Sunday, May 13, 2012

Outer Ear

Receive sound waves and sent into a message to the brain.
specific receptors for hearing and balance (fonoreseptor). These receptors form of hair-shaped cells that have a function to receive the stimulus in the form of vibrations and converts them into the next sensory impulses are transmitted to the auditory center in the brain. Sound stimulation delivered to the brain
through the nerve connecting the ear and the brain (nerve vestibulokoklearis)

The ear consists of three parts:
1. Outer Ear
2. Middle ear
3. Inner ear

Outer Ear
Outer ear serves to capture the sound, Having parts:
a. Ear leaf (auricula) 1.5 cm in length.
b. Channels Outer Ear (external auditory Analyst) 2 cm in length. In this channel there are glands excrete sudorifera serumen, to protect the ear from the many impurities that enter the outer ear / effect on the insects that would go into the ear (because the smell was not pleasant). And keep the outer channel surface and the eardrum is not dry.
c. Tympanic membrane (ear drum) is a thin membrane that limits the external ear and inner ear.