Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Rheumatism is a disease that attacks the joints and surrounding structures. Arthritis can strike the head to toe. Common rheumatic arthritis is also called by the name of the disease is generally characterized by a number of symptoms, such as swelling, redness, pain in the knee, elbow, wrist or at the other joints, disorders of the muscles and tendons. symptoms of arthritis is quite broad.
Consisting of 150 arthritic's type. But there are four types of arthritis are most common in our society are osteoarthritis caused by calcification, rheumatic joints that strikes out beyond the cartilage tissue, inflammatory arthritis, and rheumatism caused by thinning.

Tempat2 Rheumatic Diseases

"About 50 percent of the complaints of joint pain caused by calcification. Means the depletion of tissue calcification of cartilage that serves as a cushion joints, '
Worn bearings in the joints that causes bone friction, causing pain. Liming is a process of degeneration that began at the age of 40 years. Speed ​​the process of degeneration is different in each person.

Joints someone could start trouble at the age of 40. But there are people up to age 70-the joint is fine. How quickly this process is determined by several risk factors, "such as: the quality of cartilage and overweight. Cartilage can be more resistant to wear condition. Like a car tire if the quality is good then the joints are not easily wear out even if worn for long.

Type of arthritis the most common cancer world population is rheumatoid arthritis (RA), namely rheumatoid arthritis, gout (uric acid) caused by excessive uric acid levels in the blood, and osteoarthritis (OR), the calcification of the joints. ccording dr.Riardi Pramudiyo, SpPD-KR from RS.Hasan Sadikin, Bandung, OR is a joint disease that most often found. This disease is degenaratif, the number of events increases with age. Accompanying symptoms include, pain in the joints after the patient perform the activity, or when the weather changes from hot to cold. As disclosed Riadi, OR trigger factor is usually due to another disease or certain circumstances. "It is not known what causes primary, but secondary causes of obesity could be due to people, so the burden that must be supported by the knee is too large, or because of excessive wear of the knee, such as professional football players," he said.

Other types of rheumatic disease that affects many people of Indonesia are rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This disease most commonly affects the age group of 20-50 years. Symptoms commonly found is when you wake up stiff joints and the patient could hardly move.

Rheumatism in the productive age are usually caused by inflammation. This inflammation can be due to gout or other causes. Rheumatism because uric acid is often found in men in their 30s and 40s.
This species, according to Dr. Harry Isbagio, due to the excess of purine metabolism that accumulate in the joints. This heap that cause pain in joints.

Doctors often encounter misunderstandings Harry society about uric acid. Patients often come to consult with a test result of uric acid. "They asked why uric acid exposed to normal but the doctor diagnose arthritis. They misunderstand about rheumatism. Not all arthritis caused by uric acid, "he explained.

Autoimmune disorders such as lupus, including type of arthritis caused by inflammation. In this disorder the body's immune function as an exterminator of bacteria, viruses or foreign substances that enter the body. Immunity would damage healthy tissue, including tissue in joints.

Likewise with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis). The disease include inflammation of the joints that cause is still unknown. According to the Encyclopedia of Public Health, there have been indications that the genetic patterns responsible for the onset of the disease.
RA can strike people at any age, including toddlers. Inflammation of the disease occurs in synovial tissue found in joints. This network serves to produce joint lubricating fluid. In RA patients, this tissue to swell and show a lot of inflamed cells.

Prevent, Abstinence and Treatment of Arthritis

According Riadi, drugs are now on the market no one can cure rheumatism. Medications just to relieve pain and prevent further joint damage. "Treatment of arthritis are usually long term," he said. If the arthritis that attacks the patient had reached the stage joint deformity (shape change joints) then the cost incurred for treatment, including expensive, there are even drugs that cost tens of millions of dollars once a syringe.
Drugs commonly administered in patients with rheumatic disease physicians, among others, groups analgesic (pain reliever), which can suppress the prostaglandins, causing inflammation. These drugs have side effects gastric disorders. Therefore, the presence of specific rheumatic drugs such as celecoxib, has been warmly welcomed because it has little side effects on the stomach and kidneys. Another class of drugs is corticosteroids, to resolve inflammation (inflammation) and suppress the immune system so that the reaction of reduced inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. The form of this medicine can be smeared on the skin cream or injection. Unfortunately, these drugs have side effects such as swelling, increased appetite, weight gain, and emotional instability.

In addition to drugs, to reduce pain can also be done without drugs, for example with an ice pack. "Ice can lower the pain threshold and reduced enzyme function," said Riadi. Then, many kinds of vegetables that can be consumed by patients with rheumatoid arthritis, such as celery juice, cabbage or carrots can reduce the symptoms of arthritis. Several types of herbs can also help against rheumatic pain, such as ginger and turmeric, celery seed, leaf aloe vera, rosemary, aroma therapy, or juniper oil that can relieve swelling in the joints.

Maintaining ideal weight is one of the wise move to reduce pain in the knee joint. Any excess weight overload knee and hip joints, and increase pain due to arthritis. Addition of excess body weight increases the risk of uric acid.
Moderate exercise such as walking beneficial for arthritis sufferers because of uric acid. This is because walking burns calories, strengthens muscles and builds strong bones without disturbing the joints are sore.

To exercise should consult a doctor or therapist, in order to learn the best movements. Advised to avoid exercise overload the knee. "Badminton, volleyball, tennis, jogging, martial arts should not be done. Especially when the arthritic type of uric acid that is recurrent. Standing too long will cause tremendous pain, "he said.

In addition to treating, we can also prevent the arrival of the disease, such as not exercising excessively, keep your weight steady, and keep the intake of food is always balanced in accordance with the needs of the body, especially a lot of eating fish from the deep sea. If you feel you do not consume enough fish, taking supplements may be an option, especially those containing omega 3. In the omega 3 contained a substance that is very effective to keep the joints to remain supple.
Do not joke about arthritic symptoms that arise. Once the pain began to appear, immediately consult a physician to detect which one is just plain stiff or which are symptoms of arthritis.

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