of anti-(suppressor) cough at the recommended low dose just enough to make the patient can rest sleep, because coughing will also help the cleaning process secresi mucossa (ripple / phlegm) diparu-lung.
READ MORE - Pneumonia Disease



This time I will try to discuss about the definition of AIDS disease, the cause of AIDS, patterns or modes of transmission of AIDS and the handling and treatment given to patients with HIV + or AIDS.

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is a disease caused as a result of breeding the HIV virus (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) in the human body, which it attacks white blood cells (CD4 cells) that cause damage to the immune system. The loss or reduction in body resistance is easy to make the patient infected with various diseases including even mild illness.

The virus HIV attacks CD4 cells and makes it a breeding ground of new HIV virus, and then destroying it so it can not be used again. As we all know that white blood cells is necessary for the immune system. Without the body's immune system so when we are attacked by disease, our body is weak and does not attempt to fight outbreaks of disease and consequently we may die even if exposed to influenza or common cold.

When the human body exposed to the HIV virus it is not directly cause or suffer from AIDS, but needed a long time and even years for HIV to cause AIDS or HIV positive are deadly.

Modes of Transmission of HIV AIDS virus
1. Through the blood. eg blood transfusion, blood exposed to HIV + on the injured skin, syringes, etc..

2. Through semen, semen (sperm or semen Men). for example, a man sex with their partners without using condoms or other safeguards, oral sex, etc.

3. Through the vaginal fluid in women. for example: Women who have intercourse without a safety net, borrowing and lending of sex aids, oral sex, etc..

4. Through mother's milk (breast milk). for example; Baby drinking milk from women hiv +, men drinking breast milk spouse, etc..

The body fluids that contain no HIV virus in people with HIV + among others Saliva (saliva or saliva), feces (stool or feces), tears, sweat Water
and Urine (Urine or urine).

Signs and symptoms of AIDS Disease
A person affected by the HIV virus in the early onset generally do not provide the typical signs and symptoms, patients only have a fever for 3 to 6 weeks depending on the immune system when it got in contact with HIV virus. Once conditions improved, people affected by the HIV virus will stay healthy in recent years and slowly decreased body immunity/ weak to fall ill because of recurrent fever attacks. One way to get certainty is to undergo HIV antibody test especially if a person feels has conducted activities at risk of contracting the HIV virus.

The signs and symptoms seen in AIDS patients include the following:

1. Respiratory tract. Patients experiencing shortness of breath, stop for a moment of breath, cough, chest pain and fever bleak other viral infections (pneumonia). Not infrequently the diagnosis at an early stage of HIV disease AIDS suspected tuberculosis.

2. Digestive tract. AIDS disease patients showed signs and symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, often experiencing fungal diseases in the oral cavity and esophagus, as well as having a chronic diarhea.

3. Body weight. Patients experiencing the so called wasting syndrome, namely loss of body weight up to 10% below normal due to disturbances in protein and energy systems in the body as it is known as malnutrition as well as interference absorption / absorption of food in the digestive system resulting in chronic diarhea, conditions tired and weak less powerful.

4. System nerve. Interference with the central nerve resulting in less memory, headaches, difficulty concentrating, are often looked confused and slow response limbs. At the end nerve system (Peripheral) will cause pain and tingling in the palm of the hand and foot, the tendon reflexes are less, always have low blood pressure monitor and Impotence.

5. System Integument (skin Network). Patients experiencing an attack of chickenpox virus (herpes simplex) or carar fire (herpes zoster) and various skin diseases that cause pain in the skin tissue. Others are experiencing hair on the skin tissue infections (Folliculities), stained dry skin (outer layer of skin cracks) and Eczema or psoriasis.

6. Urinary and reproductive tract in women. Patients often have a fungal disease of the vagina, it is as an early sign of HIV infection. Injury to the urinary tract, suffering from the disease than men syphillis and then more numerous women who suffered from smallpox. Other people with AIDS are women many of which become inflamed cavity (bone), pelvic known as the term 'pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)' and experienced an irregular menstrual period (abnormal).

Handling and Treatment of AIDS
Although from different countries continue to perform researchnya in addressing HIV-AIDS, but until now no cure AIDS disease including serum or vaccine that can cure people of HIV virus causes AIDS. The purpose of the provision of medicines in people with AIDS is to help improve endurance, enhance quality of life for them that are known to the HIV virus in an effort to reduce the birth rate and death.

We all expected to not isolate and avoid people with HIV because they need help and support in order to continue to live without much expense and passed away into Rahmatullah with sincerity.



Hepatitis is a disease caused by some type of virus that attacks and causes inflammation and damage to liver cells of humans. Hepatitis diketegorikan in several categories, including hepetitis A, B, C, D, E, F and G. In Indonesia hepatitis patients generally tend to be more experienced group of hepatitis B and hepatitis C. but here we will discuss in a focus article hepatitis A, B and C.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis Hepatitis A is a group of illnesses are mild and rarely causes death, Virus hepatitis A (VHA = Hepatitis A virus) spread through the droppings / faeces of patients is transmitted through contaminated food and drinks, not through sexual activity or through blood. For example, fish or shellfish that comes from the area of ​​water polluted by human waste of patients.

Hepatitis A has an incubation period of 2 to 6 weeks after infection occurs, then later the patient showed some signs and symptoms of disease Hepatitis A.

1. Symptoms of Hepatitis A
In the first week, individuals who are afflicted will experience pain, such as yellow, fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, vomiting, dizziness and black-colored urine. A fever is a fever that occurs continuously, unlike other fever is on dengue fever, tuberculosis, thypus, etc..

2. Handling and Treatment of Hepatitis A
Patients who show symptoms of hepatitis A as the first week of the emergence of the so-called jaundice, fatigue and so on, are expected to remain active and immediately visit the nearest health care facility for treatment of symptoms such as paracetamol, as the lowering of fever and dizziness, vitamins to increase endurance and appetite as well as drugs that reduce nausea and vomiting.

While steps can be taken as a preventive effort is to wash hands thoroughly, and immunization is recommended for someone who is being around people.

Hepatitis B Disease

Hepatitis B is one of the infectious diseases that are categorized as dangerous in the world, disease is caused by Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) that attacks the liver and cause acute or chronic liver inflammation. As things Hepatitis C, both the disease can become chronic and eventually become cancerous liver. The process of transmission of Hepatitis B is through exchange of body fluids or in contact with blood from people infected with Hepatitis B.

As for some things into a pattern of transmission include transmission from mother to baby during childbirth, sexual intercourse, blood transfusions, syringe, or use of personal hygiene (toothbrushes, towels) together. Hepatitis B can affect anyone, but usually for those aged more productive would be at risk for this disease.

1. Symptoms of Hepatitis B
In particular the signs and symptoms of acute hepatitis B infected are fever, abdominal pain and yellow (especially on the eye area is white / sclera). But for people with chronic hepatitis B will likely not look the signs, so that transmission to others becomes more risky.

2. Handling and Treatment of Hepatitis B
Patients suspected of Hepatitis B, for which established the certainty of diagnosis will be blood examination. Once the diagnosis is established as Hepatitis B, then there is a treatment for hepatitis B, which swallow medication (oral) and by injection.
a. Oral medication is the famous;
- Giving medicine from the nucleoside analog Lamivudine, known as 3TC. The drug is used for adults and children alike, these drugs tend to increase the use of liver enzyme (ALT) for that patient will receive ongoing monitoring of a doctor.
- Provision of drug adefovir dipivoxil (Hepsera). Oral administration would be more effective, but administration with high doses will adversely affect kidney function.
- Provision of drug Baraclude (entecavir). The drug is administered in patients with chronic hepatitis B, the side effects of this drug are headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea and increased liver enzyme. Keoptimalan level and stability of this drug has not been said to be stable.

b. Treatment with injection / injection is;
Microsphere injection containing ß-ray emitting radioactive particles that would destroy liver cancer cells without damaging healthy tissue around it. Interferon Alfa Injection (by branch name INTRON A, INFERGEN, ROFERON) subcutan given the scale of 3 times a week for 12-16 weeks or more. Side effects of this medication is depression, particularly in patients who have a history of previous depression. Another effect is a pain in the muscles, causing rapid fatigue and a little fever that this can be eliminated by giving paracetamol.

Preventive measures to avoid the disease is Hepatitis B vaccine, especially in people who are at high risk of this virus, like those who behave bad sex (change sexual partners / homosexual), health workers (nurses and doctors) and their who are vulnerable areas many cases Hepatitis B.

Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV). The process of transmission through blood contact {transfusions, needles (contaminated), insects that bite people and bite everyone around them}. Hepatitis C sufferers sometimes do not show obvious symptoms, but in patients with chronic hepatitis C cause damage / death of liver cells and detected as cancer (cancer) heart. Some 85% of cases, hepatitis C infection becomes chronic and slowly damages the liver for years.

1. Symptoms of Hepatitis C
Patients with hepatitis C often times people who suffer from Hepatitis C have no symptoms, although infection has occurred for many years. But some vague symptoms such as: Tired, Loss of appetite, abdominal pain, urine becomes dark and the skin or eyes turn yellow, called "jaundice" (rare). In some cases it can be found increased liver enzymes in urine examination, however, in patients with hepatitis C would sometimes even normal fluctuations in liver enzymes.

2. Handling and Treatment of Hepatitis C
Currently, treatment of Hepatitis C performed with administration of drugs such as Interferon alfa, Pegylated interferon alfa and ribavirin. The goal of treatment of hepatitis C is to eliminate the virus from your body as early as possible to prevent the development of a deteriorating and end-stage liver disease. Treatment of hepatitis C sufferers need a long time even on this particular patient can not be helped, it is necessary to handle the initial stage.
READ MORE - Hepatitis

Tuberculosis (TB)

Tuberculosis (TB)

TB disease is a disease which is categorized in infections caused by bacteria Mikobakterium tuberculosis. TB disease can strike at anyone not to mention men, women, old, young, rich and poor and anywhere. In Indonesia in particular, this disease continues to grow each year and currently reaches 250 million new cases of which 140 000 resulted in death. Even Indonesia occupied the third largest country in the world in this TB problem.

Cause Disease (TB)

TB disease is caused by bacteria Mikobakterium tuberculosis, rod-shaped bacteria and is resistant to acids also known as the Batang Resistant Acid (BTA). This type of bacteria was first discovered by a man named Robert Koch on March 24, 1882, to commemorate his services, the bacteria is given the name of the Koch bacillus. Even TBCpada lung disease was also known as Koch Pulmonum (KP).

Mode of transmission of TB Disease

TB disease transmission is through contaminated air by Mikobakterium tuberculosis released / issued by the TB patient during coughing, which in children is generally the source of infection comes from adults who suffer from tuberculosis. These bacteria enter the lungs and come together to develop into many (especially in people who have low immune system), even these bacteria also may have spread through the blood vessels or lymph nodes, causing infection of other organs such as brain, kidney , gastrointestinal tract, bone, lymph nodes and other top despite the lung is an organ.

The entry into the organ Mikobakterium pulmonary tuberculosis cause infection in the lungs, which occurred immediately colony growth of bacteria that is round (globular). With the immunological reaction, cells in the lung wall trying to inhibit the TB bacteria through mechanisms alamianya forming scar tissue. As a result, the TB bacteria will stay / rest (dormant) as they appear as tubercles on the X-ray examination or x-ray photo.

A person with the condition of the immune system (Immune) is good, these tubercles form will remain dormant throughout his life. Other things to people who have low body kekebelan system or less, these bacteria will have breeding tubercles grow so much. So many of these tubercles are assembled to form a space within the lung cavity, this space will become a source of sputum production (ripple / phlegm). So the people who produce sputum and lung cavity found tuberculosis microbe called tubercles and is experiencing positive growth infected with TB.

The development of TB disease in Indonesia is nothing related to the deteriorating socio-economic conditions, ineffective public health service facilities, the increasing number of people who do not have a place to live and an epidemic of HIV infection. It is also of course have a major impact from a weak immune system / decrease, virulence and the number of germs that plays an important role in the occurrence of TB infection.

Symptoms of TB Disease

Symptoms of TB disease were classified into two parts, the general symptoms and specific symptoms. Difficult to detect and diagnose TB is caused by a clinical picture of the person that is not typical, especially in new cases.

1. Common symptoms (Systemic)
- Not very high fever which lasts longer, is usually felt at night accompanied by night sweats. Sometimes such as influenza and fever attacks are intermittent.
- Decreased appetite and weight.
- Cough-cough for more than 3 weeks (can be accompanied by blood).
- Feelings of not feeling (malaise), weakness.

2. Specific symptoms (Typical)
- Depending on which organs are affected, in case of partial bronchial obstruction (the channel leading to the lungs) due to suppression of enlarged lymph nodes, will cause the sound of "wheezing" sound accompanied by shortness of breath weakened.
- If there is fluid dirongga pleura (covering the lungs), can be accompanied by chest pains.
- When the bone, there will be symptoms such as bone infection at some point to form a channel and empties into the skin above it, in this estuary will discharge pus.
- In children to the brain (brain wrapper layer) and referred to as meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain), the symptoms are high fever, an impairment of consciousness and convulsions.

In patients age children if not cause symptoms, so TB can be detected if there are known contacts with adult TB patients. Approximately 30-50% of children who comes in contact with adult pulmonary TB patients gave a positive tuberculin test results. In children ages 3 months - 5 years old who live with adult pulmonary TB patients with sputum smear positive, 30% reported infected based on serological examination / blood.

Enforcement diagnosis of TB

If a person suspected of suffering from or infected with TB disease, then there are some things that need to be done to check memeberikan proper diagnosis, among others:

- Diagnose both the patient and his family.
- Direct physical examination.
- Laboratory tests (blood, sputum, cerebrospinal fluid).
- Examination of anatomical pathology (PA).
- X-ray chest (thorax photo).
- And the tuberculin test.

Treatment of TB Disease

Treatment for patients with TB disease will undergo a long process, and it ranged from 6 months to 9 months or even more. TB disease can be cured completely if the patient regularly taking medication that a doctor can improve endurance and body with good nutrition.

During the treatment process, to know better their development is recommended in patients to undergo either blood, sputum, urine and X-ray or x-rays every 3 months. The drug is generally given is obtan Isoniazid and rifampin as basic treatment for patients with tuberculosis, but because of the possibility of resistance to both drugs, the doctor will decide to provide additional drugs such as pyrazinamide and streptomycin sulfate or Ethambutol HCL as a single entity known as' Triple Drug '.
READ MORE - Tuberculosis (TB)

Cholera Disease Symptoms and Signs

The disease cholera is an acute intestinal tract infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, the bacteria enter the body through contaminated food or beverages. The bacteria release enterotoxin (poison) in the intestinal tract so that there was diarrhea (diarrhea) accompanied by acute vomiting and severe, resulting in a person in just a few days lost a lot of body fluids and get in on the condition of dehydration.

If dehydration is not promptly addressed, it will continue towards hypovolemic and metabolic acidosis in a relatively short time and can cause death if treatment is inadequate. Giving ordinary drinking water will not be much help, Patient (patient) require intravenous fluids cholera sugar (Dextrose) and salt (normal saline) or intravenous fluid that forms in the mix of both (Dextrose Saline).

Spread of Cholera Disease Transmission

Cholera can be spread as an endemic disease, epidemic, or pandemic. Although many large-scale studies conducted, but the condition of this disease continue to pose a challenge for the modern medical world. Vibrio cholerae bacteria multiply and spread through feaces (feces) of man, when feces containing the bacteria contaminating the water of the river and so will anyone else who comes in contact with water are at risk of cholera disease, too.

For example, washing hands are not clean and then eating, washing vegetables or food with water containing cholera bacteria, eating fish that live in water contaminated with cholera bacteria, even the water (like a river) are used as drinking water by others who live nearby.

Cholera Disease Symptoms and Signs

In people who feaces found cholera bacteria for 1-2 weeks may not feel the complaint is, but the time of the attack then all of a sudden infection of diarrhea and vomiting occur with quite a serious condition as acute attacks that cause diarrheal type samarnya experienced.

However, in patients with cholera there are some things the signs and symptoms that revealed, among others are:
- Diarrhea is watery and abundant without preceded by a feeling of heartburn or tenesmus.
- Feaces or stool (feces) which was originally in color and smelled of turned into a cloudy white liquid (like water to wash rice) without a foul or fishy smell, but as sweet a stab.
- Feaces (liquid), which resembles a rice washing water is when deposited will issue a white clots.
- Diarrhea occurred many times and in considerable amounts.
- The occurrence of vomiting after preceded by diarrhea that occurs, the patient does not feel sick before.
- Muscle cramps can also be felt in the abdomen accompanied by severe pain.
- Number of fluid that comes out will result in dehydration with signs such as rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, physically weak, sunken eyes, hypotension, etc. which if not immediately get a replacement handler lost body fluids can lead to death.

Handling and Treatment of Cholera Disease

Patients who experienced disease cholera should immediately mandapatkan handling immediately, by giving replacement fluids lost as a first step. Giving fluids by infusion / Drip is the most appropriate for people with a lot of fluid loss through diarrhea or vomiting. Next is the treatment of infections, namely by giving antibiotics / antimicrobials such as Tetracycline, Doxycycline or class Vibramicyn. This antibiotic treatment within 48 hours to stop the diarrhea that occurs.

In certain circumstances, especially the affected region of cholera outbreaks of food / liquid was done by inserting the hose from the nose to the stomach (sonde). Some 50% of cases of severe cholera can not be solved tergolang (passed away), while the number of 1% of cholera patients who received inadequate treatment died. (Massachusetts Medical Society, 2007: Getting Serious about Cholera).

Disease Prevention cholera

How to prevent and terminate a transmission of cholera disease is the principle of environmental sanitation, especially clean water and sewage (feaces) in place that meets environmental standards. Another is to drink water that has been cooked first, wash your hands thoroughly before eating soap / antiseptic, washing vegetables, water view, especially vegetables that are eaten raw (vegetables), avoid eating fish and shellfish are cooked medium rare.

When the family member is affected by cholera, should be isolated and immediately get treatment. Objects contaminated by vomit or faeces must be patient in sterilization, searangga flies (vectors) Other transmitters soon be eradicated. Cholera vaccination can protect people in direct contact with patients.
READ MORE - Cholera Disease Symptoms and Signs

Disease elephantiasis

Disease elephantiasis (filariasis or elephantiasis) is a class of infectious disease caused by Filaria worms that are transmitted through various species of mosquitoes. After being bitten mosquitoes, parasites (larvae) will spread and when it comes to network lympa system then develops into the disease.

This disease is chronic (chronic) and if not treated, can cause permanent disability in the form of enlargement of the legs, arms and genitals of both women and men. Elephant foot disease is not a deadly disease, however, for patients may be something that feels shameful even to interfere with daily activities.

Elephant foot disease commonly found in many tropical regions. According to information from WHO, the order states that there are people develop the disease elephantiasis is South Asia (India and Bangladesh), Africa, the Pacific and the Americas. Later many of them occur in Thailand and Indonesia (Southeast Asia).

Elephant Leg Disease Transmission

The disease is spread by mosquitoes which suck the blood of someone who had been infected previously. Infected blood and contain larvae and would be transmitted to another person when an infected mosquito bite or suck the blood of the person.

Unlike malaria and dengue fever, filariasis can be transmitted by 23 species of mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles, Culex, Mansonia, Aedes & Armigeres. Because of this, filariasis can spread very quickly.

Signs and symptoms of disease elephantiasis

Someone who is infected with elephantiasis disease usually occurs in childhood, where in a long time (many years) began to be felt development.

The acute symptoms that may occur include:
Recurring fever for 3-5 days, fever may be lost when the break and came back after working hard

Swollen lymph nodes (without any injury) groin area, armpits (lymphadenitis), which looks red, hot and painful

Tract inflammation of lymph nodes that feel heat and pain radiating from the base of the foot or base of the arm towards the end (retrograde lymphangitis)

Filarial abscess due to often suffer swollen lymph nodes, it can burst and release pus and blood

Enlargement of the legs, arms, breasts, testicles that look a bit reddish and feels hot (early lymphodema)

While the chronic symptoms of the disease elephantiasis, which formed as a permanent enlargement (elephantiasis) in the legs, arms, breasts, testicles (elephantiasis skroti).

Elephant Leg Disease Diagnostic Examination

Elephant foot disease is generally detected through microscopic examination of blood, until today it is still considered difficult because of microfilaria just appear and present themselves in the blood at night for several hours only (nocturnal Periodicity).

In addition, various inspection method was also performed to diagnose the disease elephantiasis. Among them is with a system known as Penjaringan membrane, method of Knott concentration and deposition technique.

Inspection method which is closer towards the diagnosis and recognized by the WHO is by way of examination system "test card", This is very simple and sensitive to detect the spread of the parasite (larvae). That is by taking samples of finger prick blood droplets at a time when the system at any time, not necessarily at night.

Handling and Elephant Foot Disease Treatment

The main goal in early treatment of patients with elephantiasis disease is killing parasites or larvae which develop in the patient's body, so that the transmission rate can be reduced and reduced.

Dietilkarbamasin {diethylcarbamazine (DEC)} is the only drug for filariasis is a powerful and malayi filariasis bancrofti, is makrofilarisidal and mikrofilarisidal. The drug is relatively cheap, safe and no drug resistance. Patients who get this drug therapy may provide local and systemic adverse reactions are temporary and easily treated with symptomatic medication.

Dietilkarbamasin not be used for khemoprofilaksis. Treatment is given orally after dinner, is absorbed rapidly, reaching peak concentration in blood within 3 hours, and excreted through urine. Dietilkarbamasin diberikanpada no children younger than 2 years, pregnant / lactating, and patients with severe pain or
in a weak state.

However, in cases of elephantiasis disease severe enough (already enlarged) because it is not detected early, in addition to the provision of drugs would require further steps such as surgery.

Elephant Leg Disease Prevention

For patients with disease awareness elephant expected to check their medicine and get medical treatment so as not to disseminate obtan transmission to other communities. That is why the need for education and the introduction of disease to patients and residents nearby.

Eradication of mosquitoes each region is very important to break the transmission chain of this disease. Maintain environmental hygiene is of paramount importance to prevent the development of mosquitoes in the area.
READ MORE - Disease elephantiasis

Mumps Disease Transmission

Disease Mumps is an infectious disease where someone is infected by a virus (paramyxovirus) which attacks the salivary glands (parotid glands) in between the ears and jaw, causing swelling of the neck of the top or bottom cheek.

Mumps disease spread all over the world and can occur in endemic or epidemic, this disorder tends to attack children aged 2-12 years. In adults, these infections can attack the testes (testicles), central nervous system, pancreas, prostate, breast and other organs.

As for those who are at greater risk for suffering or contracting this disease are those who use or consume certain drugs to suppress the thyroid gland hormones and their Iodine deficiency in the body.

Mumps Disease Transmission

Disease Mumps (Mumps or Parotitis) spread of the virus can be transmitted through direct contact, splashing saliva, vomit material, possibly with urine. The virus can be found in the urine from the first day until the fourteenth day after the enlargement of the gland.

Mumps disease is extremely rare in children younger than 2 years, it is because generally they still have or be protected by good anti-bodies. Someone who had suffered from mumps disease, then he will have lifetime immunity.

Signs and Symptoms of Mumps Disease

Not all people infected by the virus paramyxovirus complain, even about 30-40% of patients showed no signs of illness (subclinical). However, they are the same as other patients who have complaints, which can be a source of transmission of the disease.

The period of bud (incubation period) Mumps disease approximately 12-24 days with an average of 17-18 days. The signs and symptoms that arise after infection and the development of the buds can be described as follows:
In the early stages (1-2 days) Mumps sufferers experience symptoms: fever (body temperature 38.5 - 40 degrees Celsius), headaches, muscle aches, loss of appetite, pain when chewing the back of the jaw and occasionally accompanied by stiff jaw (hard to open mouth .)
Furthermore, because of a swollen gland under the ear (parotid) that begins with swelling of one side of the gland and then the two have swollen glands.
Swelling usually lasts about 3 days and then gradually deflated.
Sometimes swelling of glands under the jaw (submandibular) and the glands under the tongue (sublingual). In the men behind adalanya legally scrotal swelling (testes) due to spread via the bloodstream.

Diagnosis Disease Mumps (Mumps or Parotitis)

Diagnosis is established when there is clearly a symptom of infection in pemeirksaan physical epidemika parotitis, including details of contact with the disease mumps (Mumps or Parotitis) 2-3 weeks earlier. In addition it is by examination, laboratory results of urine (urine) and blood.

Laboratory examination

In addition to leucopenia with relative limfosiotsis, also showed that the increase in serum amylase levels that reached a peak after one week and then be back to normal within two weeks.

If the patient did not show any swelling of glands below the ear, but other signs and symptoms of mumps disease that leads to doubt the diagnosis. Doctors will give an order to do further tests such as blood serum. At less there are 3 test serum (serologic) to prove the specific mumps antibodies: antibodies, complement fixation (CF), Hemagglutination inhibitor antibodies (HI), virus neutralizing antibodies (NT).

Complications Due to Illness Mumps

Almost all children who suffer from mumps will recover fully without complications, but sometimes the symptoms come back worse after about 2 weeks. This condition can cause complications, which the virus can invade organs other than salivary glands. This may occur especially if the infection occurs after puberty.

Below are the complications that can occur due to handling or a lack of early treatment:
Orchitis, inflammation of one or both testicles. After recovery, the affected testicle may be shrinking. Rarely testicular permanent damage resulting in infertility.

Ovoritis: inflammation of one or both ovaries TELUS. Arise mild abdominal pain and rarely causes sterility.

Encephalitis or meningitis: inflammation of the brain or the lining of the brain. Symptoms include headache, neck stiffness, drowsiness, coma or convulsions. 5-10% have meningitis and most patients will recover completely. 1 in 400-6000 patients experiencing enserfalitis likely suffered brain damage or permanent nerve, such as deafness or paralysis of facial muscles.

Pancreatitis: inflammation of the pancreas, can occur at the end of the first week. Patients feel the nausea and vomiting accompanied by abdominal pain. These symptoms will disappear within 1 week and patients will recover completely.

Kidney inflammation can cause sufferers out of the thick urine in significant amounts

Inflammation of the joints can cause pain in one or several joints.

Mumps Disease Treatment

Treatment aims to reduce complaints (symptomatic) and rest for people with heat and gland (parotid) to swell. Can use heat and pain relief medication (antipyretics and analgesics) such as paracetamol and the like, aspirin should not be given to children because it has a risk of Reye's syndrome (Effect of aspirin in children).

In patients who experience swelling of the testicles, the patient should undergo a rest bed rest in bed. The pain can be reduced with ice compress on the swollen testicle area. While patients who experienced a virus attack on organ pancreas (pancreatitis), which cause symptoms of nausea and vomiting should be given fluids intravenously.

Corticosteroids for 2-4 days and 20 ml of convalescent gammaglobulin is expected to prevent the occurrence of orchitis. Against the virus itself can not be influenced by the anti-microbial, so treatment is only oriented to relieve symptoms until the patient returned either by itself.

Mumps disease was classified in the "self-limiting disease" (a disease which healed itself without treatment). People with mumps illness should avoid food or drink is sour so sore from getting worse, given the liquid diet and soft diet.

If the antiquity of mumps patients are given Blau (blue for washing clothes), it actually has nothing to do clinically. Most likely just for children affected by the disease Mumps is embarrassed when playing out with his face covered in Blau, so hope the child is resting at home is enough to help the healing process.

Disease Prevention Mumps (Mumps / Parotitis)

Mumps vaccination is part of routine immunization in childhood, namely immunization MMR (mumps, morbili, rubella) given by injection at the age of 15 months.

MMR immunization can also be given to adolescents and adults who have not had Mumps. This immunization does not cause apanas or other symptoms. Simply eating foods that contain iodine levels, can reduce the risk of mumps disease attack.
READ MORE - Mumps Disease Transmission

Appendicitis Inflammatory Disease

Appendicitis Inflammatory Disease

Before further discussion about appendicitis which in medical language is called Appendicitis, then it first must be understood what is meant by appendicitis. Appendix, as the name suggests that this is really the tip intestinal tract clogged. The intestine is the amount of approximately sejari little finger, connected to the large intestine that is located in the lower right abdomen.

Appendicitis in Latin referred to as Appendix vermiformis, this organ is found in humans, mammals, birds, and several species of reptiles. This organ was initially regarded as an extra organ that has no function, but it is currently known that the function of the appendix is ​​as immunologic organ and is actively involved in the secretion of immunoglobulin (an immune system) which has / contains lymphoid glands.

Like the organs of the body, appendix or appendix is ​​likely to suffer damage or disorder to disease. It is that often we are familiar with the name of Inflammatory Disease Appendix (Appendicitis).

Inflammatory Disease Causes Appendix (Appendicitis)

Appendicitis disease is generally caused by bacterial infection, but there are several possible factors originators who until now have not be known with certainty. Among the factors blockage (obstruction) in the lining of the channel (lumen) appendix by fecal piles / hard stool (fekalit), hyperplasia (enlargement) lymphoid tissue, worm diseases, parasites, foreign bodies in the body, the primary cancer and stricture.

Among the factors above, it is most often found and strong suspicions as penyabab is a factor blockage by stool / feces and lymphoid tissue hyperplasia. Blockage or enlargement is the primary medium for bacteria to breed. Please note that in faeces / stool humans are very likely to have been contaminated by bacteria / bacteria Escherichia coli, this is often times lead to infection resulting in inflammation of the appendix.

Eating chilies with the seeds or cashew klutuk and often undigested seeds in feces and slipped kesaluran appendix as salty things, so it is the hardening of the feces / stool (constipation) in a long time so maybe there are parts that slipped into kesaluran appendix that eventually become the media germs / bacteria nesting and breeding as an infection that causes inflammation of the appendix.

Someone who experienced disease worms (worms), when the worms are breeding in the large intestine and then strayed into the appendix, it can cause disease of appendicitis.

Preview Inflammatory Disease Appendix (Appendicitis)

Inflammation or pembengkakaan that occurs in the appendix causes the flow of lymph fluid and blood are not perfect in the appendix (appendix) as a result of the pressure, finally appendicitis were damaged and there was decay (gangrene) because it did not get food again.

This appendix decay produces purulent fluid, if not immediately addressed the consequences of the appendix will rupture (perforation / tear) and pus, which contains the bacteria spread to the abdominal cavity. The impact is widespread infection, ie infection of the abdominal cavity wall (peritonitis).

Signs and symptoms of appendicitis Inflammatory Disease

Symptoms vary depending on the stage of appendicitis;
Acute appendicitis Inflammatory Disease (suddenly).
In this condition the symptoms that caused the body's high fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain lower right, make the walk so sick, so a bit terbongkok, but not everyone will show symptoms like this, it could also just be feverish, or nausea, vomiting alone.

Inflammatory disease of chronic appendicitis.
At this stage the symptoms a little like stomach ulcers where there is a faint pain (dull) in the area around the navel and sometimes an intermittent fever. Often accompanied by nausea and sometimes vomiting, and pain that moves to the right lower abdomen with signs typical of acute appendicitis is pain point pd Mc Burney (medical term).
The spread of pain will depend on the position / location of the appendix to the colon itself, When the tip of the appendix is ​​touching the ureter ureter, the pain will be equal to the urinary tract colic pain sensation, and there may be disturbance of micturition. When the position of the appendix to the back, the pain came on rectal examination puncture or puncture of the vagina. In the appendix another position, the pain may not be so specific.

Inspection diagnosis of appendicitis Inflammatory Disease

There are several checks that can be done by the health team to determine and diagnose the disease of appendicitis (Appendicitis) by the Patient. Among them are physical examination, laboratory tests and radiology examinations;
Physical examination.
In acute appendicitis, with observations will appear to the swelling (swelling), abdominal cavity where the walls seemed to tighten the abdomen (distention). On touching (palpation) the lower right abdominal area, often when pressed will feel pain when pressure is released and also will feel pain (Blumberg sign) which is the key to the diagnosis of acute appendicitis.

With the action right leg bent and strong thighs / leg in lifting it high, then the abdominal pain was getting worse. Suspicion of appendicitis inflammation increases if the inspection or the rectum and vagina also cause pain. Rectal temperature (rectal) temperature is higher than the armpit (axillary), further supporting the longer presence of appendicitis.

Laboratory examination.
In the laboratory examination of blood, which can be found is an increase of white blood cells (leukocytes) to about 10,000 - 18.000/mm3. If an increase is more than that, then chances are experiencing appendix perforations (rupture).

Radiological examination.
Plain photo abdomen can reveal a fekalit. But this examination is rarely helpful in diagnosing appendicitis. Ultrasonography (USG) is quite helpful in the diagnosis of appendicitis enforcement (71-97%), especially for pregnant women and children. The highest level of accuracy is by CT scan (93-98%). With the CT scan can be seen clearly picture the appendix.

Handling and Inflammatory Disease Treatment appendicitis

When the diagnosis is certain, then the standard treatment for the disease of appendicitis (appendicitis) is operating. On the condition early when it can be immediately diagnosed the possibility of antibiotic drug delivery can be done, however the degree kekambuhannya reached 35%.

Surgery can be done openly or semi-closed (laparoscopic). After surgery, should be given antibiotics for 7-10 days. Next is the treatment of surgical wound that must be protected from the possibility of secondary infection from contaminated equipment, etc.
READ MORE - Appendicitis Inflammatory Disease

Rheumatic Heart Disease Treatment


Rheumatic Heart Disease  or in medical language rheumatic Heart Disease is a condition where there is damage to heart valves that can be a narrowing or leakage, particularly mitral valve (mitral valve stenosis) as a result of residual symptoms of Rheumatic Fever.

Rheumatic fever is a systemic disease that can be acute, subacute, chronic, or fulminant, and can occur after infection hemolyticus beta Streptococcus group A in the upper respiratory tract. Acute rheumatic fever is characterized by prolonged fever, heart pounding, sometimes quickly tired. The peak incidence of rheumatic fever are in the age group 5-15 years, the disease is rarely found in children under the age of 4 years and residents over 50 years.

Someone who had rheumatic fever if not treated adequately, so very likely suffered an attack of rheumatic heart disease. Infection by the bacteria Streptococcus Beta Hemolyticus group A that causes a person experiences which preceded the occurrence of rheumatic fever, inflammation of the throat channel, due to the management and treatment is directed less causing toxins / toxin from the bacteria spread through the bloodstream and cause inflammation of the heart valves. As a result the leaves have adhesions that narrowed valve, or thicken and contract so that if the closing is not perfect anymore and leak.

Signs and Symptoms of Rheumatic Heart Disease

Patients generally megalami shortness of breath caused by heart already experiencing problems, joint pain that moved, reddish patches on the skin that borders, irregular hand movements and uncontrollable (Korean), or a small lump under the skin. In addition, signs are also accompanying abdominal pain, weight loss, rapid fatigue and of course the fever.

Enforcement of Rheumatic Heart Disease Diagnosis

In addition to the signs and symptoms that appear directly from the physical, the doctor will usually perform some laboratory tests, for example, routine blood tests, Asto, CRP, and reviews the throat culture. The most accurate form of examination is to do echocardiography to see the condition of heart valves and heart muscle.

Rheumatic Heart Disease Treatment

If the diagnosis of rheumatic heart disease has been established and the persistence of infection by the bacteria Streptococcus, the main thing that comes from the team doctor was the administration of antibiotics and anti inflammatory. For example, administration of oral antibiotics penicillin or benzathine penicillin G. In patients allergic to either drug, the other alternative is giving erythromycin or cephalosporin class. While anti-inflammatory that is usually given cortisone and aspirin.

Patients are encouraged to bed rest in hospital, besides the medical team will think about the handling of the likelihood of complications such as heart failure, bacterial endocarditis or trombo-embolism. Patients will be given a highly nutritious diet that contains enough vitamins.

Rheumatic Heart Disease Patients without symptoms do not require therapy. Patients with mild symptoms of heart failure requiring medical therapy to resolve complaints. Patients who are symptomatic need surgikal therapy or invasive intervention. But surgikal therapies and interventions is still limited available and cost is relatively expensive and require long-term follow-up.

Rheumatic Heart Disease Prevention

If we see above that pulmonary heart disease is likely to occur with the initial event that rheumatic fever, prevention is the best course is how our efforts do not get rheumatic fever (bacterial infection of Streptococcus beta hemolyticus).

There are several factors that can support a person attacked by the germs, including environmental factors such as poor living conditions, crowded living conditions and poor access to health care is a significant determinant in the distribution of this disease. Weather variations also have a major role in the occurrence of infection to occur streptokokkus DR.

Someone who is infected with the bacteria Streptococcus beta hemolyticus and rheumatic fever, should be given a maximum with antibiotic therapy. This is to prevent possible attacks by the second time or even lead to Rheumatic Heart Disease.
READ MORE - Rheumatic Heart Disease Treatment

The etiology of typhoid fever is Salmonella typhi and Salmonella enteritidis

The etiology of typhoid fever is Salmonella typhi and Salmonella enteritidis paratyphi A and B. bioserotip


The entry of Salmonella typhi (S.typhi) and Salmonella paratyphi (S.paratyphi) into the human body occurs through contaminated food germs. Some germs were destroyed in the stomach, partly escape into the intestine proliferate further. When the intestinal humoral immune response is less then the bacteria will multiply penetrate epithelial cells, especially cell-M and then to the lamina propria. In the lamina propria and breed germs difagosit by phagocyte cells mainly by macrophages. Germs can live and multiply in macrophages and subsequently taken to the plaque painful distal ileum and then to the mesenteric lymph nodes. Furthermore, through the duct torasikus germs contained in the blood circulation (resulting in the first asymptomatic bacteremia) and mnybar k sluruh retikulondotelial body organs especially the liver and spleen. In these organs the bacteria leave the phagocyte cells and proliferate outside the cell or room sinusoids and subsequent entry into the blood circulation again a second time resulting in bacteremia accompanied by signs and symptoms of systemic infection.

In the liver, the bacteria get into the gall bladder, multiply, and common bile excreted by "intermittent" into the intestinal lumen. Some germs excreted through feces and some came back into circulation after penetrating the intestine. The same process is repeated again, since macrophages have been teraktivasi and hyperactive then occur during phagocytosis of Salmonella bacteria release several inflammatory mediators which in turn will cause symptoms of systemic inflammatory reaction to a case of fever, malaise, myalgia, mental disorders, and coagulation.

In the Plaque painful hyperactive macrophage hyperplasia reaction network (intra S.typhi macrophages induce delayed type hypersensitivity reactions, tissue hyperplasia, and necrosis of organs). Salruan gastrointestinal bleeding can occur due to erosion of blood vessels around the plaque that is experiencing nkrosis painful and hyperplasia due to accumulation of mononuclear cells in the intestinal wall. Lymphoid tissue pathological process can be developed until the muscle layer, serosa intestine, and result in perforation.

Endotoxin can be attached to the capillary endothelial cell receptor with the consequent incidence of complications such as disruption nueropsikiatrik, cardiovascular, breathing, and other organ disorders.

CLINIC manifestations

The period of typhoid fever shoots last between 10-14 days. Clinical symptoms that arise are very varied from light served until severe, asymptomatic until the disease is typically accompanied by a picture of complications up to death.

In the first week of clinical symptoms was found disease complaints and symptoms similar to acute infectious diseases in general are fever, headache, dizziness, muscle pain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea obstipasi, uncomfortable feeling in stomach, cough, and epistaxis. On physical examination found only body temperature to rise. The nature of the fever is rising slowly and mainly in the afternoon until the evening. In the second week of the symptoms become more obvious in the form of fever, relative bradycardia (relative bradycardia is an increase in temperature of 10C is not followed by increase in pulse rate 8 times per minute) are webbed tongue (gross in the middle, the edge of the red tip and tremor), hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, meteorismus, somnolen form of mental disorder, stupor, coma, delirium or psikosis. Roseolae rarely found rarely found in people in Indonesia.


There are three methods for diagnosing typhoid fever are:

1. Diagnosis mikrobiologik / breeding germs.

2. Serologic diagnosis.

3. Clinical diagnosis.

Mikrobiologik diagnosis method is the most specific method and more than 90% of untreated patients, positive blood cultures within the first week. This result is decreased drastically after the use of antibiotic drugs, where a positive result to 40%. Nonetheless bone marrow cultures still show a high yield of 90% positive. In the weeks subsequent decrease of blood culture results, but the culture of feces and urine culture increased 85% and 25% positive respectively in the week the 3rd and 4th. Organisms in the feces can still be found for 3 months from 90% of patients and approximately 3% of patients remained out S.typhi germs in stool in the long term. It can happen that a chronic carrier of germs S.typhi issue in the stool in his life, and the carrier is more common in adults than children and more often on women than men.

Diagnosis depends on serologic antibodies arising against O and H antigens, which can be detected by agglutination reaction (Widal test). Antibodies against the O antigen of group D occur within the first week of illness and reached its peak in the third and fourth weeks will decrease after 9 months to 1 year. Agglutinin titer of 1 / 200 or an increase in titer of more than 4 times the mean positive Widal test, this indicates an acute infection S.typhi.

But agglutinin O titer elevation can also be caused by germs like salmonella O antigens other than D group with a commonality factor 9 and 12 as in S.typhi. There is an increasing titer of antibody against D antigen derived from the flagellum S.typhi add specificity of Widal test results. Antibodies against flagella antigen titer escalate after the first week and peaked at week 4 to-6, and titer remain high for years. The discovery of a high titer antibody flagellum does not mean there is an acute infection. Factors to consider that affect the results of Widal test were: stage of disease, vaccination, anamnestik reaction, the endemic areas and treatment ..

Until now, still embraced the management of typhoid fever trilogy, namely:

1. Giving antibiotics; to stop and destroy the spread of germs. Antibiotics are used:
Chloramphenicol; dose first hi 4x250 mg, 4x500 mg the second day, given during fever continued until 2 days free of fever, then the dose was reduced to 4x250 mg for 5 days later.
Ampicillin / Amoxicillin; dose of 50-150 mg / kg given for 2 weeks.
Kotrimokzasol; 2x2 tablet (1 tablet containing 400 mg sulfametokzasol-80 mg trimethoprim) was given for 2 weeks also
II and III generation cephalosporins.
Rest and treatment professionals, aims to prevent complications and speed healing. Patients should be an absolute bed rest until at least 7 days free of fever or approximately 14 days. Mobilization done gradually, in accordance with the recovery of the strength of the patient.
Diet and supporting therapy (symptomatic and supportive)

Several studies have shown Ahwa early solid feeding, which is rice with side dishes low cellulose (patang vegetables with coarse fibers) can be given safely. Also required the provision of vitamins and minerals sufficient to support the patient's general condition.
READ MORE - The etiology of typhoid fever is Salmonella typhi and Salmonella enteritidis

Typhoid Fever disease or better known

Typhoid Fever disease or better known as Typhoid disease is a disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella enterica, especially derivatives such as the bacteria Salmonella typhi. Typhoid disease attacks the digestive tract that is transmitted or spread through food and beverages that have been contaminated by the bacteria Salmonella. Children and adults can contract the disease typhoid fever. When untreated, typhoid fever can last for three weeks to a month. Death occurs between 10% and 30% of untreated cases

Typhoid Fever Symptoms

Typhoid Fever disease will usually show symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, high fever (39 ° to 40 ° C), headache and diarrhea which is sometimes mixed with blood, myalgia muscle pain, body weakness, loss appetite, weak heartbeat (bradycardia), and in some cases appear distributing vlek pink ("rose spots")

Typhoid Fever Prevention

Typhoid Fever Prevention can be done by improving hygiene and environmental sanitation and health education. Immunization using oral vaccines and vaccine injections (antigen Vi Polysaccharida capular) has been widely used. Currently, prevention of Salmonella bacteria can be done with named chotipa vaccination (cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid) or TIPA (typhoid-paratyphoid). For children aged 2 years who are still vulnerable, can also be vaccinated.

Clinical Symptoms

Complaints and symptoms of Typhoid fever is not typical, and vary from mild flu-like symptoms until the appearance of severe and fatal illness of many organ systems. The clinical picture of Typhoid Fever disease in the form of prolonged fever, bowel dysfunction, and central nervous system complaints.

Heat is more than 7 days, usually starting with Sumer is increasingly rising, so that at high heat to 2 weeks continuously, especially at night.

Symptoms may include obstipasi gstrointestinal, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and bloating, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and dirty tongue edge hyperemia.

Gejalah central nervous form of delirium, apathy, somnolen, sopor, and even coma.

Treatment of Typhoid Fever patients in the Hospital consists of supportive treatment melipu + ti rest and diet, medical, therapy complications (depending on complications that occur). Rest aims to prevent complications and speed healing. Patients should be absolute bed rest until at least 7 days free of fever or kurag more for 14 days. Mobilization done gradually, in accordance with the recovery of the strength of the patient.

Diet and penunjuang done with the first therapy, the patient is given slurry filtered, then rough and eventually rice porridge in accordance with a cure rate of patients. However, some research indicates that early feeding rate is low rice with side dishes cellulose (abstinence vegetables with coarse fibers) can be given safely. Also needs to be given vitamins and minerals to support the patient's general condition.
In the case of intestinal perforation and septic shock is needed intensive treatment with total parenteral nutrition. Spectrum antibiotics or a combination of several drugs that work synergistically to consider. Corticosteroids should be given in septic shock
READ MORE - Typhoid Fever disease or better known

Typhoid Fever

Typhoid Fever

Typhoid Fever is usually called typhoid or types in the Indonesian language, is a disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella enterica, especially derivatives such as Salmonella Typhi mainly attacks the digestive tract. Typhoid fever is an acute infectious disease that always exist in society (endemic) in Indonesia, ranging from age five, children and adults.

According to dr. Arlin Algerina, SpA, of the International Hospital Bintaro, In Indonesia, estimated between 800 - 100,000 people were affected by the disease typhus or typhoid fever throughout the year. Fever is mainly appears in the dry season and is said girls are more often attacked, the current increase in cases occurred at ages under 5 years old.

How Typhoid Fever Transmission

Typhoid fever can strike when the germs enter through food or drink, resulting in infection of the digestive tract of the small intestine. And through the bloodstream, the bacteria reach the organs of the body especially the liver and spleen. He then proliferate in the liver and spleen that causes pain when touched.

Signs and Symptoms of Typhoid Fever

This disease can strike when the bacteria enter through food or drink, resulting in infection of the digestive tract of the small intestine. Then followed the bloodstream, the bacteria reach the liver and spleen that breed there, which causes pain when touched.

Clinical symptoms of typhoid fever in children usually give a mild clinical picture can be even without symptoms (asymptomatic). Broadly speaking, the signs and symptoms caused by, among others;
Fever more than a week. During the day usually looks fresh but before the night a high fever.
Tongue dirty. The middle part is white and red edges. Usually children will feel bitter tongue and tend to want to eat the sour-sour or spicy.
Weight nausea to vomiting. Salmonella typhi bacteria breed in hatidan spleen, the result is swelling and eventually suppress the stomach, causing nausea. Due to excessive nausea, eventually enter the food can not be perfect and usually come out again through the mouth.
Diarrhea or Diarrhoea. The nature of the bacteria that attacks the gastrointestinal absorption of fluid that causes the disorder eventually occurs diarrhea, but in some cases actually occur constipation (difficult bowel movements).
Weakness, dizziness, and abdominal pain. High fever cause a sense of weakness, dizziness. The occurrence of swelling of the liver and spleen causing pain in the abdomen.
Fainting, not unconscious. Patients generally feel more comfortable with a lie without much movement, but with the severe conditions often occur disturbance of consciousness.
Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever

To the accuracy of the enforcement of disease diagnosis, the doctor will perform several laboratory tests including peripheral blood examination, Widal examination and culture of bile.
Examination of peripheral blood is a simple examination that is easy to do in a simple laboratory to make the diagnosis quickly. There will be a picture of a reduced white blood count (lekopenia), which increased the number limfosis and eosinophilia.
Widal examinations are blood tests to find an anti against typhoid germs. Positive if the titer Widal O 1 / 200 or more and / or show a progressive increase.
Typhoid fever positive definite diagnosis when performed by the finding of bile cultures typhosa Salmonella bacteria in the blood when the first week and then often found in the urine and faeces.

Positive blood samples was made to establish a definitive diagnosis. Urine and faeces samples twice in a row are used to determine that the patient had completely recovered and not the germ carrier (carrier).

Meanwhile, to ascertain whether the illnesses suffered by patients is another disease it is necessary differential diagnosis. If there is a fever of more than five days, the doctor will think of possibilities other than typhoid fever are other infectious diseases such as paratyphoid A, B and C, dengue fever (dengue fever), influenza, malaria, tuberculosis (TB) and lung infection (pneumonia).

Care and Treatment of Typhoid Fever

Care and treatment of disease Typhoid fever or types aimed at stopping the invasion of bacteria, shortening the course of the disease, prevent complications, and prevent the recurrence did not return. Treatment of typhoid disease conducted by isolating patients and conduct disinfection of clothing, faeces and urine to prevent transmission. Patients must lie in bed for three days until the heat down, and then allowed to sit, stand and walk.

Apart from drugs given to reduce symptoms such as fever and dizziness (Paracetamol), For a child with typhoid fever, the main choice of antibiotic is chloramphenicol for 10 days and is expected to occur eradication / eradication of germs as well as treatment time is shortened. But there are some doctors who chose other antibiotics such as ampicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, cotrimoxazole, cephalosporins, and ciprofloxacin according to the patient's condition. Excessive fever causing the patient to be treated and given fluids infusion.

Complications of Typhoid Fever

Complications are often found in children with typhoid fever is intestinal bleeding due to perforation, infection of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), and hepatitis. Brain disorder (encephalopathy), sometimes found also in children.

Typhoid Fever Disease Diet

Typhoid fever disease patients during treatment should follow the dietary guidelines recommended by doctors for consumption, among others:
Food is quite fluid, calories, vitamins and proteins.
Does not contain much fiber.
Not stimulating and does not cause a lot of gas.
Food is provided during breaks.
To return to the food "normal", do it gradually along with the mobilization. For example, the first and second day of soft food, day-to-3 regular meals, and so on.

Typhoid Fever Prevention

Typhoid fever prevention of diseases can be done by improving hygiene and environmental sanitation and health education. Immunization using oral vaccines and vaccine injections (antigen Vi Polysaccharida capular) has been widely used. Currently, prevention of Salmonella bacteria can be done with named chotipa vaccination (cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid) or TIPA (typhoid-paratyphoid). For children aged 2 years who are still vulnerable, can also be vaccinated.
READ MORE - Typhoid Fever

Cervix Cancer

Cervix Cancer

Cervical cancer is the term health is cervical cancer is a cancer that occurs in the uterine cervix, an area in which the female reproductive organ is the entrance to the uterus located between the womb (uterus) with a hole intercourse (vagina).

Cervical cancer is caused by some type of virus called Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). The virus is spread through sexual contact, HPV can invade all the women every time regardless of age or lifestyle. Many women with a good immune system able to fight HPV infection by itself. However, sometimes the virus leads to the occurrence of cancer.

In Indonesia, Cervical Cancer is the No. 1 cancer killer of women in Indonesia is currently the highest. (Pdpersi). "Every woman in his life at risk for the virus that causes cervical cancer," especially high risk for those who smoke, gave birth to many children, use of contraceptive pills in the long term, as well as those infected with HIV Aids. (MedlinePlus)

How cervical cancer occur

Just like all cancers, cervical cancer occur characterized by the growth of cells on the cervix that is unusual (abnormal). But before these cells become cancer cells, there are some changes experienced by these cells. Changes in these cells usually take up many years before the cells had been transformed into cancer cells. During the pause, the right treatment will soon be able to stop the abnormal cells before they turn into cancer cells.

Detecting Cervical Cancer

The cells are abnormal presence can be detected with a test called a "Pap smear test", so the earlier the abnormal cells were detected, the more low person's risk of cervical cancer. A Pap smear is a test that is safe and inexpensive and has been used for many years to detect abnormalities that occur in cells of the cervix.

Signs and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

In general, signs and symptoms is the occurrence of vaginal bleeding after sexual activity or between menstrual periods. Meanwhile, another sign that may arise include:
Loss of appetite and weight
Pelvic bone pain and spinal
Pain in the limbs (legs)
Swelling in the feet area
Accompanies the release of urine through the vagina feaces
Until hip fractures occur

Pap smear test regularly is necessary to find and detect the presence of cervical cancer in a woman.

Cervical Cancer Treatment

For you are diagnosed with abnormal cell changes early, it can be done several things like;
Heating, diathermy or laser.
Cone biopsy, that is by taking a bit of cervical cells, including cells undergoing changes. This action allows a more thorough examination to ensure that cells undergoing changes. This examination can be performed by a gynecologist.

If the course of the disease has reached the stage of pre-cancer and cervical cancer have been identified, so there are some things you can do to cure, among others;
Operation, namely by taking the cancerous area, usually the uterus and cervix.
Radiotherapy is by using high-powered X-rays that can be done internally and externally.

How is Prevention?

This is a very interesting news, that cervical cancer (cervical cancer) can be prevented. That is a way vaccinations are given to teenage girls and adult women.

The vaccine is inaugurated its copyright in 2006, its developers is a world's largest drug company in the United States (Merck & Co., Inc.). The vaccine is called "Gardasil". The vaccine, according to the WHO, is also effective in preventing infection with HPV types 6 and 11 which cause approximately 90% of all cervical cancers.

The introduction of cervical cancer prevention vaccine and the effort to get closer access to vaccines for people in all parts of Indonesia is expected to reduce the prevalence of cervical cancer, and minimize the fatality due to attack the cancer.
READ MORE - Cervix Cancer

Anatomy Human Heart (Understanding Cholesterol)

Anatomy Human Heart (Understanding Cholesterol)
The heart has a heart shape tends conical blunt. The heart of the human body occupies between the two lungs exactly in the middle of the thoracic cavity.

Heart Anatomy

A heart has 4 hollow space. Own heart the size of a postage fist owner.

Human heart is located to the left of the chest, between the lungs, are protected by the rib.

On the outside consists of muscles that contract with each other. These muscles play an important role in pumping blood through the arteries.

The inside of the heart consists of 4 pieces of chamber cavity. The four cavities are divided into 2 parts, namely the right and left are separated by a wall of muscle known as the septum.

On the right and the left is divided again into 2 chambers. Cavity of the upper chambers called atria and two lower chambers called the ventricle which has a role in pumping blood into the arteries.

In accordance with the etymological, the heart of the medical world has a term cardio / cardio. Is derived from the Latin words, cor. Where cast in the Latin meaning: a cavity. As the shape of a hollow muscular heart that pumps blood through blood vessels in a repetitive rhythmic contractions and have consistently.

Also, in medical terms have the meanings cardiac Count something related to the heart. In Greek, the term cardia itself is used for the heart.

The heart space is divided into four chambers.

Right atrium and left the porch that is separated by a septum intratrial,
Right ventricle and left ventricle are separated by a septum interventrikular.
READ MORE - Anatomy Human Heart (Understanding Cholesterol)

Disease Heart Attack

Disease Heart Attack

A heart attack is an emergency medical condition that is to be handled, if too late then it is very likely the patient immediately met his end (death). In developed countries, especially in America, heart disease is the number one cause of death in which a heart attack experienced by more than 1.5 million people there. Similarly in Indonesia, the Ministry of Health and Heart Disease Foundation suggests that this is now in Indonesia, heart disease ranks first as the cause of death.

Diseases of heart attack (Heart Attack), which in medical language referred to as myocardial infarction (MI), is the damage and even death of heart muscle (myocardium) caused an abrupt interruption of blood supply (as the bearer of Oxygen) is stricken area as a result of several factors. For example: Occurs when a coronary artery blockage was for some time, either due to spasm (occur tightening coronary arteries), due to thrombus (blood clot) or due to the narrowing and blockage by the buildup of fatty substances (cholesterol, triglycerides) that the longer more and more and accumulate beneath the deepest layer (endothelium) of the artery wall.

Heart attacks are caused by the spasm that causes including coronary artery blockade will disappear completely, either pain or other complaints when a coronary artery is relaxed and functioning as normal. These conditions are called crescendo angina or coronary insufficiency. If this occurred in the range 20 to 40 minutes, then it can cause death of heart muscle (infarct) as a result it lacks oxygen because the blood supply stops.
READ MORE - Disease Heart Attack

Kidney transplant

Kidneys are one of God's gift of organs which should always be thankful for, the kidney was instrumental in the process of urinaria body. Kidney damage can interfere with the secretion system so that the presence of kidney function need to be kept for a maximum.

Kidney damage occurs in stages The stages of decline in kidney function, namely:

* Kidney damage minimal

* Mild kidney damage

* Kidney damage is

* Severe kidney damage

* Kidney failure (renal function <15%)

Kidney failure can occur because of primary disorders such as kidney infection, kidney stone blockage, abnormal kidney failure, or complications of hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

Examination must be done to detect impaired renal function:

1. Blood tests (blood cell levels, urea, creatinine, uric acid, potassium, phosphorus, calcium)

2. Urine (microscopic and protein)

3. Kidney x-rays

4. Kidney ultrasound

5. Renal biopsy

Kidney transplant

Kidney transplantation in principle is to move the healthy kidneys into patients with kidney failure. The new kidney will be placed in the cavity of the ileum and kidney blood vessels connecting the new with the patient, then with (the urethra) ureter. The success of new kidney transplant is marked with the discharge of urine from the kidney. Kidney failure usually does not need to be taken but if it causes an infection, the kidneys need to be removed. For surgical removal of the kidney may take 2-3 hours.

While the kidney transplant operation itself takes 2-3 hours.

The advantages of kidney transplantation is no need to bother with washing the blood up to 2-3 times in 1 week so improve the quality of life.

Kidney transplantation is the best way of treatment of kidney failure in which a healthy kidney to replace the two kidney pain in patients with renal failure. Kidney transplant results can last for 40 years if well cared for. One people with kidney failure to perform kidney transplants a maximum of 4 times. Minimum age of transplant recipients for kidney donors is 70-80 years.

After kidney transplantation, donor-recipient must take drugs commonly called anti departure for the long term.

These drugs work for the body to accept the new organs transplanted.

Before the kidney transplant operation, need to be carried out such inspections:

* Routine blood

* Routine urine

* Blood tests

* ECG and ultrasound

* Endoscopy

* X-ray

* Examination of heart

* Check the network (HLA) and Antibody (PRA)

There are 3 types of donor kidney transplant:

- Donor family

- Donor non-family

- Donors from people who have died

Take care and love your kidneys as early as possible. Due to perform kidney transplant surgery, it takes no small cost.
READ MORE - Kidney transplant

Failed Kidney Disease

Failed Kidney Disease

Failed Kidney Disease is a disease in which kidney function has decreased until finally no longer able to work at all in terms of screening electrolyte disposal of the body, maintain fluid balance and body chemicals such as sodium and potassium in the blood or urine production.

Kidney disease can affect anyone who suffers serious illness or injury where it impacts directly on the kidney itself. Kidney disease more often experienced those aged adults, especially in the elderly.

A. Kidney Failure Causes

The occurrence of renal failure caused by some serious diseases that in sustained by the body which gradually affects the kidney organ damage. As for some diseases that often affect kidney damage include:
Disease of high blood pressure (Hypertension)
Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes Mellitus)
The blockage of the urinary tract (stones, tumors, narrowing / stricture)
Autoimmune disorders, such as systemic lupus erythematosus
Suffering from cancer (cancer)
Kidney disorders, where there has been development of many cysts on the kidney organ itself (polycystic kidney disease)
Damage to filters in the kidney cells either by infection or inflammation due to the impact of high blood diseases. Medical term called glomerulonephritis.

As for other diseases that also can cause renal failure if not quickly addressed among others, that many of the sudden loss of fluids (vomiting, bleeding, burns), as well as other diseases such as lung disease (TB), syphilis, malaria, hepatitis, preeclampsia, Drugs and amyloidosis.

Kidney disease develops slowly towards a worsening in which the kidneys no longer able to work as function. In medicine, known as 2 different types of attacks to kidney failure, acute and chronic.

B. Signs and Symptoms of Renal Failure Disease

The signs and symptoms of kidney failure experienced by patients in acute among others: Swollen eyes, legs, severe back pain (colic), urinary pain, fever, urinating a little, red urine / blood, frequent urination. Abnormalities of Urine: Protein, Blood / Erythrocytes, White Blood Cells / leucocytes, bacteria.

While the signs and symptoms that may arise by the presence of chronic renal failure include: weakness, no energy, appetite, nausea, vomiting, swelling, decreased urination, itching, shortness of breath, pale / anemia. Abnormalities of urine: Protein, erythrocytes, leukocytes. Lab examination abnormalities. Other: blood creatinine increased, hemoglobin decreased, Urine: protein is always positive.

C. Determination of Renal Failure Diagnosis

A doctor once asked medical history and signs and symptoms that arise, to determine the presence / occurrence of renal failure then he will perform a physical examination that focused on the possibility of kidney organ enlargement or swelling around the kidneys. If the suspected occurrence of impaired kidney function, then the patient will be consulted to a kidney specialist (Nephrologist).

Further laboratory examination either blood or urine in order to view the content of electrolytes sodium and potassium / potassium. In certain cases the medical team may perform the installation of a catheter tube into the urine bag (bladder) to remove the urine. If necessary, the medical team will recommend examination of shooting kidney structure using Ultrasound, Computed tomography (CT) scans or by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans. There's even the possibility of action biopsy, namely sampling (sample) kidney tissue.

D. Kidney Failure Treatment and Handling

Handling and treatment of renal failure depends on the cause of the failure of kidney function itself. In essence, the goal of treatment is to control the symptoms, minimizing complications and slowing disease progression. For example, a patient may need a diet low intake of sodium, potassium, protein and fluids. If the cause is unknown is the impact of other diseases, the doctor will give medicine or therapy such as administration of drugs for the treatment of hypertension, anemia, or possibly high cholesterol.

Someone who experienced failure of kidney function monitored very necessary income (intake) and expenditure (output) of fluid, so the action and the medications given can be done well. In some serious cases, patients will be advised or given blood laundering {haemodialisa (dialysis)}. Another possibility is to act kidney transplantation or kidney transplantation.

E. Esophageal Disease Precautions

We are in a state of "feeling well" at least expected to do a medicine / control / laboratory. Whereas those who declared in a kidney disorder, whether mild or moderate expected to be cautious in consuming drug rheumatic drugs such as drugs, certain antibiotics and immediately treated if infected, Avoid dehydration (vomiting), Control periodically. Hopefully this article useful to you in need, Thanks.
READ MORE - Failed Kidney Disease

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Malaria Disease

Malaria Disease

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a protozoan parasite which is Plasmodium class, where the process is transmitted through the bite of Anopheles mosquito. Protozoan parasites of this type spread in many tropical regions, for example in the Americas, Asia and Africa.

There are four types of plasmodium parasites are able to infect humans, but which are often encountered in cases of malaria are Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. Others are Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium malariae.

Signs and symptoms of malaria disease

The period of bud / incubation of this disease can be a few days to several months later appeared before the signs and symptoms complained of by patients such as fever, chills, shooting pain or joint pain, sometimes up to vomit, looked pale / anemis, enlarged liver and spleen, urine looks cloudy / thick because they contain hemoglobin (hemoglobinuria), felt tingling in the skin and having spasms.

However, it is revealed classic signs of feeling a sudden chill, followed by stiffness and then the appearance of fever and sweating a lot after 4 to 6 hours later, this takes place every two days. Among this period, the patient may feel healthy as before. At the age of the children malaria attack can cause strange symptoms, such as showing movement / posture as a result of abnormal brain cavity pressure. Even more seriously can lead to brain damage.

Classification of Disease Manifestation of Malaria

There are several forms of malaria disease manifestations, among others:
- Tertiana Malaria, caused by Plasmodium vivax, in which patients feel the fever appears every third day.
- Quartana Malaria, caused by Plasmodium malariae, the patient felt a fever every fourth day.
- Cerebral malaria, caused by Plasmodium falciparum, patients experience irregular fever with symptoms terserangnya part of the brain, even drifting into a sudden coma and death.
- Pernicious malaria, caused by Plasmodium vivax, symptoms can arise very suddenly, like a stroke, coma accompanied by symptoms of severe malaria.

Enforcing Malaria Diagnosis

With the signs and symptoms complained of and seen by the health team, it will be soon conducted laboratory tests (especially blood tests) to determine the cause and diagnosis to be given to patients.

Malaria Treatment

Based on the examination, either directly from the complaints that arise as well as more focused on results laboratium then the doctor will give you some medicine to patients. Among them is the administration of drugs to lower fever such as paracetamol, vitamins to increase endurance in an attempt to help the healing.

While the antimalarial drug Chloroquine is usually used is because the price is cheap and so far proven effective as a cure for malaria in the world. But there are some patients who are resistant to the granting of Chloroquine, so some doctors will give others like Artesunate-Sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine antimalarial, artesunate-amodiaquine, Artesunat-piperquine, artemether-lumefantrine, and Dihidroartemisinin-piperquine.

Malaria Prevention

Prevention of malaria can be done with cleaning Nest Mosquito (PSN), trying to avoid mosquito bites, or the prevention efforts by the administration of drugs Chloroquine when visiting malaria endemic areas.
READ MORE - Malaria Disease