Kanser Lungs
Kaviti chest ('ray') portion is surrounded by your rib, rather than a portion below the neck and shoulders. Floor kaviti this chest is a diaphragm, a dome composed of muscle than the width and juice. Below the diaphragm is the abdominal. Partly kaviti large chest filled by two big lungs and such span. Kon lungs roughly shaped, and composed terbahagi than spaces or lobuslobus - the left lung has two lobes and the right three. Located between the lungs is the mediastinum, an area that contains the heart and blood stripe stripe-large, trachea (air duct), oesophageal (tiub that carries food to the stomach rather than the mouth), and many glands called lymph nodes.
When we inhale, the air disedut through the nose or mouth into the pharynx and down through the duct air into the chest. Air duct branches into two bronchi, each one enters each lung. In the lungs, the bronchi will branch off many times, as sepohon principal, to form bronkiol-bronkiol smaller are thousands tiub-tiub smooth (bronkiol). Each bronkiol hujung bronkiol have coffers
air as fine bubbles. Air sac (alveoli) that make lungs like span. Blood flow through the walls of the adjacent lime air pocket. This allows oxygen to move than air enters the blood and carbon dioxide which is a waste material body - rather than move the blood into the air, to be blown out.
Two-layer membrane called the pleura surrounds the lungs. He senipis stick plastic wrap (cling wrap). Attached to the inner lining of the lungs and the outer layer is also pillow chest wall and diaphragm. In between the two pleural layers it is kaviti. Kaviti it looks empty - with two layers of pleura moves into contact with each other, and these layers of damp and slippery so that the lungs can move smoothly
during bergesel with your chest wall during breathing.
Kanser Lungs
Kanser lungs is kanser on sesetengah cells in your lungs partly, selalunya pengalas began in the airway tissue. Kanser that appears in the cells of the organ pillow something called carcinoma.
There are several types of lung kanser. Kanser classed lung cell types terjejas follow. There are two main types: squamous-small cell carcinoma and squamous-small cell carcinoma.
Squamous-cell carcinoma small
Carcinoma-small cell carcinoma, also called oat cell carcinoma-squamous cell shape by his deep, responsible for approximately 15 peratus kanser-kanser lungs. This type of meeting Kanser linked with cigarette smoking. Unfortunately, he broke early and causes few initial symptoms sake only, and consequently, in most chan, he has metathesis at the time he was diagnosed.
Carcinoma-squamous non-small cell
Carcinoma-small cell carcinoma, including squamous cell carcinoma, adekarsinoma, se carcinoma large cell carcinoma and mesotheliomas bronkiol. Squamous-cell carcinomas menjejaskan-cell primary bronkiol pillow. When these tumors begin to grow, they may spread into the chest wall and local lymph nodes. Squamous cell carcinoma has a degree metathesis (Courant-Courant spread to other body) more slowly than other types of lung kanser another and can usually dikesan early, and by it to have the best prognosis after treatment. Mesotheliomas, in fact, not kanser lungs. He is kanser pleural membrane on the surface of a rare lung dikesan and meetings related to exposure to asbestos.
Stem-Stem kanser lungs
As with most kanser, we do not know the tab for all chan. Cigarette smoking is the main stem kanser lungs but is not known why a smoker gets lung kanser but the others are not. Almost 90 peratus kanser lung is caused by smoking. Kanser selalunya lungs occurs in adults between the age group of 40 and 70 years who had smoked cigarettes for at least 20 years. They are likely to have smoked since a teenager again.
There is also more evidence to back up persekitaran tobacco smoke (passive smoking) may cause disease in adult classes, children and babies. Workplace exposure to asbestos is associated with the risk of getting asbestos poisoning and mesothelioma. There is a risk of double-doubles for asbestos poisoning penghidap to get kanser lungs, and if penghidap also smoke the risk
many times double. Workplace exposure that may be related to lung kanser including touch in the processing of metals, nickel, chrome and coal. Exposure to the light of causing an increased risk kanser got everyone, including kanser lungs. Pelombong-pelombong uranium, fluorspar and hematite may be exposed to the light of contaminated air during breathing radon gas.
Is there kanser lung prevalent?
Approximately 3500 people of Malaysia likely to be diagnosed with lung kanser every year. Kanser lung stem deaths kanser is most prevalent among Malaysian men.
Sesetengah people have no symptoms, but knowing that they got kanser lungs when a tumor is visible on a chest x-ray during a routine inspection. The others also that free menyedari something is not taxable if respiratory symptoms or excessive increases berlarutan bronchitis attack. Sesetengah symptoms are more common than others but it should also be checked by a doctor. Symptoms kanser lung is the most common berlarutan cough or change in a chronic cough. Respiratory distress, which contains the impression Kahak blood, chest pains and pneumonia or bronchitis attack multiple times may also be signs of lung kanser. In the final rankings kanser lungs, pesakit may experience lethargy, weight loss, respiratory distress were extreme, guttural voice, difficulty in swallowing and cecair kaviti gathered in the chest. There may also be symptoms that seem unrelated to the lungs. It may spread kanser berpunca than the lungs to other body portion.
Doctoral and expert professional kesihatan Which should I see?
Doctoral usual you will examine you to validate your menghidapi kanser same there or not. This may be a time of worry and exhausting, especially if you have to go through some tests. If a diagnosis has been made, the doctor will also refer you to a urology expert who will advise you about opsyen-opsyen maintainability. You must menjangka you will be manned by an army of professional keepers than all disciplines related in a care center which has various facilities such as diagnosis and treatment. Experts and skilled professionals who maintain pesakit kanser kesihatan lungs include:
Respiratory Specialists: menyiasat usually responsible for the symptoms, diagnosis and disease rank
Experts thoracic surgery (chest): is responsible for some tumor biopsies and expenses if It should be dissected out.
Experts oncology perubatan: responsible for chemotherapy
Light of expert oncology: responsible for radiotherapy
Experts feeds: who will back up the good feeds to follow during your treatment and recovery in the
Nurses: who helped you along all ratings kanser that you experienced in hospital
Virtue officials, interpreters and interpreter recover members recover jobs: who will advise you about perkhidmatan support and help you re-run your daily aktiviti.
How kanser diagnosed lung
If kanser disyaki lungs, several tests will be run for Doctorate imposing presence would first ask about kesihatan your past and present, history of smoking and a job, and will do a fizikal. Later, he would mengesyorkan you to undergo a test or an unregistered exams for kanser lungs. These exams may include a chest x-ray, one or more biopsies or one or more skanskan.
For biopsy procedures include sputum cytology, bronchoscopy, fine needle aspiration, surgical mediastinoskopi torakoskopik berbantukan video. Sesetengah this procedure may also impressive kanser same time there has been spread to the lungs melepasi Courant-portion of the body.
X-ray chest
A chest x-ray to know for sure ribbed central tumors as small as one centimeter. Sometimes, kanser lungs may dikesan on chest x-ray taken for other purposes.
Sputum cytology
Sputum cytology examination is an examination under the microscope Kahak to impress the abnormal cells. Kahak is cecair you batukkan out than your lungs. Samples taken early in the morning for a few days - you will be asked to cough strongly to issue cecair than your lungs. You should not do it at home, store the samples in a cool box before taking it to the doctor or to a pathology collection center.
An instrument called a bronchoscope are sometimes used to diagnose kanser lungs. It is a flexible tiub be inserted into the nose or mouth and down the trachea. It allows doctors to see the lungs and take tissue samples if necessary. This procedure is done after you are given a mild sedative and local anesthetic bursts into the back of the throat portion. This procedure may not Selesa
but not painful.
Fine-needle aspiration
This procedure is done if you have lumps (tumors) that cause doubt. The sample should also not be taken by bronchoscopy but mencucuk be achieved by needle into the tumor. He selalunya done in hospital. You will be given a local anesthetic before doctors insert a needle menerusi chest wall and into the tumor-driven images of x-ray and take out a little tissue. A procedure called torasentesis also use a fine needle. But the needle does not enter the tumor but cecair than surrounding pleural space is taken as an example to impress kanser cells.
In this procedure, a doctor can see the lymph nodes in the chest, but tiub will be put through a piece in the neck and turned down into the lymph nodes. The doctor may take a sample of tissue if necessary. The procedure is performed using anesthetic am. He usually take a period of a day but sometimes you are asked to stay in hospital overnight.
Surgery torakoskopik berbantukan video
Torakoskop is a device such as a bronchoscope and mediastinoskop. He put in kaviti chest through a small piece of the skin. Doctorate may look inside the chest portion using this tool and take a sample of cells if necessary. Selalunya doctor will use a video camera is very small and can guide equipment by looking at the video screens. You will probably have three small hirisan made on your chest, one for the camera and two more for surgical tools. You will receive an anesthetic am and was in hospital for two or three days.
CT Scan
Skan computing tomography (CT) may be used to identify tumors definitely smaller than can be seen on x-ray. It can also suggest an equally there has been enlarged lymph nodes. CT scan is a type of X-ray that gives a typical three-dimensional images organorgan and other structures (including any tumors) in your body. CT scan is usually performed in the hospital or radiology center perkhidmatan. Exams are not
painful it will take a period of 30-40 Minit to be refined. You will be asked to lie on a table with a CT scan, a big round donut seerti, revolves around you. You may be given a similar injection of dye into your vein, probably in your arm before the scan. This will get the scan pictures clearer. You will be prompted him not to eat or drink for a while prior to the scan. Most people can go home as well as other features scan is over.
Skan-scan other
Skan-scan which may also be used. Bone scan can show the same no kanser has spread to the bone. Slightly radioactive material will be injected into a vein. He will flow through the blood vessels and
gathered in the areas of abnormal bone tumbesaran. A tool called pengimbas will measure radioactivity stage in these areas and merekodkannya on x-ray film. Skan lung ventilation / perfusion may think the number of lung function that would be lost if the lung tissue is taken out. Positron emission tomography, also known as PET scan, involves injecting a solution of glucose into the body. By kerana kanser cells use more glucose than normal cells, PET Scan will impress quantity radioactive glucose in the body areas that have been attacked kanser (if it has spread), for example, to the organs and other lymph nodes .
Other exams
You may also undergo blood tests and breathing tests. If surgery is possible, it is crucial to measure your breathing. People who smoked had emphysema and may have a less keupayaan breathing.
'The ranking' disease
The tests described before this show together there you menghidapi kanser, if true, in which the presence of primary and equal kanser there kanser cells have spread to other Courant Courant-body (this is known as metathesis). This helps the doctors 'rank' disease so that they can determine the best treatment for you.
Cell carcinoma of the lung is not small graded following ways:
Ranking 0: Also called carcinoma in situ. Cells were concentrated on the surface of the tissue pengalas air duct and have not spread to the lower layers of tissue-paper.
Rating I (1): This is probably a rather small tumor alone or a large tumor that has spread within the lung.
Rating II (2): including tumors that have spread to the chest wall.
Rating IIIa (3a): The tumor has spread to the chest wall or diaphragmatic border of the lungs. Kanser cells have spread to mediastinal lymph nodes on the same side.
Rating IIIb (3b): Kanser merapati or involving the trachea or main blood stripe-stripe, or has spread to lymph nodes in the neck or mediastinum to the other side.
Rating IV (4): Characteristics of lung kanser determination Rating IV is kanser cells have spread to the Courant-away portion of the body and memetastasis (forming secondary tumors).
Small cell carcinoma graded following ways:
Terhad Rating: Kanser encountered in the lungs and lymph nodes the border.
Extensive Rating: Kanser has spread melepasi lung lung origin to adjacent or distant organs.
Recurring: It Kanser back after being treated.
Maintainability Maintainability main kanser lungs are surgery, radiotherapy (treatment x-rays) and chemotherapy (maintainability bye). Choice of treatment will depend on the same time there has been widespread melepasi kanser lungs, as there lungs to function properly and you kesihatan circumstances. Matlamat maintainability is, as best possible, councilors and makes you feel freer than any symptoms, although kanser you can not be cured. .
If you are not yet widespread kanser melepasi lungs, kesihatan you (other than those kanser) is rather good and sufficient keupayaan your breathing, the treatment provides the best chance of a cure is to surgically cut portion. Surgery is the most common, called lobectomy, take out a portion of lung terjejas. At other times, the entire lung should be taken out and it was called
pneumonectomy. For those who have respiratory pesakit less, Courant Courant-lung more
little was taken out in an attempt to perpetuate keupayaan breathing. Although, it perpetuates the surgery-surgery respiratory keupayaan, kanser likely to recur. Doctorate you will advise you on the best procedure for you.
After surgery
You will receive a bead intravenously for several days so you can eat and drink before. There is one rather than two tiub that drains out cecair or air: this is temporary. X-rays will be done often to ensure that your lungs to function smoothly. You will experience pain after surgery. Proclaim to the doctor or nurse if you need relief rather than pain, and they will give you ubat pain pills. You do not need to "languish in silence". You may be discharged in the next five or ten days after surgery. You will receive advice rather than doctors, nurses and interpreters recovered Caracara members about taking care of yourself at home. Recovery may take a period of several weeks to sesetengah pesakit; anyway, you may recover more quickly than this. Senaman will help you recover. Create starters, you will do senaman respiratory and senaman feet and then, walking and swimming will improve your strength and your body kesihatan. Doctoral or interpreter recover your members will mengesyorkan senaman is best for you and proclaim to you when you should initiate
senaman more powerful. If your breathing is not terjejas before surgery, you may dapati that free you can breathe as usual even though one or partly instead of your lungs have been taken out. Pesakit who have difficulty breathing before surgery will feel more shortness of breath after that.
Chemotherapy is a treatment using anti kanser bye (cytotoxic). The goal is to kill cells as possible while kanser memudaratkan not normal cells. Bye acts by stopping these cells rather than enlarged and membahagi. Chemotherapy is the treatment of choice for pesakit kanser small cell lung. By kerana kanser this type spread quickly, he was very sensitive to chemotherapy. Unfortunately, although the follow-back is usually good starters, tumors may arise again in the form of a more sustainable and just a little sebilangan other features that may be said to have been cured.
Impression of chemotherapy side
Bye Sesetengah used in chemotherapy may cause side impressions. Impressions side may include a sense of queasiness, vomiting, depression, fatigue and pale lesions, body hair and head miscarriage. Impressions side is only temporary and steps should be taken to prevent or subtract.
Radiotherapy treat-kanser by using light of light of x-rays, to kill cells kanser. X-rays can be targeted precisely to the places in the body kanser. Maintainability will be designed carefully so that might not be as good as memudaratkan tissue-normal body tissue. Lung function may rosak if radiotherapy had directed the lungs, and lung function tests are needed to assess this. To ascertain the exact same portion treated each time, light of experts will make some marks on your skin. These signs are lines, Pangkah-Pangkah and dots written with dakwat-dakwat typical. Sesetengah than the ephemeral signs had originally made during siri maintainability. Radiotherapy may be used to treat lung kanser initial ranking. It also may be used to escort kanser that has spread to the lymph nodes. If kanser lungs can not be cured, radiotherapy may be used to relieve pain and other symptoms, such as pain caused by metathesis in the bone or brain. Maintainability is used to relieve the symptoms of the disease without attempted to cure the disease called palliative care. Sometimes given chemotherapy in addition to radiotherapy so that the cells become more sensitive to radiotherapy.
Impressions radiotherapy side
Radiotherapy may cause side impressions while including a sense of queasiness that can be relieved with ubat, loss of appetite and lethargy. The skin on the treated portion may become red and sore after treatment for two or three weeks. Since beginning treatment, you should be careful during elakkan shower and shave or wear clothes that are a little tight on the Courant. Get doctor before taking any certainty talc or losen. Ask the experts your radiotherapy treatment forces a cream to relieve the sense of incandescent that you experienced.
As for most types kanser, treatment results are best when kanser dikesan and treated in the early ratings. Pesakit were dissected at the initial rank kanser lungs have a good chance to recover.
For most pesakit, kanser dikesan lung disease is still permitted during surgery. For those who have kanser pesakit have advanced, palliative treatment with radiotherapy to treat many symptoms with memorable. People who continued to smoke after treatment kanser have a risk of lung disease later received. If you need help to quit smoking, berbincanglah with your doctor or nurse. You should discuss with your doctor about your prognosis. History perubatan you unique, so you need membincangkannya with someone who knows about the history of perubatan you what you may have expected and opsyen-opsyen care is best for you.
Palliative care
Palliative care is care that relieve or lessen pain and other symptoms of this disease are concerned. Babysitting is provided palliative care for people who experience pain and anxiety associated with kanser kanser not care about ratings. This is a crucial kind of care for people who have had advanced kanser, who could not be cured but can expect to live a life without pain or anxiety if It may be circumvented. Babysitting Palliative including pain relief and analgesic use bye the steps include radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Selalunya pain may well guarded with ubatan orally and you should not hesitate about getting hooked bye.
Sometimes, cecair accumulated in the chest by his deep kanser outbreak. It can be streamed out and the space between the lung and the chest wall sealed with a chemical injection. If the insulated air ducts are enlarged due to a tumor or due to pressure inside than the outside air duct, this can be relieved. A tumor in the airways and may be removed using a laser bronchoscopy: a stent to relieve the pressure on the outside of the airways. Sometimes, sesetengah the blood found in the Kahak (haemoptisis) them. It may be accompanied by a laser bronchoscopy or radiotherapy or artery to insulate terjejas region. Doctors with unusual, experts and experts in palliative care in hospital guard forces play an important role in the care for people who got rank kanser beginning or advanced.
Making decisions about treatment
Sometimes make decisions about the care that is right for you is very complicated. You may find it all too quickly apply your sehinggakan semasak no time to think of the cooking. Other people also find that free will wait for the decision of the tests and the treatment is very merunsingkan. While there are people felt the ordinance sesetengah acquired too much, there is also a sense that it is not sufficient. You must ensure that you fully understand your illness, maintainability maintainability and impressions Possible side so that you can make your own decisions. Do not make rash decisions.
If you were given a choice maintainability maintainability, you need to weigh the good and bad every maintainability. If only one is reserved maintainability sake only, ask your doctor to explain why no other maintainability maintainability reserved. Sesetengah people who have been attacked kanser will further selalunya choosing care
although very slim chance of recovery. The others also avail mahukan certainty that free care is commensurate with any impression sideline. There is also a pick maintainability in their opinion gives the best qualities of life. Sesetengah others also may choose not Want to undergo treatment but only mahukan symptoms arise It solved if to perpetuate the qualities of life as possible.
Talking with your doctor
You might Want to meet with your doctor several times before making a decision about treatment muktamad you. During the negotiations of the first if you were told that you menghidapi kanser selalunya worrying and you probably do not really remember what diperkatakan. Usually it is difficult to accept all the facts and you may need to ask the same thing repeatedly soalan. You are entitled to know the same care that there is something crucial for you and your right to accept or reject it.
Talking with others
As good as the other features you have been talking care options with your doctor, you may Want further conversation with this matter with family or friends, with the nurses, hospital employees virtue or religious teacher or your counselor. Talking about this case will pave the way for you to determine the most appropriate action for you.
Another opinion
You might Want to get a view of another expert. It should be understood and should be something that is very useful in your decision making process. Expert or your doctor may refer you to a specialist to another, and you can request all your records dihantar him to get another opinion. You still may get a second opinion if you've still Want initiate treatment or treated by
your first doctor.
Taking portion in the clinical percubaan
Doctoral mengesyorkan you may consider to take your order at the percubaan clinical portion. Clinical Percubaan is an important portion in the study to find a better maintainability kanser. The doctors running clinical percubaanpercubaan to test a new treatment or a customized and saw the same treatment was no better than no treatment were available. Percubaan-clinical percubaan may involve multitudes of people crowded a small or larger. Crowded people around the world have taken portion inside percubaan-clinical percubaan which has resulted in an increase in the kanser maintainability.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
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