Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Osteoarthritis is a type of large families arthritis most often occurs. Often referred to as degenerative osteoarthritis or OA hipertropic. OA is an arthritis that is chronic and progressive destruction of cartilage along the joint integration of (broken) and tender joint surface with progressive growth of joint cartilage (osteofit) on the bone.
The literature shows 1 of 6 population is suffering from OA disease. WHO reported 40 percent of the world's elderly population will suffer from knee OA, of that amount, 80 percent have limited joint motion. Pathophysiology of hyaline cartilage (joint-prone network) Elastic tissue which is 95 percent composed of water and extra cellular matrix, 5 percent kondrosit cells.
Function as a buffer or shock breaker, as well as a lubricant, so as not to cause pain during joint movement. If the tissue damage-prone joints faster than its ability to improve themselves, then there thinning and loss of lubrication that will touch the bone. This is what causes pain in the knee joint. After damage cartilage, joints and bones changed. On the surface of worn joints Calcification occurred. Namely the growth of new bone which is the body's defense mechanism to make the joint stable again, but this would make the joints stiff. Joints are often the target of joint disease is often used as the support of bodies such as the knee, spine, pelvis, and also in the joints hands / feet. If not treated will grow sick and could not walk. In addition, bones can change shape or permanent deformity. Hooked on foot to the inside and out. The impact of this disorder emerged slowly for 10 years that need to be alert.

  1. PRIMER. The cause is unknown, due to the natural aging process. Experienced after the age of 45 years, not known for certain causes, attacked slowly but surely, and be on many joints. Usually about knee and hip joints, other joints may also like the back and fingers.
  2. SECONDARY. Experienced before the age of 45 years, the cause of trauma (instability) which causes injury to the joints (such as a broken bone or joint surfaces are not parallel), due to loose joints and joint surgery. Other causes are genetic factors and metabolic diseases.
This disease can be without symptoms (asymptomatic) means that even though according to the results of X-ray almost 70 percent of seniors over 70 years of OA disease was detected, but only half complained, while the rest normal. Following OA attack signs.

  • Joints felt stiff and painful when moved. At first only the morning, but if allowed to get worse and cause pain any particular movement, especially at the time of sustaining weight loss, but could be improved if the rest. In some patients, joint pain can occur after a long break, such as sitting in a chair or on the car seat travel. Sometimes also felt after getting out of bed in the morning.
  • Changes of bone. This is due to cartilage tissue is increasingly damaged, the bones began to change shape and inflamed, causing pain intense.
  • The sound on each joint (crepitus). These symptoms do not cause pain, discomfort only at each joint (usually knee).
  • The existence of swelling / inflammation in the joints (Heberden's and Bouchard's nodes) Aching joints reddish color.
  • Fatigue that accompanies pain in the joints.
  • Difficulties using joints.
  • Age above 50 years.
  • women
  • Overweight
  • Immobilisasi History
  • History of trauma or inflammation in the joints before.
  • The existence of stress on the joints of prolonged, for example in sports.
  • The existence of liquid crystals in the joints or bones.
  • High bone density
  • Neurophaty peripheral  
  • Other factors: race, heredity and metabolic.
Dismissed with the above predisposing factors. For tips, do the following things to avoid as early as possible you caught OA OA or make you not recur ie;

  • Maintain weight
  • Sports that are not much use joints
  • Sports activities as required 
  • Avoiding injury to the joints. 
  • Drinking joint supplements 
  • Healthy eating 
  • Choosing the right footwear and comfortable 
  • With different relaxation techniques 
  • Avoid movements that stretch the finger joints. 
  • If there is deformity in the knee, such as O-shaped legs, do not be tolerated. this will cause uneven pressure on the bone surface.
Suspect in the elderly with OA symptoms and do tests on the joints Xray images of the complaint is made specifically for knee examinations performed standing position and both knees examined for comparison. In OA patients Xray images we could find on the edge of osteofit joints, joint space narrowing, subkhondral increase bone density, bone cysts in subkhondral, joint fluid. In the laboratory normal OA patients, but needed to distinguish from other diseases. In the case of OA with joint fluid examination is required excessive joint fluid analysis to distinguish infected with OA, because the OA joint fluid analysis is clear, thick, white blood cells <2000/mL.

Osteoarthritis Treatment :
  • Joint replacement (THR), the procedure is performed in cases of advanced stage (3dan 4). After surgery the patient could walk again without pain.
  • Arthroscopy debridement, a procedure of action for diagnosis and therapy of joint disorders using the camera, with this tool the doctor doing the cleaning and washing the joints, other than that the doctor can see abnormalities in other joints and can repair itself immediately.
  • Joint Supplements: Glucosamine and Chondroitin, each has a function that is: Chondroitin sulfate is useful to stimulate cartilage growth and inhibiting cartilage destruction. Glucosamine is the formation of proteoglycan, works by stimulating the formation of cartilage, and inhibit cartilage destruction.
  • Pain medication
  • Excercise, eliminate joint stiffness and broader scope. 

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