Monday, September 26, 2011

Heart Healthy Eating Apples With Once a Day

Heart Healthy Eating Apples With Once a Day
Apples became a favorite food for people on a diet program because the content of water and fiber in apples can suppress appetite. Not only that, eating an apple every day can also keep you from heart disease.

Recent research conducted in Tallahassee Florida State University found that eating an apple every day either to vascular or cardiovascular health.

Researchers noted that women who eat apples every day for a year can lower total cholesterol by 14 percent and levels of bad cholesterol (LDL or Low Density Lipoprotein) by 23 percent.

"I never thought that eating apples can reduce bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) about 4 percent," said Bahram Arjmandi, Chairman, Department of Nutrition, Food and Exercise Sciences at Florida State University in Tallahassee, as reported by HealthDay.

In this latest study, researchers wanted to assess the long-term effects of apple consumption on cardiovascular health.

Researchers recruited 160 women between the ages of 45 to 65 years. The women were randomly assigned into one of two dietary intervention groups. One group was given 75 grams of dried apple every day for a year, while the other group were given dried plums each day for a year.

According to this study, the daily dry apple contains about 240 calories and an apple contains about 5 grams of fiber, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Researchers found that women who ate dried apples can lower total cholesterol by 14 percent. LDL cholesterol dropped 23 percent. Daily apple consumption was also significantly lower levels of C-reactive protein and lipid hydroperoxide, two materials that may indicate an increased risk of heart disease. But whether plum effect on cholesterol levels is not mentioned in the study abstract.

"Apples are the fruit is really remarkable for many reasons. The biggest reason is the fiber apple, apples have soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber found in skin, while the flesh contains soluble fiber," said Jessica Shapiro, a clinical nutritionist at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City.

According to Shapiro, the flesh of apples will be a substance such as a highly viscous gel that can pick up cholesterol and pull it out of the body.

"One good thing is the pectin in apples. It is a substance used to make jelly or jam, and pectin contributes to the viscosity of what happens through the body, and help him out. Apples also have a lot of antioxidants and other natural components," he said.

Shapiro said he would recommend a fresh apple instead of dried apples, because some nutrients may be lost in the drying process.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, food can have an effect on cholesterol levels. Foods that contain saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol can raise levels of cholesterol, while foods with healthy fats like olive oil can lower your cholesterol.

Foods with fiber, like fruits, vegetables and grains, can lower cholesterol levels, while carbohydrates are low in fiber tend to increase levels of triglycerides and lower HDL cholesterol as well.
READ MORE - Heart Healthy Eating Apples With Once a Day

Hypertension Heart Disease: Biggest Killer Century

Hypertension Heart Disease: Biggest Killer Century
High blood pressure (hypertension) is a major cause of heart disease. As many as 75 percent of people with hypertension will lead to heart failure or heart disease called hypertension. The disease is staying digadang as the greatest killer of mankind in the late 20th century until now.

Hypertension Heart Disease

Together with hipercholesterol (fat disorders), diabetes mellitus (diabetes), and smoking, hypertension becomes a major risk factor for heart disease and blood vessels. Ironically, not many people are aware of it. They realized due to hypertensive heart disease when the heart has been "tired" to work to pump blood with extra pressure.

In this world, there were about 1 billion people or 1 in 4 adults suffer from hypertension. This chronic disease can damage vital human organs, namely eyes, brain, kidney, and heart, thus requiring no small amount of medical expenses. Unfortunately, malignant hypertension not accompanied by adequate treatment.

Based on data reported by the World Health Organitation (WHO), from 50 per cent of known hypertensive patients, only 25 percent get treatment. Of that percentage, only 12.5 percent who obtain treatment with either (adequately treated cases).

In fact, all the symptoms of heart disease, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or palpitations, can quickly be anticipated if the person is first aware of the symptoms of hypertension. Then, like what the symptoms of hypertension that resulted in cardiac death?

Symptoms of Hypertension Death

If you experience symptoms such as headaches, heart palpitations, pain in the neck, tiredness, blurred pelihatan, and nosebleeds (nasal bleeding), you need to be vigilant. Those are all symptoms of hypertension that leads to heart failure.

In addition, hypertension can be seen from the results of medical check-ups. Namely, the value of blood pressure. In normal people, blood pressure ranges <120 or <80mm Hg. If prahipertensi, 120-139mm Hg to 80-89mm Hg. As for stage 1 hypertension approximately 140-159mm Hg or 90-99mm Hg and stage 2 hypertension> = 160mm Hg or> = 100mm Hg.

If you experience any of these symptoms or medical check-up results showed high blood pressure, it is recommended to control immediately to the doctor, take medication regularly, exercise and regular scalable, balanced weight, and measure the circumference of the abdomen.

In addition, start to keep the meal (choose foods low in salt) and drink plenty of water, quit smoking, and maintaining mental health or avoid stress with a leisurely lifestyle.

Love Heart

The heart is a very important organ for humans. Like a generator on the engine. Likewise, the function played by the heart. Pumping blood around the body so the body gets oxygen and nutrients as a key condition of metabolism (burn energy).

Loving heart is a necessity. The trick to avoiding a variety of lifestyles that result in ugly on the heart, such as the lack of activity (physical movement or exercise), smoking, diet high in fat, cholesterol and sugar, as well as the lives of vulnerable stress.

The heart is God's infinite grace. It will not be replaced. If possible, it takes a very expensive cost for heart transplants and very hard to find a suitable donor heart. Therefore, love your heart starts this minute!
READ MORE - Hypertension Heart Disease: Biggest Killer Century

Size Normal Heart Rate

Size Normal Heart Rate
Heart rate is a contraction of the lower heart chamber that pumps blood throughout the body. Based on the results of scientific studies in medicine, heart rate occurred because of the irregular electrical impulses generated from one network to the right atrium of the heart walls. This network is called the SA node (SA node).

Heartbeat rhythm is affected by cardiac neural state that is part of the autonomic nervous system (autonomic nervous system), the nervous system associated with the activities of the body and works under consciousness.

The autonomic nervous system is formed from two types of nerves, namely the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. These nerves originate from the spinal cord and brain can send impulses to the SA node or other parts of the heart.

Sympathetic nerves play a role increasing pulse rate. These nerves are usually active when the body responds to danger or when we are in a state of fear or rage, a strenuous, or other activities that use the power of emotion. As with the parasympathetic nerves, these nerves contribute to lower the rate of heart beats.

In addition influenced by the autonomic nervous system, heart rate is affected by chemicals or hormones present in the bloodstream. Several hormones and chemicals that affect heart rate, among others, are as follows.
The hormone adrenaline. This hormone is produced by the adrenal glands found in the kidney. When I was in a state of stress, adrenal hormone production will increase so that the stress state of the heart rate also increases.
Thyroid hormone. The main hormone that helps maintain metabolic processes is produced by endocrine glands located in the neck. These hormones can increase your pulse rate.
Chemicals such as calcium, sodium, and potassium may also increase heart rate.

What is the size of a normal heart rate?

Normal pulse rate for adults at rest (no physical activity) is about 70 beats per minute.

However, the heart rate for children and infants in a normal state more quickly than adults. The children had a normal heart rate around 100 beats per minute, while the baby is 120 beats per minute.

Basically, the activities of a routine exercise can make your heart stronger so that the sportsman in your pulse rate at rest was lower than people who never exercise, which is about 40 to 60 beats per minute.

This occurs because the heart is strong allowing adequate blood supply throughout the body even though only a relatively small rate.
READ MORE - Size Normal Heart Rate

Keeping the Heart Healthy Lifestyle

Keeping the Heart Healthy Lifestyle
Everyone wants to live a healthy life. With a healthy life, we can perform a variety of activities well, such as work, school, housekeeping, and other activities. What happens if our bodies are ill or have health problems? Of course all the usual activities will be hampered, even not at all feasible.

Our bodies consist of vital organs in synergy with each other. If any of these organs susceptible to interference, the performance of other body organs will be disrupted. One of the organs that became the engine of life is the heart organ. The heart as a machine body of work to pump blood throughout the body. If a cardiac disorder, cardiac performance will not function properly. The impact can affect bodily health.

The cause of cardiac disorders such as heart disease. Heart problems caused by weak heart muscle or heart attack. The cause is the blockage of blood vessels in the heart due to accumulation of fat or cholesterol. If no immediate action is taken, can lead to heart failure and cause death. Before the disturbances in the heart organ was attacked, do prevention by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy Lifestyle with Exercise

Preventing health problems in the heart of a healthy lifestyle can be done with exercise. Exercise should be done regularly. Sports portion adapted to ability, age, and level of our health. It is better to consult your doctor what type of exercise is appropriate to do. Do not let exercise make your body sick or injured because the wrong type of sports.

All types of exercise good for health. However, for fitness and better heart health do aeorbik kind of sport that involves the heart. Here are some types of aerobic exercise that can be done to maintain heart health.

1. Healthy Way

Do not underestimate this sport. The road has the benefit of maintaining a healthy heart health. Walking motion is always dynamic spur organ pumping more active. Take the time to do brisk walking at least 30-60 minutes every day to maintain fitness and heart health.

2. Jogging

Performing regular jogging to keep in shape. When jogging, organ heart will beat faster to pump blood and heart muscles become stronger. Jogging 3-5 times a week can improve heart health and body.

3. Swimming

This sport is conducted in water (swimming pool). With swim regularly at least three times a week can improve fitness and heart health. Swimming can strengthen the muscles of the body, can also lose weight.

4. Bicycle

Cycling also has the benefit of maintaining physical fitness and heart health. Cycling three times a week doing enough to maintain health. In addition, cycling can be done while brekreasi with family or friends.

Applying a Healthy Lifestyle

In addition to exercising regularly, maintaining healthy heart must be accompanied by adopting healthy lifestyle behaviors. Here are some healthy behavior that should be done.

1. Choosing Healthy Foods

Food intake to the body should be nutritionally balanced and adequate nutrition. Limit your intake of carbohydrates and protein. Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits. Avoid eating fast food.

2. Drinking Water

Lack of fluid in the body is very dangerous for health. Every day our body release fluid through the skin, kidneys, and lungs as much as a liter more. Oeh therefore, inadequate fluid needs by drinking lots of water.

3. Breakfast

Breakfast is very important because the body requires a source of energy for the day activities. Breakfast does not need to eat calorie-dense foods that can cause drowsiness during the day or at work. Inadequate need for breakfast with fruit or juice.

4. Avoid Cigarettes

Smoking habits lead to interference with the heart. Reducing cigarette has no effect on heart health. If you want a healthy heart, quit smoking now.

5. Reduce Salt Consumption

Eating too much salt can cause hypertension, which can disrupt the work of the heart. Reduce salt intake to keep the heart healthy.
READ MORE - Keeping the Heart Healthy Lifestyle

identify symptoms and causes as early as possible

identify symptoms and causes as early as possible
Coronary heart disease is a type of attack that many of Indonesia's population. This condition occurs due to narrowing / blockage in the coronary artery walls due to fatty deposits and cholesterol that cause blood to the heart suplaian be disturbed. Changes in lifestyle, diet, and stress can also lead to the occurrence of coronary heart disease.
What Causes Coronary Heart Disease?

The cause of coronary heart disease is due to excessive buildup of fatty substances in the lining of artery walls of the coronary vessels, which are influenced by an unhealthy diet. Addicted to smoking, hypertension, high cholesterol can also be a cause of coronary heart disease.

Symptoms of Coronary Heart Disease

Symptoms such as coronary heart disease:
Pain in the chest, more specifically the center of the chest pain that spreads to the left arm or neck, even to the backs. Chest pain like this is the typical pain of coronary heart disease. This pain arises only when doing physical activity and will be reduced at rest.
Accompanying symptoms such as sweating and the onset of nausea.

Coronary Heart Disease & Cardiovascular Genetics

Medically heart disease are grouped into two kinds: coronary heart disease and a genetic heart disease. Coronary heart disease arises when there is narrowing of blood vessels to the heart. While genetic factors (congenital) found since the age of the baby.

Heart disease, stroke, and peripheral arterial disease is a deadly disease. Around the world, the number of people with this disease continues to grow. The third category of disease is not separated from the unhealthy lifestyle that many will follow the changing pattern of life.

Trigger factors of heart attack are among others:
Consuming foods high in cholesterol.
Less movement.
Supine exercise.
Lack of rest.

Heart attack is a condition when the damage suffered by the heart muscle (myocardium) is reduced due to sudden blood supply to part of the body.

Treatment and Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease

Following the traditional recipe concoction of Prof. H.M. Hembing Wijayakusuma:
1-3 Noni / pace / noni mature in the wash and cut into pieces, then blended with enough water and boil. Add honey to taste, then drink.
2-3 Noni / pace / ripe noni washed and cut into pieces + 10 grains angco, deseeded. All material is blended with enough water, add 10 grams of powdered leaves tubers god (Thien chi). Stir well, then drink.
2 Noni / pace / noni ripe, washed and cut into pieces + 30 grams of god leaves boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc. Strain, add honey to taste. Stir well and drink.

Choose a recipe and do regularly. Recipes to help the healing process. Keep consulting your doctor.
READ MORE - identify symptoms and causes as early as possible

Characteristics of Heart Disease

Characteristics of Heart Disease
Heart disease has long been known as 'the sillent killer'. This is of course because of heart disease can suddenly appear and can instantly turn off without giving prior notice symptoms. Not to mention, its kind of heart disease can vary. Everything is very deadly.

Although heart disease does not give obvious symptoms, there are some characteristics of heart disease that could be identified and may be anticipated before the severe and lethal. What are the characteristics of heart disease?

The characteristics of Coronary Artery Disease or Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary artery disease is also known as coronary heart disease. This disease is a disease caused by a blockage of the arteries due to fat and cholesterol.

The characteristics of coronary heart disease in them are as follows.
Angina. That is, pain in the chest in the form of discomfort; severe chest; chest pain; chest felt pressed; reflux; chest felt crushed; even to stomach pains. Not only in the chest, angina can also be felt in the shoulders, arms, neck, throat, jaw, or back.
Shortness of breath such as lethargy.
Palpitations (discomfort resulting from an irregular heartbeat or harder).
Fast heart rate.
Weak, tired, sluggish, and dizziness.
Frequent sweating.

Disease characteristics of Heart Attack

Heart attack disease is a disease that occurs when blood flow to and from the heart stops abruptly. Although it only happens a few seconds, the cessation of blood flow to the heart and this will cause the death of the body's cells. That is why, heart attack patients usually experience a variety of functions limb abnormalities, including paralysis.

The characteristics of the disease in whom cardiac arrest is as follows.
Discomfort in the chest like pressure, heaviness, and tightness.
Sore arm or lower body and also the breastbone.
Discomfort and back pain, jaw, neck, and hands.
Stomach feel full; indigestion, and frequent choking. Sometimes, sudden stomach pains.
Frequent sweating, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.
Often sluggish all of a sudden, anxiety, shortness of breath.
Fast heart rate and irregular.

Arrhythmia characteristics

Arrhythmia is a disease or disorder in the form of disruption of the heart rate / rhythm of the heart. This disease can be seen with the heartbeat that is too fast or too weak.

The characteristics of arrhythmia in whom the disease is as follows.
Palpitations (discomfort resulting from an irregular heartbeat or harder).
The existence of conflicts in the chest.
Dizziness or light taste and floating head.
Often unconscious.
Shortness of breath.
Chest pain.
Weak and often very tired.

The characteristics of Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one type of arrhythmia. The characteristics of the disease Atrial fibrillation (AF) were as follows.
Often tired and lacking energy.
Frequent dizziness.
Discomfort in the chest.
Shortness of breath.

The characteristics of Heart Valve Disease or disorder

Heart valve disease or disorder is a disease or disorder that occurs due to disturbances of heart valves are not functioning properly and correctly.

The characteristics of heart valve disease in whom abnormalities are as follows.
Shortness of breath.
Weak and dizzy
Discomfort in the chest.
Often unconscious.
If the disease is accompanied by heart failure, features can be added with leg swelling and weight gain drastically.

The characteristics of Heart Failure Disease

Diseases of heart failure is a disease caused by the inability of the heart in pumping blood properly and correctly.

The characteristics of heart failure disease in them are as follows.
Shortness of breath on exertion and at rest.
Coughing up phlegm.
Weight rises.
Swelling of legs and abdomen.
Fatigue and lethargy.
Fast heart rate.
Nausea, palpitations, and chest pain.
READ MORE - Characteristics of Heart Disease

Thursday, September 8, 2011

LDL transport cholesterol

LDL transport cholesterol to the arteries and can be retained there by arterial proteoglycans, starting the formation of plaques that hinder blood flow. Thus, increased levels of LDLs are associated with atherosclerosis, and thus heart attack, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. It is for such reasons that cholesterol inside LDL lipoproteins is often known as "bad" cholesterol.

Increasing evidence has revealed that the concentration and size of the LDL particles more powerfully relates to the degree of atherosclerosis progression than the concentration of cholesterol contained within all the LDL particles (Taubes and Krauss 2007). The healthiest pattern, though relatively rare, is to have small numbers of large LDL particles and no small particles. Having small LDL particles, though common, is an unhealthy pattern; high concentrations of small LDL particles (even though potentially carrying the same total cholesterol content as a low concentration of large particles) correlates with much faster growth of atheroma, progression of atherosclerosis, and earlier and more severe cardiovascular disease events and death.

A hereditary form of high LDL is familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). Increased LDL is termed hyperlipoproteinemia type II (after the dated Fredrickson classification).

LDL poses a risk for cardiovascular disease when it invades the endothelium and becomes oxidized, since the oxidized form is more easily retained by the proteoglycans. A complex set of biochemical reactions regulates the oxidation of LDL, chiefly stimulated by presence of free radicals in the endothelium. Nitric oxide down-regulates this oxidation process catalyzed by L-arginine. In a corresponding manner, when there are high levels of asymmetric dimethylarginine in the endothelium, production of nitric oxide is inhibited and more LDL oxidation occurs.
READ MORE - LDL transport cholesterol


(Hypercholesterolemia) Symptoms of high cholesterol are often surprising answers when made questions about it, why? Because most excess cholesterol has no symptoms. But if we ignore the high cholesterol, can ultimately lead to serious heart disease.

Has now surpassed heart disease as the number one cause of cancer death in the United States. High cholesterol is one component of cardiovascular disease risk factors are important. Unfortunately, there are no symptoms associated with high cholesterol. So, despite feeling well, you can still have high levels of harmful cholesterol, and we do not even know it happened.

If your cholesterol level is not within the normal range, the medical team may recommend a low-fat diet, exercise, medication, or a combination thereof. Current guidelines recommend that everyone over age 20 should get their cholesterol checked at least once every five years. However, if you have a family history of high cholesterol, or you have been diagnosed with chronic conditions, like diabetes or heart disease, you may consider checking your cholesterol more frequently. In some cases, symptoms of high cholesterol found incidentally on routine examination, and many people are surprised to be diagnosed with high cholesterol when they otherwise feel healthy.

Few things interesting, in America a unique phenomenon occurs when someone wants to apply for a job, they will be asked for a health check, an average of those who suffer from high cholesterol, hypertension will be surprised with the results of their examinations! Now how in Indonesia? When registration for Civil Servants for example, the fact that most attachments health history as a mere formality just to pass the file! This phenomenon should open our eyes about the importance of medical check-ups.
READ MORE - Hypercholesterolemia


What are the symptoms of disease Stroke?
Frequent headaches or migraines, due to impaired blood circulation to the brain.
Stiff neck, sore shoulders and backs, due to accumulation of cholesterol.
Hands / feet often tingle, feels numbness (numbness), due to blood circulation that is not smooth.
High uric acid, due to the failure of the decomposition.
Until the swelling, swelling in certain body parts.
Modern life is now demanding everything instant and fast paced. Both in work activities, domestic life and daily food. Even the few among us who frequently ate fast food (fast food). Development of communications and transportation technology seemed to shorten the distance and shorten the time. Humans seemed to be pampered in his life.

Along with it all, it turns out we have to pay dearly with our health. Use of pesticides, toxic waste, air pollution, additives (colorings, flavorings, preservatives) in foods are some factors which when consumed continuously in the long run can degrade the quality of health of our bodies. Free radicals, carcinogens (cancer-causing genes), toxic substances are a few terms that the more often we hear. Even cancer, diabetes, cholesterol, stroke, gout, allergies, there are on either side of us.

In addition to external things over, living habits are also very influential for the health of our bodies. Foods that are not nutritionally balanced, a little exercise and lack of rest will support the spread of disease.

Health is an expensive pleasure. Therefore we must maintain our health. When we are sick, stroke for example, is not only difficult but we are all members of the house we also feel sad. If healthy is expensive, it will be much more expensive when we are sick.

Why do people get sick? Most people are sick because of his blood. Each of us is sick, always check first is the blood. Every second, every minute, the blood pumped by the heart to deliver oxygen and food through the body until it reaches the brain and fingertips. If blood circulation is compromised, then we will be sick organs. A few seconds the blood does not reach the brain, a stroke will occur. Once the heart stops beating, people will die. Why would a person exposed to uric acid? Because of thick blood. Why is hypertension? Because of thick blood. Why is heart disease, diabetes, etc.? Because of thick blood. Most diseases are also caused by disturbances in blood circulation such as blood is too thick, too high blood acidity and eventually blockage of blood vessels.
READ MORE - Stroke

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Rickets is a softening of the bones in children potentially leading to fractures and deformity. Rickets is one of the most frequent childhood diseases in many developing countries.

The main cause is a lack of vitamin D, but the lack of adequate calcium in the diet can also lead to rickets (cases of severe diarrhea and vomiting can be a cause of deficiency). Although it can occur in adults, most cases occur in children suffering from malnutrition, often due to hunger or starvation during the early stages of childhood.

Osteomalacia is the term used to describe a similar condition occurs in adults, generally due to lack of vitamin D. origin of the word "rickets" probably from Old English dialect word 'wrickken', to twist. Greek originated word "rachitis" (ραχίτις, which means "inflammation of the spine") was later adopted as a scientific term for rickets, especially because of the similarity of words' in the voice.

Those at high risk for developing rickets include:

* Breastfed babies whose mothers are not exposed to sunlight
* Breastfed babies are not exposed to sunlight
* Dark-skinned infants (eg black, South Africa), especially when milk and little exposed to sunlight
* Individuals do not consume milk, such as those who are lactose intolerant

Individuals with red hair have been speculated to have a reduced risk for rickets because of their greater production of vitamin D in sunlight.

Children ages 6 months to 24 months are at highest risk, because their bones are growing rapidly. Long-term consequences include permanent curvature or destruction of long bones, and back arched.

Vitamin D is needed for calcium absorption from the intestine. Sunlight, particularly ultraviolet light, allowing human skin cells to convert vitamin D from dormant to active state. In the absence of vitamin D, calcium is not properly absorbed, resulting in hypocalcemia, leading to bone and tooth defects and neuromuscular symptoms, eg hyperexcitability. Foods that contain vitamin D include butter, eggs, fish liver oils, margarine, milk and juice, and oily fish such as tuna, herring, and salmon.

A rare form of X-linked dominant there, called Vitamin D resistant rickets.
READ MORE - Rickets


Mikrosefalus is a situation where the size of the head (top of head circumference) is smaller than average head size in infants by age and sex.
said to be smaller if the size of the head circumference of less than 42 cm or smaller than three standard deviations below the average figures.

Mikrosefalus often result from failure of brain growth at a normal pace. various conditions and diseases that affect brain growth can cause mikrosefalus.

Mikrosefalus often associated with mental retardation. Mikrosefalus can occur after an infection that causes damage to the brain in very young infants (eg meningitis and meningoencephalitis).

The main causes:
- Down syndrome
- Cri du chat syndrome
- Syndrome seckel
- Syndrome Rubinstein-taybi
- Trisomy 13
- Trisomy 18
- Smith-lemli syndrome-Opitz
- Cornelia de lange syndrome

Secondary Cause:
- Maternal phenylketonuria uncontrolled
- Methyl mercury poisoning
- Congenital rubella
- Congenital toxoplasmosis
- Congenital cytomegalovirus
- Drug abuse by pregnant women
- Malnutrition (malnutrition).

Treatment at mikrosefalus depends on the cause. Babies who survive often suffer mikrosefalus life but tend to have mental retardation, seizure disorders and muscle coordination.
READ MORE - Mikrosefalus


Rheumatism is a disease that attacks the joints and surrounding structures. Arthritis can strike the head to toe. Common rheumatic arthritis is also called by the name of the disease is generally characterized by a number of symptoms, such as swelling, redness, pain in the knee, elbow, wrist or at the other joints, disorders of the muscles and tendons. symptoms of arthritis is quite broad.
Consisting of 150 arthritic's type. But there are four types of arthritis are most common in our society are osteoarthritis caused by calcification, rheumatic joints that strikes out beyond the cartilage tissue, inflammatory arthritis, and rheumatism caused by thinning.

Tempat2 Rheumatic Diseases

"About 50 percent of the complaints of joint pain caused by calcification. Means the depletion of tissue calcification of cartilage that serves as a cushion joints, '
Worn bearings in the joints that causes bone friction, causing pain. Liming is a process of degeneration that began at the age of 40 years. Speed ​​the process of degeneration is different in each person.

Joints someone could start trouble at the age of 40. But there are people up to age 70-the joint is fine. How quickly this process is determined by several risk factors, "such as: the quality of cartilage and overweight. Cartilage can be more resistant to wear condition. Like a car tire if the quality is good then the joints are not easily wear out even if worn for long.

Type of arthritis the most common cancer world population is rheumatoid arthritis (RA), namely rheumatoid arthritis, gout (uric acid) caused by excessive uric acid levels in the blood, and osteoarthritis (OR), the calcification of the joints. ccording dr.Riardi Pramudiyo, SpPD-KR from RS.Hasan Sadikin, Bandung, OR is a joint disease that most often found. This disease is degenaratif, the number of events increases with age. Accompanying symptoms include, pain in the joints after the patient perform the activity, or when the weather changes from hot to cold. As disclosed Riadi, OR trigger factor is usually due to another disease or certain circumstances. "It is not known what causes primary, but secondary causes of obesity could be due to people, so the burden that must be supported by the knee is too large, or because of excessive wear of the knee, such as professional football players," he said.

Other types of rheumatic disease that affects many people of Indonesia are rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This disease most commonly affects the age group of 20-50 years. Symptoms commonly found is when you wake up stiff joints and the patient could hardly move.

Rheumatism in the productive age are usually caused by inflammation. This inflammation can be due to gout or other causes. Rheumatism because uric acid is often found in men in their 30s and 40s.
This species, according to Dr. Harry Isbagio, due to the excess of purine metabolism that accumulate in the joints. This heap that cause pain in joints.

Doctors often encounter misunderstandings Harry society about uric acid. Patients often come to consult with a test result of uric acid. "They asked why uric acid exposed to normal but the doctor diagnose arthritis. They misunderstand about rheumatism. Not all arthritis caused by uric acid, "he explained.

Autoimmune disorders such as lupus, including type of arthritis caused by inflammation. In this disorder the body's immune function as an exterminator of bacteria, viruses or foreign substances that enter the body. Immunity would damage healthy tissue, including tissue in joints.

Likewise with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis). The disease include inflammation of the joints that cause is still unknown. According to the Encyclopedia of Public Health, there have been indications that the genetic patterns responsible for the onset of the disease.
RA can strike people at any age, including toddlers. Inflammation of the disease occurs in synovial tissue found in joints. This network serves to produce joint lubricating fluid. In RA patients, this tissue to swell and show a lot of inflamed cells.

Prevent, Abstinence and Treatment of Arthritis

According Riadi, drugs are now on the market no one can cure rheumatism. Medications just to relieve pain and prevent further joint damage. "Treatment of arthritis are usually long term," he said. If the arthritis that attacks the patient had reached the stage joint deformity (shape change joints) then the cost incurred for treatment, including expensive, there are even drugs that cost tens of millions of dollars once a syringe.
Drugs commonly administered in patients with rheumatic disease physicians, among others, groups analgesic (pain reliever), which can suppress the prostaglandins, causing inflammation. These drugs have side effects gastric disorders. Therefore, the presence of specific rheumatic drugs such as celecoxib, has been warmly welcomed because it has little side effects on the stomach and kidneys. Another class of drugs is corticosteroids, to resolve inflammation (inflammation) and suppress the immune system so that the reaction of reduced inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. The form of this medicine can be smeared on the skin cream or injection. Unfortunately, these drugs have side effects such as swelling, increased appetite, weight gain, and emotional instability.

In addition to drugs, to reduce pain can also be done without drugs, for example with an ice pack. "Ice can lower the pain threshold and reduced enzyme function," said Riadi. Then, many kinds of vegetables that can be consumed by patients with rheumatoid arthritis, such as celery juice, cabbage or carrots can reduce the symptoms of arthritis. Several types of herbs can also help against rheumatic pain, such as ginger and turmeric, celery seed, leaf aloe vera, rosemary, aroma therapy, or juniper oil that can relieve swelling in the joints.

Maintaining ideal weight is one of the wise move to reduce pain in the knee joint. Any excess weight overload knee and hip joints, and increase pain due to arthritis. Addition of excess body weight increases the risk of uric acid.
Moderate exercise such as walking beneficial for arthritis sufferers because of uric acid. This is because walking burns calories, strengthens muscles and builds strong bones without disturbing the joints are sore.

To exercise should consult a doctor or therapist, in order to learn the best movements. Advised to avoid exercise overload the knee. "Badminton, volleyball, tennis, jogging, martial arts should not be done. Especially when the arthritic type of uric acid that is recurrent. Standing too long will cause tremendous pain, "he said.

In addition to treating, we can also prevent the arrival of the disease, such as not exercising excessively, keep your weight steady, and keep the intake of food is always balanced in accordance with the needs of the body, especially a lot of eating fish from the deep sea. If you feel you do not consume enough fish, taking supplements may be an option, especially those containing omega 3. In the omega 3 contained a substance that is very effective to keep the joints to remain supple.
Do not joke about arthritic symptoms that arise. Once the pain began to appear, immediately consult a physician to detect which one is just plain stiff or which are symptoms of arthritis.
READ MORE - Rheumatism

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV = Hepatitis C virus). Hepatitis C virus entry into liver cells, using the genetic machinery inside the cell to duplicate the Hepatitis C virus and infect many other cells.

15% of cases of Hepatitis C infection is acute, meaning the body is automatically cleaned and no consequences. Unfortunately 85% of cases, hepatitis C infection becomes chronic and slowly damages the liver for years. In that time, the liver can be broken into cirrhosis (hardening of the liver), end-stage liver disease and liver cancer.

Hepatitis means swelling of the hati.Banyak kinds of viral hepatitis C. In many cases, the virus enters the body, began life in the liver cells, disrupt the normal activity of the cell, then use the genetic machinery inside the cell to duplicate the Hepatitis C virus and then infect other healthy cells.

If you have Hepatitis C, it is important to eat healthy and avoid alcohol. Alcohol can worsen liver damage you, whether you are in treatment or not.

One of the common symptoms of Hepatitis C is chronic fatigue. Fatigue can also be a side effect of treatment of Hepatitis C. Fatigue caused by Hepatitis C can be resolved with adequate rest and perform a routine exercise.

Hepatitis C virus is very clever to transform themselves quickly. Today there are at least six major types of hepatitis C virus (often called genotypes) and more than 50 subtypes.

This is the reason why the body can not fight viruses effectively and research have not been able to make a vaccine against viral hepatitis C. Genotype does not determine how severe and how quickly the development of hepatitis C, however, certain genotypes may not respond as good as the others in treatment.

Symptoms of Hepatitis C

Often people who suffer from Hepatitis C have no symptoms, although infection has occurred for many years.

If the symptoms below there are probably vague:

Loss of appetite
Stomach ache
Urine becomes dark
Yellow skin or eyes (called "jaundice") are rare
In some cases, Hepatitis C can cause an increase in certain enzymes in the liver, which can be detected on routine blood tests. However, some patients with chronic hepatitis C have levels of liver enzymes or abnormal fluctuations.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to perform the test if you think you have the risk of contracting hepatitis C or if you had any contact with contaminated people or objects. The only way to identify this disease is by blood tests.

Transmission of Hepatitis C

Transmission of Hepatitis C is usually through direct contact with blood or its products and needles or other sharp instruments contaminated. In many everyday activities such as Hepatitis C infection risk bleed from cuts or nosebleeds, or menstrual blood. Personal equipment are exposed to contact by the patient can transmit the hepatitis C virus (such as toothbrushes, razors or manicure tools). Risk of Hepatitis C infection through sexual intercourse is higher in people who have more than one partner.

Hepatitis C transmission is rare from Hepatitis C infected mother to a newborn or other family members. However, if the mother is also HIV positive, the risk of transmitting hepatitis C is very much possible. Breastfeeding does not transmit hepatitis C.

If you have Hepatitis C, you can not transmit hepatitis C to others through hugs, handshakes, sneezing, coughing, sharing eating utensils and drinking, casual contact, or other contacts are not exposed to blood. A person who is infected with Hepatitis C can infect other people two weeks after being infected himself.
READ MORE - Hepatitis C

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a liver disease caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV), a member Hepadnavirus which can cause acute or chronic inflammation of the liver are in a minority of cases may progress to liver or liver cancer sirosi. Treatment of hepatitis B progressively developed by the various State and became one of the World Health Organization's attention.

The cause of hepatitis was not merely a virus. Drug toxicity, and exposure to various chemicals such as carbon tetrachloride, chlorpromazine, chloroform, arsenic, phosphorus, and other substances used as medicine in the modern industry, can also cause hepatitis. These chemicals may be ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin of the patient. Neutralize toxins circulating in the blood is the work of the heart. If a lot of toxic chemicals that enter the body, the liver can be damaged so that it can no longer neutralize the other toxins.

Hepatitis B virus interfere with liver function and activate the immune system, which produces a specific reaction to combat the virus. As a consequence of pathological damage, the liver becomes inflamed. A small percentage of infected people can not get rid of the virus and become chronic infections. If there are people who are undergoing treatment of hepatitis B in these circumstances, should be wary because these people are at high risk of death from liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Prevent transmission of hepatitis B virus

Hepatitis B virus is transmitted through contact with blood or body fluids from an infected person - the same way as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, HBV virus is 50 to 100 times more infectious than HIV.

The main way of transmission of infection with HBV are:

Perinatal (from mother to baby at birth)
Transmission of the virus
Injections and transfusions
Sexual contact.
Around the world, most infections occur from mother to baby, and from reuse of unsterilized needles and syringes. How to protect yourself against hepatitis B diiri with vaccination. Hepatitis B vaccine has a record of safety and efficacy, and since 1982, more than one billion doses have been used around the world. The vaccine is 95% effective in preventing chronic infections from developing. Protection lasts for 20 years at least, the booster is not recommended by WHO. It is recommended as prevention for those at risk and the treatment of hepatitis B for those who have been infected.
READ MORE - Hepatitis B

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is one of the existing types of hepatitis. On this occasion we only emphasize on the type A include treatment of hepatitis A. The disease is caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). HAV can be transmitted by eating food or drinking water contaminated by feces of infected individuals.

Outbreaks can occur in countries where water supplies contaminated by sewage. In some countries, contamination of shellfish has caused large outbreaks. Close contact with infected individuals can also transmit the infection with hepatitis A, this is of particular concern in schools where the kids to be careful and notice on how to wash their hands after using the toilet facilities as a precautionary measure. This is certainly more effective than the treatment of hepatitis A should do to those who suffer.

HAV has an incubation period of 10 to 40 days. This is the time from exposure to the virus until the onset of the disease. The first symptoms include loss of appetite, hates cigarettes, nausea, muscle and joint pain and mild fever. Later symptoms include yellowing of the skin (in medical terms is called jaundice), mucous membranes, and dark urine. The duration of the disease is usually two to three weeks, but everyone can remain asymptomatic for several months.

Before speaking the treatment of hepatitis A, of course, we must know first how these types of hepatitis A can be prevented. Consider hepatitis A vaccine, it is usually encouraged by countries with limited hygiene. Good hygiene reduces the risk of infection.

Hepatitis A, or are we laymen know as the 'Sick Yellow', is one form of infection in liver disease. However Hepatitis A is a mild liver disorder, compared with after his clan, such as Hepatitis B, C and so on.

If someone is suffering from hepatitis A, of course, have to do is take medication. Although this disease tend to be mild, but it does not mean the disease is not treated. So the first step to do is see a doctor. When the period of healing and recovery, of course, the patient must not move the weight first. Bed rest (bed rest) is highly recommended to help restore power. For food, so far no one that must be avoided, but the types of foods / beverages such as coffee, tea, and alcohol should be avoided, because coffee and tea contain caffeine and alcohol also chemically incorporated in the category 'medicine' that will undergo a process of detoxification in the liver (liver function is to neutralize toxins). Because these organs are impaired, so it would be nice if it did not burden him with the 'hard work'.

Traditional medicines that have been known to help treat disorders of the liver is the ginger. Nowadays a lot of ginger was processed into a dosage form that is more easily consumed by consumers, although you should select a dosage form that contains no added chemicals (preservatives, flavorings, colorings). Better yet, if you are willing to cultivate their own ginger rhizome by thinly slicing them after cleaning, then boiled with water. Here's the stew that will be drunk, you can add honey to improve taste.
READ MORE - Hepatitis A

Bypass surgery is Better than Stents?

Bypass surgery is Better than Stents?

In patients with blocked heart arteries, bypass surgery is considered will give better results than angiplasti plus stent, and surgery became the standard procedure. Thus the results of an international study. However, that assessment is disputed by a cardiologist who is also involved in the study and an expert who wrote an accompanying editorial.

According to them, the advantages and disadvantages of both procedures is balanced, that a decision on which one to use depends on the case with the patient.

The study, published in the journal New England Journal of Medicine, the March mengiukutsertakan 1,800 people who have a blockage in a coronary artery or three major coronary arteries. Half of the patients undergoing bypass surgery, and half underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or angioplasty combined with stenting. Over the next year, as much as 17.8 percent of those who had the stent procedure had "major adverse cardiac" or "cerebrovascular events" than those who underwent bypass procedures. The results stated that the superiority of surgery.

"But the important point is to look at other factors," said Dr.. David R. Holmes Jr.., Professor Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Medicine, and doctors who are also doctors who are involved in this study. The death rate and okuren major coronary events such as heart attacks were the same in both groups. The only big difference is the need for repeat artery-opening procedures: 13.5 percent in the stent group and 5.9 in the bypass group. Other findings, there is a risk for experiencing a stroke are higher in the bypass group by 2.2 percent compared to 0.6 percent in the PCI group.

The discovery was quite a relief to those who refuse to undergo bypass surgery. With the study doctor can provide a variety of data, but the patient who decides the choice.

However, according to Dr. L. David Hillis, chairman of the department of medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, there are many situations when decisions must be made by the doctor. Patients who are unable or unwilling to take anti-drugs such as aspirin or plavix blockages, not suitable to undergo the procedure sten, and should be required to undergo bypass surgery. In addition, it also applies to patients who have illnesses that increase the risk if surgery is performed, such as a bad lung condition. "The condition found in 5 to 10 percent of cases," said Hillis.

Another report in the journal reinforces the findings on a study conducted two years ago, that drug therapy is as effective as stents given action after a few days or weeks after the patient had a heart attack. Now, a new study conducted at Duke University physician, found that stents led to an improvement of quality of life is temporary but long-term benefits not unlike the drug therapy.
READ MORE - Bypass surgery is Better than Stents?

Signs and Symptoms of Gout

Signs and Symptoms of Gout

Patients with gout are usually characterized by frequent experience tingling, aching pain or a sudden joint pain. Usually it attacks one joint and more of the initial attack began in the joints of the foot.

Most of the first attack occurred on the evening before the morning. Pain can also occur on the ankles, knees, fingers or other joints. Also other signs and symptoms of the affected joint is uric acid visible swelling, redness, heat and pain was incredible.

Causes of Uric Acid
Increased levels of uric acid in the blood becomes high suddenly is one of the main causes of uric acid. This usually occurs after eating foods containing high levels of uric acid. Therefore, gout arthritis is characterized by recurrent attacks of arthritis (joint inflammation) is an acute, sometimes accompanied by the formation of large crystals of sodium urate tophus called, deformity (damage) in krosnis joints and injury to the kidney

Gout or gouty arthritis is often experienced by many people, both young, especially the elderly men and women. Uric acid is a disease characterized by recurrent pain in joints because of the deposition of monosodium urate crystals due to high levels of uric acid in the blood (hiperurikimia)
Uric acid is a purine metabolic waste substances from the food consumed. It also includes a byproduct from the breakdown of cells in the blood. whereas purine substance was found in any food that comes from living bodies.

In other words, in the living body of the presence of purines. because human beings eat it, then move to the purine substances in the body man. Purine also resulted from the destruction of body cells which occur normally or because of certain diseases.

Normally, uric acid will be released in the body through the stool (feces) and urine. However, because the kidneys are unable to remove uric acid that is then led to increased levels in the body. Excess uric acid which will then accumulate in joints, causing pain or swelling.
READ MORE - Signs and Symptoms of Gout

Symptoms of Coronary Heart

Symptoms of Coronary Heart

Sometimes chest pain is not too distracting so many people ignore the pain because they think the pain is normal but if the chest pain immediately actionable tidakk can trigger heart attacks myocardial infarction). In addition to chest pain as initial symptoms of coronary heart disease, you can recognize other symptoms like the following:

* Pain in the left chest and difficulty breathing
* Frequent Shortness of breath
* Irregular heart rhythm
* Cold sweat
* Nausea and vomiting

Often experience pain in the chest can be a symptom of coronary heart disease due to coronary heart disease is usually preceded by signs such as chest pain, for it when you experience chest pain and should not be repeated often underestimated, especially if the pain felt in the middle of the chest to spread into left arm or neck or pain felt as far back, actually the pain is the effect of narrowing of the coronary arteries which contribute to the reduced blood flow to the heart. immediately to check the condition of your heart to the doctor for complaints of chest pain is the most frequent complaints for patients with coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease is the narrowing of the arteries to the heart or blood vessel blockage of heart arteries, called coronary arteries. This blockage will result in delays in the supply of nutrients, especially oxygen to keep the heart can pump blood throughout the body without stopping, for that supply nutrients and oxygen in the blood must remain smooth because the heart is working hard without stopping even when we are asleep. If the coronary arteries are narrowed or clogged, it can be ascertained blood supply to the heart becomes impaired and diminished.

Coronary heart disease is characterized by fatty deposits that gather in the cells lining the wall of a coronary artery and block blood flow. Fatty deposits (atheroma or plaque) formed gradually and spread over a large divergence of the two main coronary arteries, which surrounds the heart and supply blood to the heart. Atheroma formation process is called atherosclerosis. Atheroma may protrude into the artery and causes the arteries to become narrow. If the atheroma growing, part of the atheroma may break and enter the bloodstream at the surface of the atheroma. To be able to contract and pump normally, the heart muscle, causing heart damage. The main cause of myocardial ischemia is coronary artery disease is angina (chest pain) and heart attacks (myocardial infarction)
READ MORE - Symptoms of Coronary Heart