Sunday, December 25, 2011

HPV Vaccine

Cervical cancer (cervical cancer) is a frightening specter for women. Cervical cancer can be prevented, but still, every year more than 11,000 American women diagnosed with this disease, so according to the American Cancer Society. The good news, cervical cancer can be prevented by:

1. Get the best examination.
Most cases of cervical cancer caused by HPV infection, a virus that is spread through sexual contact. About 90% of HPV heal by itself. But if not, can form precancerous cells. Examination is still the standard pap smear to detect these cells, but several recent studies reveal, the examination for HPV can be more easily stop the cancer before it starts. If the results of this test is positive, then the doctor will consider more closely the changes of the cervix and lift precancerous cells that may exist.

2. Eat a fortified breakfast cereals
Eat cereals fortified with folic acid approximately 400 mcg setap day from fortified cereals or bread, or in supplement form can help. Consult your doctor for more details. Prevent cervical cancer as much as possible.

3. Eating vegetables exterminator HPV
Women who diet high in vegetables, 50% lower risk of HPV infection that lasts a long time, which also means less likely to develop cervical cancer. Add all kinds of colors of the rainbow of fruit and vegetables into your diet to get the best protection.

4. Do not smoke
Although most HPV infections go away without treatment, this rarely occurs in women who smoke. The cause is cigarette smoke weakens the body's defenses. HPV infection lasts longer in women who smoke than those without, and increase the risk of cervical cancer. As far as possible prevent cervical cancer by avoiding smoking.

5. Lubricants sex organs
Using lubricant sex organs are made from carrageenan, a compound thickener derived from seaweed, stop HPV survive in healthy cells.

6. Eating broccoli and their relatives
Plant compounds in broccoli, cauliflower, and others may help cells that are infected with HPV self-destruction. This very natural way to eliminate cells that are not healthy so as to minimize the risk of cervical cancer.

7. Increase the accuracy of pap smear examinations (Click image to enlarge).

Your doctor or health care workers likely to recommend that you undergo a pap smear every year or every 3 years depending on your risk factors for cervical cancer. To obtain accurate results scheduled inspection between 10-20 days after the first day of your last menses. Schedule a birthday if you are menstruating on the day of the planned inspection. Do not use foam, cream, or doach vaginal medication for 2 days before the examination. Do not have sex 48 hours before the day of examination.

HPV Vaccine
Currently available vaccines for the most dangerous strains of HPV. This vaccine can help to prevent cervical cancer. Consult your doctor for more details to obtain more detailed information about the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Watery Lung Disease

Watery Lung Disease

Introduction of Disease

-Also known as 'pleural effusion'
-The lungs were surrounded by an empty cavity mentioned as kaviti pleura (pleural cavity) that separates the lungs and chest wall.
-He surrounded by 'prietal pleura' next to the chest wall and 'viceral pleura' covering paru.Kaviti lung pleura is important during the development process and pengucupan time breathing.
-If the cavity is filled by air due to leakage in the pleural viceral he identified as 'pnemothorax', 'hemothorax' if he is filled with blood and 'pyothorax' if filled with pus.

Types of Disease


Stem Diseases / Risk Factors

-Occurs rather than lung disease in itself or other organs such as heart disease, liver and kidneys
-Dry cough (TB)
-Kanser lungs or other kanser (malignant effusion)
-Pulmonary embolism or infarkasi (dead or 'infuction pulmonary'
-Collagen (collegen disease) sepertti 'rhuemathoid' 'arthritis', SLE and systems sterosis
-Heart Failure
-Nephrotic syndrome (loss protin of the kidneys)
-Cirrhosis of the liver

Signs / Symptoms

(1) exudate
-Having a high protein content (2 gram/100 ml)
-fluid more concentrated with high specific gravity
-If it's cloudy and gray (cloudiness) it contain adequate blood cells than kanser or outbreak of disease of the lungs.
-The color of sugarcane juice (straw color) determines patient dry cough (TB)
-If purulent he has a stem of 'lung abscess' or serious outbreaks of bacteria in pleural kaviti.

(2) Transudate
More clear-colored and liquid
Protin-content of less than 2 grams / 100ml
-Occur due to heart failure than a water out of the lungs
In disease-nephrotic syndrome and cirrhosis of the liver resulting in blood palsma oncotic pressure is low, so shall apply the movement of water out of the veins and gathered in kaviti pleura.
READ MORE - Watery Lung Disease


Pneumonia is often referred to pneumonia, including types of malignancies. Strengthen your body with balanced nutrition and protecting the environment is the best step avoid.

When a child or adult lying on the bare floor, often appeared cry, "Eh, do not lie so, then got pneumonia, you know!" The reprimand was obeyed, then moved to the sofa or bed.

Many people think of, moisture from the ground or the air we breathe can cause pneumonia. Really? What exactly is pneumonia?

30 Source of Infection

In medicine, a term unknown pneumonia. That there is pneumonia, which is an infection that causes inflamed lungs. Air sacs in the lungs (alveoli) are filled with pus and fluid, so the ability to absorb oxygen is reduced.

Dr. Prajna Paramita, MD, FCCP, mentions that the disease was caused by about 30 different sources of infection. However, the main cause is bacterial, viral, mikroplasma, mushrooms, various chemical compounds, and particles.

Although cases of pneumonia caused by bacteria is not too much, this type tend to cause more severe infections than those caused by nonbakteri. Respiratory syncytial virus (respiratory syncitial virus or RSV), painfluenzae, influenzae, and adenovirus were the most frequent cause of pneumonia.

Generally the lower respiratory tract viral infection takes place during winter or rain. And RSV the most common cause of pneumonia, especially in infants.

Difficult Breathing

Pneumonia arises because inhaled germs nose and mouth. When the environment around any person or child who is infected, the risk of acquiring a very large, especially when the immune system is not good.

"Pneumonia, including serious and dangerous diseases," said lung specialist from Gatot Subroto Army Hospital who was familiarly called Dr. Mita is.

Because of pus and fluid meet the lungs, the oxygen in the body sel sel was reduced and can not work. Consequently, in addition to the spread of infection throughout the body, the patient could die.

Pneumonia is characterized by cough with difficult breathing, shortness of breath, or chest wall occurs withdrawal into the bottom of (severe chest indrawing). Symptoms of difficulty breathing can also be accompanied by symptoms of cyanosis (bluish skin and mucosa in part because of reduced hemoglobin in the blood capillaries) central and can not drink.

In children aged under 2 months, severe pneumonia characterized often breathing frequency. Could be 60 times or more breaths per minute, with a strong withdrawal on the chest wall into the bottom.

Other symptoms are sore throat (laryngitis). Consequently hoarse voice changes around the vocal cords because there are lots of mucus.

Through the chest X-ray examination, we know there is a problem in the lung. Clinical signs which can usually be found spots on lungs. However, clinical signs of tuberculosis is not sufficient because it was marked by a plaque.

Therefore, investigations such as blood, sputum, and symptoms are very important to determine plaque is a sign of tuberculosis or pneumonia.

Need to Manage Eating

The initial treatment for pneumonia is usually in the form of antibiotics. If the cause is bacterial, mikroplasma, and rickettsia, antibiotics usually are quite potent. For pneumonia caused by a virus, until now there is no specific guidance, although some antiviral drugs have been used.

In addition to antibiotics, patients will also receive additional therapy in the form of regulation of food and oxygen to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood. Long period of rest is needed to restore the body.

Steps to Prevent

The type and severity of the disease is caused by several factors, including age, type of kelemin, season, and population density. In children, infection is more often about boys than girls. Peak invasive infections between the ages of 2 and 3 years and thereafter will decrease little by little.

Some cases of pneumonia not caused by infection of microorganisms. It could also be due to aspiration of food or acid reflux, foreign bodies, hydrocarbons, lipoid material, hypersensitivity reactions of the respiratory tract, caused by drugs, radiation, and environmental conditions.

To reduce risk of pneumonia need some strategic measures such as:

* Maintain cleanliness of the neighborhood.
* Ensuring good air circulation.
* Avoid smoking and cough.
* Eat a balanced diet,
* Perform immunization, especially for children. HB vaccine has been widely used to ward off pneumonia, other than meningitis. This vaccine to ward off attacks Haemophyllus influenzae type B bacteria that can cause both types of the disease.

Existing vaccine

Bacterial Pneumonia
This species can attack the baby to old age. Alcoholics, patients with post-surgery, patients with respiratory disease, are infected with a virus or immune declining, vulnerable to this disease.
READ MORE - Pneumonia

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Problem of sleep

Problem of sleep disturbance can occur if a person is having difficulty to sleep soundly at night, despite being asleep for 8 hours or more, but sometimes still sleepy and no stamina after waking from sleep. This happens because sleep does not quality. While sleep is a process that is required by humans.
Sleep is a process whereby cells forming a new body, the body's cells repair damaged (natural healling mechanism), giving time for the rest of the body organs and to maintain the balance of the body's metabolism and biochemical reactions. If we experience sleep disturbances, it will affect the quality of the performance of the body and will affect our health.

Most people who experience sleep disorders or sleeplessness will cause the following things:

-Has a swollen eye caused by lack of sleep.
-Often feel tired and depressed in the morning and evening.
-Often fall asleep when in crowded places.
-Less active and have less social relationships, irritability.
-Often gets masalahkesehatan such as muscle spasms, abdominal pain, dizziness etc..
-Fear of sleep due to worry restless sleep, frequent waking at night.
-Frequent use of cigarettes, alcohol, drugs to calm down before bed so that it can lead to addictive sedatives.

This can result in conditions of declining health of our bodies. Based on the studies listed in the journal "Occupational and Environmental Medicine in 1998" people who have trouble sleeping have an increased risk of heart disease more easily than those who sleep.

Therefore, we must maintain the quality of our sleep that our bodies stay healthy.
Quality sleep is a source of freshness, energy and vitality needed to optimize the productivity of the next day. Sleep quality is an absolute necessity that is as important as nutritious food and exercise. If every day you have insomnia, what you believe the next day you could be more fresh. From now start a healthy sleep patterns, among others:

1. Discipline
Always sleep on time. In order to keep your body clock, wake up at the same time. Try to keep the regularity of sleep and woke up both weekdays and holidays.

2. Exercise Regularly
Is a panacea to neutralize the physical tension and your mind. Somehow it has helped improve the quality of sleep. Do not be late for sports.

3. The atmosphere and Ritual
Create a comfortable atmosphere. Keep the humidity and air temperature of your bedroom. Before bed do not much think, do a fun bedtime ritual such as listening to soft music, reading light reading. Customize your bedroom lighting also.

4. Quality, not quantity
The important thing is quality not quantity. No problem if you could only sleep for 5 hours but you feel refreshed. If you'd had enough sleep, better use of your time to carry out other activities.

5. Do not Sleep in a state of hunger or satiety
Avoid sleeping from exhaustion and not on your sleeping hours. Avoid conditions laapr or satiety. Avoid nuts and fruits that contain a gas such as durian. Also avoid snacking with high fat content because it takes longer to digest. You are dieting you should never sleep in a state of hunger. Better to eat low-calorie fruits such as bananas or apples.
READ MORE - Problem of sleep

Friday, November 25, 2011

Reproductive tract infections

Reproductive tract infections (ISR) is entered and the proliferation of germs that cause infection into the reproductive tract. Germs that cause infection can be bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites.

Women more prone to ISR than men, because female reproductive tract closer to the anus and urethra. ISR in women is also often not known, because the symptoms are less obvious than men.

Due to the ISR

In the women can lead to pregnancy outside the womb, infertility, cervical cancer, increasing the risk of HIV, abnormalities in the fetus (LBW, congenital infection, stillbirth and infant birth not old enough)

1. Endogenous ISR ISR is the most common type in the world. Arise due to abnormal growth, which should grow to normal organisms in the vagina, including bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis are easily treated.

2. ISR iatrogenic or related to medical procedures is an infection caused by the entry of microorganisms into the reproductive tract through medical procedures that are less or non-sterile, such as induction of menstruation, abortion, IUD insertion, childbirth events or if infection is present in the lower reproductive channel spread through cervix to the upper reproductive tract. Symptoms that may arise, among others around the pelvic pain, high fever, sudden, chills, menstrual irregularities, abnormal vaginal discharge and pain occur during intercourse.

3. PMS is partially transmitted through sexual contact with an infected partner.

Prevention of ISR
Prevent new infections by cutting the transmission line
Endogenous ISR can be prevented through improved individual hygiene, improved access to quality health services, promotion, seek treatment to healthcare
Iatrogenic ISR can be prevented through sterilization of medical equipment used, screening or treatment of ISR prior to carrying out medical procedures.
STDs can be prevented by avoiding sexual contact or sexual intercourse with a safe (monogamy and condom use are correct and consistent

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are diseases that mode of transmission is primarily through sexual intercourse, either heterosexual or homosexual. PMS also be interpreted as a venereal disease that is transmitted through sexual relations that attacks around the genitals.

Relationship with the reproductive organs of PMS
destroy PMS in women vaginal walls / cervix, with or without symptoms of infection
in men, who are first infected urinary tract, and if not treated will cause discharge from the penis and cause pain when urinating waste
Untreated STDs can affect the reproductive organs and cause infertility in both men and women

Parts of the body can be affected PMS
In women, slauran ovaries, ovary, uterus, bladder, cervix, vagina, urinary tract (urethra), anus
In men, bladder, vas deferens, prostate, penis, epididymis, testis, urethra, scrotum, seminal vesicles, rectum

The main reason women are more vulnerable to contracting STDs than men

During intercourse, vaginal walls and cervix directly exposed to semen, sperm Jiak infected with an STD then the women will be infected. If a woman is infected with an STD, he does not always show symptoms, but most likely the infection spread and cause complications. Many people, especially women and adolescents who are reluctant to seek treatment, because they do not want a family / community to know if they suffer from PMS, as a result of new PMS is unknown at an advanced stage.

In most STDs there are several possibilities:
No disease transmission is always through sexual contact
The disease can occur in people who have never had sexual intercourse
Most sufferers are victims of circumstances beyond their capabilities

STD-causing organisms
Bacteria: gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.
Virus: genital herpes, condylomata akuminata, hepatitis, AIDS, etc.
Protozoa: trichomoniasis, etc.
Fungi: vaginal candidiasis etc.
Ectoparasites: pubic lice

Complaints / symptoms of PMS
There is fluid pus / abnormal vaginal discharge that comes out of the urinary tract (urethra) male / female vagina
In women there was an increase whiteness, color bus be more white, yellowish, greenish, and the bus orange unpleasant / slimy,
In men a burning sensation like burning or pain during / after BAK
Ulcers (ulcers) on the genitals is a complaint once common PMS symptoms
There are small bumps (papules) around the genitals
Redness around the genitals
Pain in the lower abdomen that appear and disappear and not associated with menstruation
There are spots of blood after intercourse

Danger of STDs
Morbidity and mortality
Cancer of the uterus
Damage the eyesight, brain and liver
Transmitted in infants
Vulnerable to HIV / AIDS
There is no cure

It is important to note
PMS may occur either in men or women
STD transmission can occur even if only once sexual intercourse without a condom with PMS sufferers
No one is immune to STDs
Women are more likely to catch an STD from their partner than vice versa, because of gender and extent of surface exposed by the partner's semen
Infections of the female reproductive organs are often hidden and not easily seen by poorly trained personnel. In addition, the complaint was not clear and the women often feel ashamed to tell you the problem and checked her genitals
ISR increases the risk of transmission of STD / HIV / AIDS on women 10x magnitude
Some STDs may not cause significant symptoms in women, but can still transmit the disease to their partners
The signs and symptoms of STDs in men is usually apparent as a wound or body duh, so that treatment can be done early
STDs are often not treated properly, resulting in infection and prolonged suffering. Most STDs can be cured if treated right and at the right time.
Complications of STDs such as infertility can often be prevented if treated immediately PMS
There are currently no vaccines or immunizations for STDs
PMS allows the possibility of contracting HIV / AIDS as much as 4x
READ MORE - Reproductive tract infections

Cancer or carcinoma

What is Ca Cervix (Cervical Carcinoma)?

Is a cancer that attacks the cervix (the cervix). Cancer or carcinoma itself is a medical term that is usually used to refer to a mass / tumor / lump that has a malignant nature. Mass / tumor cell growth is a disease in which the body shape, nature, and also different from normal cells kinematics other body. The growth of cancer cells are generally very wild, out of control normal cell growth.

What is the cause?

In general, the causes of cancer can be divided into 3 groups namely,

1. Kongenial or genetic abnormalities (due to damage to genes in the body)

2. Carcinogens (substances or materials that can cause cancer)

Carcinogens are divided into 2 types,

Chemical (natural carcinogens:

a. Organic: aflatoxin found in peanut seeds grown fungus aspergillus who can cause liver cancer, nitrosamines in food and beverage,

b. inorganic: abscess, cadmium, plumbum).

b. Man-made: industrial materials such as paints, petrochemicals, rubber, drugs such as arsenic, chlornaphazine.

In addition, acid cigarettes can also cause cancer because inside there are many carcinogens such as polycyclic aromatic amines and aromatichydrocarbon.
Hormones can also cause cancer in several organs that growth influences hormones such as breast, uterus (womb) and the prostate.

3. The Environment

- Occupation: radiology laboratory, as coal mines, petroleum
- Place of residence: the air which contains radium, arsenic, nickel
- Lifestyle: diet food, liquor, smoking, frequent exposure to sunlight, etc..

Causes of Cervical Ca allegedly associated with the HPV virus (human papilomma virus) mainly variants 16 and 18 and herpes simplex virus infections of variant 2.

Who is at risk?

There are several factors that can increase a woman has a risk (predesposisi) higher than other women for cervical cancer. As these factors namely,

a. The girl who did coitus / jima 'first (coitarche) when she was less than 17 years.

b. Women with a history of parity (childbirth) high / many (usually more than 5 times the birth) combined with long labor, which are too close (less than 2 years)

c. Women who frequently change sexual partners (promiscuity)

d. Sexual Hygine ugly (do not maintain the cleanliness of the genitals)

e. Women who experience viral infection Humman Papilloma Virus

f. Women who smoke.

How Occurrence of Cervical Ca?

In basic cancer occurs because of an abnormal growth of body cells. In the case of cervical ca, occurs because the cells making up the cervix (epithelial cells) that normally turn into abnormal shapes. Anatomically, the cervix is ​​divided into 2 parts namely eksoserviks / lower portion (the outside) and the endocervical canal to the cervix (inside). Each section was covered by the drafters of cells called epithelial cells. On the eksoserviks coated by flattened epithelial cells plated (squamous compleks), while in endocervical epithelial cells covered by cuboidal / cylindrical layer of ciliated short. In border areas there is both an area called the "squamo-columnar junction (SJC)". Well on the part of this transition, the epithelial cells that normally would have metaplasi (se becomes abnormal changes) This is because the cells that overlap each other and urgent, so the cells when tersensivitas could turn into abnormal cells. This is the basis of the occurrence of cervical ca.
Could Spread?

Cervical cancer can spread to various other body pepul. This occurs through the spread of limfogen (via lymph nodes). These cancer cells will go into the lymph nodes and then will participate this. deployment circulation of lymph to the area around the well can occur as the uterus (womb), pelvis (call) or vesica urinary (bladder). The spread of cancer to distant sites (in medical terms is called metastasis) can affect organs such as lungs, liver, kidney, bone and brain. From the spread of this stage of the cancer can be known whether early-stage (stage he, Ib, IIa) or advanced stage (IIb, III, and IV). The higher the stage, the smaller the recovery rate as well. Stage IV is also called as our terminal stage / end of which has spread to distant organs and the life expectancy of about <10%.

What signs and symptoms?

1. Contact bleeding ie bleeding after intercourse. This usually is a common sign that is often encountered. Bleeding that occurs due to the fragility of cervical tissue. When coitus, friction will generally occur on the walls of the cervix. Because of the rich network of blood vessels are very fragile, so easy bleeding occurs.

2. Whiteness is also a symptom that is often found. This whiteness over time will stink by because the infection process and necrosis (death) of the network due to cancer.

3. vagina great pain and surrounding areas or in the lower abdomen.

4. Anemia (due to severe vaginal)]

5. Symptoms caused by the presence of metastases / spread to other organs, for example,

- Lung: long cough, pleural effusion, pneumonitis

- Liver: jaundice (yellow color on the body), hepatomegaly (enlarged liver), acites (fluid in the abdominal cavity)

- The brain: coma, loss of vision.

- Bone: bone pain, bone

"STANDARD" Danger Signs and Symptoms of Cancer

Q: bleeding or unnaturally out mucus from the body in the form,

- Coughing up blood: ca lung

- Vomiting blood: ca stomach or liver

- CHAPTER Blood: ca rectum / anus or colon / bowel

- Vaginal bleeding: cervical ca)

A: The tool digestion is disturbed or there is difficulty swallowing more and more weight (ca eosofagus, thyroid)

Q: Tumors of the breast or elsewhere (testis, intestine, muscle, etc.)

O: constipation or change in bowel and bladder habits

K: sore or ulcer that will not heal (main symptom advanced stage of skin cancer) which is usually the sign of the most typical is Erus continuous bleeding from these ulcers.

A: Andeng-andeng (nevus) is changed, enlarged and more black (plus itching, ulcers, bleeding, hair loss all there be) This refers to the skin ca.

N: tone of voice so hoarse or a cough that never healed.

Ensuring that how Cervical Ca?

Diagnosis can be established with signs and symptoms complained of, yet a definite diagnosis of cervical ca enforced through cytology (cell examination) by means of a biopsy (taking part in the cervical tissue). From the biopsy will be seen clearly serve targeted cancer cells are.

How workarounds?

Handling cases of cancer are generally differentiated based on staged. At an early stage can still be done with surgery. After surgery continued with radiotherapy (radiation). In later stages, is generally not done surgery. But with chemotherapy (drugs) and radiotherapy. In stage IV (IVa and IVb) are generally given only treatment is palliative / tilt complaints is not to cure. This is because the spread of cancer cells that have a systemic / holistic. So radiotherapy treatment end of patients with this stage.

Prognosis how his recovery?

The prognosis (future picture / hope) recovery from cervical ca is determined also by various factors namely,

- Age of the patient

- The general state of the patient (including nutritional status)

- Degree of malignancy / stadium

- Histological hallmark of cancer cells

- The ability of experts in handling

- Treatment existing facilities.

In the cervical ca stage IV prognosis is generally et night or bad.

Is there any way Early Detection of Cervical Ca?

Early detection is the attempt to discover the existence of which was still curable cancer (early stage). Early detection of cervical ca be done by women with screenin examination test that is in a way that may already be quite familiar: PAP smear or with the most recent methods, namely the IFA method.
Who Should Perform Screening?

Screening tests should be performed by women who are sexually active also for women who have risk factors / predesposisi as listed above. Screening can be done in hospital by a doctor or a special content areas health facilities are available as laboratory screening service therein.

Better Prevent It?

Anyone would agree with the statement "to prevent the disease is better than cure". This is precisely what we do as a initial undertakings against cervical ca. How do I? For those of you who are married, clean the area and keep it in order to remain feminine hygine is important. Cleanliness of your partner's genitals should also be considered as well (the true king Rasululloh command, which in jima 'one by jima' other was mediated by wudlu_ and should clean up his cock anyway). Because it's possible the disease germs present in a less clean genitals. Remain faithful to your partner (not replacing-pair change!).

Say NO to Cancer!

Yuupp ... say no to cancer! How come? Certainly by keeping our life style. also 4 healthy 5 perfect food is much healthier and beneficial to our bodies, compared to junk food or instant food department in which there are many chemicals and preservatives. Avoid cigarette! Especially for those of you men (and possibly women) because really there are dozens of ingredients in cigarettes is harmful to our bodies! No free sex! That it must and should benar2 delete especially with multiple partners! You be faithful to your partner ... ..
Similarly, a brief description of cervical ca. Hopefully this bit of information can be useful and can add to our knowledge (especially women) on various matters related to health (especially reproductive health equipment).
READ MORE - Cancer or carcinoma


Amenorrhea can result from abnormalities in the brain, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries (ovarian) as well as other parts of the reproductive system.

Under normal circumstances, the hypothalamus (part of the brain located above the pituitary gland) sends a signal to the pituitary gland to release hormones that stimulate the release of an egg by the ovaries.
Disease In particular, the formation of abnormal pituitary hormones can lead to inhibition of release of eggs and the disruption of a series of hormonal processes involved in the occurrence of menstruation.

Causes of primary amenorrhea:
The delay in menarche (first menstruation)
Congenital abnormalities of the genital system (eg do not have a uterus or vagina, the presence of septum in the vagina, cervix is ​​the narrow, holes in the membrane covering the vagina is too narrow / imperforate hymen)
Drastic weight loss (due to poverty, excessive dieting, anorexia nervosa, bulimia, etc.)
Congenital abnormalities of the genital system
Chromosomal abnormalities (eg, Turner syndrome or Swyer syndrome) in which cells contain only one X chromosome)
Extreme Obesity
Gonadal dysgenesis
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Testicular feminization syndrome
True hermaphrodites
Chronic disease
Cushing's disease
Cystic Fibrosis
Congenital heart disease (cyanotic)
Kraniofaringioma, ovarian tumors, adrenal tumors
Syndrome Adrenogenital
Prader-Willi syndrome
Ovarian disease polikista
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Causes of secondary amenorrhea:
Anxiety about pregnancy
Drastic weight loss
Excessive Exercise
Body fat of less than 15-17% extreme
Consuming extra hormones
Emotional stress
Endocrine disorders (eg Cushing's syndrome, which produce large amounts of the hormone cortisol by the adrenal glands)
Drugs (such as busulfan, chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide, birth control pills, fenotiazid)
Dilatation and curettage procedure
Abnormalities of the uterus, such as hydatidiform mole (placental tumor) and Asherman's syndrome (scarring of the lining of the uterus due to infection or surgery).

Symptoms vary, depending on the cause.

If the cause is the failure of puberty, then it will not be found the signs of puberty such as breast enlargement, growth of pubic hair and underarm hair SERT changes in body shape.

If the cause is pregnancy, morning sickness will be found and an enlarged abdomen.
If the cause is high levels of thyroid hormone symptoms are rapid heartbeat, anxiety, skin warm and moist.

Cushing's syndrome causes a round face (moon face), distended belly and skinny arms and legs.

Other symptoms that may be found on amenorrhea:
Galactorrhea (milk formation in women who are not pregnant and not breastfeeding)
Visual impairment (on pituitary tumor)
Decrease or weight gain, which means
Vaginal dryness
Hirsutism (excessive hair growth, which follows the pattern of men), voice changes and changes in breast size

Diagnosis based on symptoms, physical examination results and patient age.

Regular checks carried out are:
Endometrial biopsy
Progestin withdrawal
Prolactin levels
Levels of hormones (eg testosterone)
Thyroid function tests
Pregnancy tests
Levels of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)
Karyotype to determine chromosomal abnormalities
CT scan of the head (if it is suspected pituitary tumor).

Treatment depends on the cause.
If the cause is a drastic weight loss or obesity, patients are advised to undergo proper diet.
If the cause is excessive exercise, patients are recommended to reduce them.

If a girl has never experienced menstruation and all results are normal, then the examination every 3-6 months to monitor the progression of puberty.
To stimulate menstruation may be given progesterone.
To stimulate the pubertal changes in girls who have enlarged breasts or pubic and armpit hair has not grown, can be given estrogen.

If the cause is a tumor, then surgery to remove tumors proficiency level.

Pituitary tumors are located in the brain are usually treated with bromocriptine to prevent excessive release of prolactin by these tumors.
If you need to do removal of the tumor. Radiation therapy is usually only done if the administration of drugs or surgery does not work.
READ MORE - Amenorrhea




Inimengacu disease to a condition where an individual fails to menstruate. There are two types of primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea. Primary amenorrhea is a delay of abnormal menstrual cycles, and secondary amenorrhea occurs in women who have not reached the age of premenopausal.

Cervical Erosion

This disease is a condition in which ulcers form in the cervical region. It is characterized by red spots and bright pink, about the opening of the cervix. During early disease, mucus pieces discarded by the body. This is then followed up with varying degrees of improvement actions.

Cervicitis is basically the inflammation of the uterine cervix. Many mucous glands are formed in this region, which keeps the vagina lubricated. However, this creates a conducive environment for the growth of microbes and other bacteria. Thus, infection of the vagina can be transmitted to the uterine cervix, which in turn causes inflammation of the cervix.

It is a condition characterized by a prolonged gap between the two periods. Usually a woman's period every 25-30 days, although in oligomenorrhea, women menstruate only for 4 to 9 times a year. This condition is caused by estrogen deficiency and can lead to infertility.

Puerperal fever

It is also known as childbed fever as it occurs within 10 days of delivery or miscarriage. Raw placenta become highly susceptible to injury and infection after separation. It is characterized by very high fever, and require medical attention.

This occurs when the endometrium, which normally lines the uterus, grows elsewhere. Invasion of the most common are the fallopian tubes, the network layer of female pelvis and ovaries. The problem occurs because the blood is usually passed during the period of the trapped layer of refugees, and irritate the surrounding tissue.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) refers to the condition of the ovaries in women who develop this disease, the ovary enlarges and is covered by a number of small cysts. Types of this disease is a common hormonal disorder in women of reproductive age. It is characterized by an abnormal menstrual periods and excessive hair growth. If not diagnosed at an early stage can lead to long-term complications and risks.

Review of the disturbances in the male reproductive system, will be discussed in a later article. Hopefully this article useful and serve as a guide for women to remain vigilant over the cleanliness and personal hygiene, including vital organs.

Reproductive Health

Understanding Reproductive Health - In writing about the understanding of reproductive health will be presented regarding the definition of reproductive health of women and also explain women's reproductive health indicators. In addition this article also will discuss thoroughly about reproductive health in women, and underline the limits the scope of reproductive health.

From various articles that can be easily found on the internet, then get the understanding of reproductive health is a state of perfect health, both physically, mentally, and socially and not merely free from disease or disability in all aspects related to the reproductive system, function and processes.

In terms of reproductive health are found various things that are covered in it about things as the following:
The right person to be able to obtain a safe sex life and satisfying as well as having the capacity to reproduce;
The freedom to decide when or how much did it;
The right of men and women to obtain information and gain the accessibility of safe, effective, affordable both economically and culturally;
The right to obtain an adequate level of health services so that women have the opportunity to undergo the process of pregnancy is safe.
Can be broadly classified four groups of factors that can adversely affect reproductive health, namely:
Socio-economic and demographic (especially poverty, low education levels, and ignorance about sexual development and reproductive processes, as well as the remote location of residence).
Cultural and environmental factors (eg, traditional practices harmful to reproductive health, many children trust a lot of luck, information on reproductive functions that confuse children and teens because opposing one another, etc.).
Psychological factors (the impact on parent cracks in adolescents, depression due to hormonal imbalance, feeling worthless woman on the man who bought his freedom in the material, etc.).
Biological factors (birth defects, defects of the reproductive tract post a sexually transmitted disease, etc.).
READ MORE - Reproductive Health

Thursday, November 24, 2011

colorectal cancer

Apples are the fruit of a very delicious and also have good nutrition for our bodies. The food we eat can lead to colorectal cancer to prevent cancer, we should eat apples. New research suggests that apples or apple juice have positive impacts on our intestines. The content of pectin and polyphenols are a lot of apples known to increase the biological mechanism to produce anticarcinogenic compounds (anti-cancer) in the fermentation process. Apples are also known as a rich source of fiber and high anti-oxidant.

In laboratory research conducted by researchers from Germany, Dr. Dieter Schrenk, known components in apples can boost the production of butyrate to inhibit the growth of HDAC. Decreased production of HDAC would suppress the growth of precancerous cells and tumor cells.

Colon cancer is very often encountered in Indonesia. This cancer often occurs in men but women are also much affected by this cancer. Cancer risk was increased in the consumption of high fat and low in fiber, body fat, smoking, and lack of exercise.
From now on fix your life. Eating an apple will not hurt even very useful for our body. Health is a very expensive price.
READ MORE - colorectal cancer

detect colon cancer

Colon cancer or colorectal cancer is the number two cause of death from cancer and 15% of new cases of cancer is colon cancer. Cases of colon cancer today and in coming years is expected to increase. Therefore, public awareness of the threat this disease have increased since colon cancer is strongly associated with such modern diet of fast food and unhealthy lifestyles.

Cancer caused by exposure to carcinogenic substances that occur due to various habits or disturbance in the metabolism of the body as found in obesity and lack of exercise. Carcinogenic materials that are caused by smoking, eating foods high in fat, especially animal, fast food, lack of rest and lack of exercise. You should know that colon cancer is the most affected by carcinogenic substances.

The exact cause of colon cancer are not known with certainty, but the food is an important factor in the occurrence of cancer. Risk factor for colon cancer is a high-fat foods, less mobile, age / aging, history of colon polyps, family history, obesity, and smoking.

Some of the signs and symptoms you should be aware of the existence of colon cancer is the presence of blood in the stools, change in bowel habit, lower abdominal pain that is not lost, the long form of dirt and thin like a pencil, stool test is abnormal, anemia, and weight dropped drastically.

To detect colon cancer early, the patient should perform regular checks, especially in those at high risk and have a history of gastrointestinal disorders. Examination should have been started at the age of 30 years in Indonesia because of colon cancer more common in younger age under 40 years.

The approach to colon cancer involves three steps namely primary prevention, lived a life that is in the form of avoidance of anticancer carcinogenic substances. Also done so that screening and early detection of cancer, when it is formed, can be found as early as possible so that therapy can be done appropriately and greater life expectancy. Secondary prevention, ie after cancer treatment, taken steps to prevent the occurrence of cancer recurrence (relapse).

Applying a healthy lifestyle is useful to prevent the occurrence of colon cancer early detection while necessary for appropriate therapy to patients can be done as soon as possible.
Healing herbs

XAMthoneplus magical product is so-called multi amazing juice because it proved efficacy, can be made in alternative treatment of diseases difficult to be cured through chemical drugs. One of the diseases can be cured with xamthone plus is bowel cancer, this corresponds to "a study done in Japan that uses the compound in six xanthones, namely @-mangosten,? - Mangostin,?-Mangostin, mangostinone, Garcinone E, and 6 (2-isoprenyl 1.7, dihydroxy-3-methoxy) xanthone, concluded that these compounds could inhibit the growth of human leukemia cells or HL60 (model systems of cancer cells in blood).
READ MORE - detect colon cancer

Colon cleansing diet facilitate

Colon cleansing diet facilitate the destruction of toxins from the body. Besides this diet also restore the intestinal form, and

provide healing for the body. It's important to remember that diet and health go hand in hand. With such a famous quote "You are what you eat", the function of the body it should be, regulated by the food you consume, and this also affects the immune system.

Colon cleansing diet is emphasized to remove toxic substances that clog the intestines. With the number of instant food on the market, people must have been very rarely busy preparing healthy meals at home. Unhealthy foods can be in the form of junk food or junk food and processed foods. With colon cleansing diet, you help prevent the emergence of these health problems. Foods rich in fiber is the first food groups recommended in this type of diet. Fiber is an essential part of the colon cleansing diet. This type of food is known to help clear the bowel. Foods rich in fiber can be obtained from various kinds of vegetables, fruits, biiji grains, beans, grains full lining, and nuts. Fiber holds two functions: to eradicate toxic materials from the gut and generate peristaltic movements are known to tighten the stomach muscles.

In the colon cleansing diet included green foods in the diet because foods rich in chlorophyll in green like barley grass, wheat grass and others that are very essential in the diet structure. Chlorophyll in leafy vegetables help the healing of damaged tissue in the digestive tract caused by the expenditure function is not normal.

There are also groups of food in the colon cleansing diet that will improve intestinal structure and responsibilities. Neutralize intestinal toxins and move molecules and other useless substances from the body. Intestine also help the distribution of essential vitamins and antioxidants from food is absorbed. Colon cleansing diet not only accelerates the healing process but also has many benefits it offers.
READ MORE - Colon cleansing diet facilitate

Sources of Folic Acid

Sources of Folic Acid

It's been better known as folic acid supplementation in addition to or milk. But the fact itself naturally folic acid contained in our daily diet, such as green vegetables, liver, meat, nuts, seeds, and sebagainya.Dan, according to Indonesian food nutrition tables, high folic acid content contained in chicken liver, seaweed , red beans, and soybeans.

How much should be consumed? According to medical journals, pregnant women should consume at least 300 m of folic acid per day. It is also a way to reduce the risk of neural tube defects NTDs (neural tube defects) up to 70 percent of births. Abnormalities at birth including developmental imperfection of the brain (anencephaly) and spine (spina bifida).

To meet this number, not necessarily with supplementation (tablets). But from the daily diet can also meet the needs of folic acid, only a side dish or replace some food choices rich in folic acid. For example, choose a side dish high in folate such as liver or red meat. Or, if previously used to eating tempeh / know, can now also add pureed green beans snack or soy milk and vegetables.

Consumption Combination

Well, because vitamin B include water-soluble vitamins, processed foods containing folic acid should also pay attention to the many sauces that are used. Do not make a vegetable or food with a sauce that is too much. If sauce is too much, folatnya acid will be wasted. If necessary, simply saute it with very little sauce, so water and food consumed all.

And, preferably, also the consumption of liquid, because it would be much folic acid content in the sauce.

Maximize your intake of folic acid can also be done by combining the consumption of foods with folic acid other sources. For example, eating green vegetables with nuts snack, side dish of chicken livers with green vegetables, combining a variety of foods made from beans, and so on.

When natural foods are consumed by the dose and the right food processing, need not have added folic acid by eating folic acid-fortified milk.

Given the importance of the function of folic acid in the first trimester of pregnancy, women should meet the needs of folatnya acid every day even if not planning to conceive. Similarly, after pregnancy and breastfeeding.

"Actually, since folic acid is needed to get pregnant breast-feeding. Because since the process was the basis of the establishment of the first trimester of fetal cells and did not stop until the breastfeeding period, so it can be said to be pregnant, breastfeeding is one package, "said Pritasari.

Especially for pregnant women who in some cases prone to anemia, folic acid food sources such as chicken livers that contain protein and iron (Fe), also can prevent anemia.
READ MORE - Sources of Folic Acid

Fetal development process in the stomach

Fetal development process in the stomach

During our week of gestation after 8 days after fertilization occurs, blastocyst (now containing 200 cells) secrete mucus to notify its presence in the womb.

Sign in week 2, blastocyst cell swelling and soon grew and divided by about 2 times a day until the day to 12 the number has increased and helped blastocyst disauh strongly linked or on the endometrium.

Then in the 3rd week after fertilization occurs, the size of the embryo is formed and its size is just over the 0:08 inch / 2 mm. Fetal genes began to be formed in three layers of seeds (cells) of organs of the body to be joined.

In the next four weeks, the fetus is beginning to shape our basic structure in which the cells began to merge and at the time the embryo had begun to extend about 1 / 4 inch / 6 mm.Pada this time has seen the formation of the brain and spine and other members such as the heart pumps blood to the lungs and the aorta (the large vein carrying blood from the heart).

The embryo will continue to grow until the week of 5 found there are 3 layers of ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm and. Ectoderm is the topmost layer. It will form the nervous system in the fetus, which then form the brain, spine, skin and hair. While the mesoderm layer is located in the middle layer will form the basis of vital organs heart, kidney, bone and reproductive organs.

In addition, we need to know that in the formation of the fetus, the blood circulatory system is the first to form and function. Finally, the endoderm layer of the innermost layer that forms the internal organs such as intestine, liver, pancreas and bladder.

If we imagine the size of the fetus is just as much as 6 mm watermelon seed only.

At week 6, if the ultrasound examination is done, we will be able to see the fetus is formed and body. Usually heart vibrations have also been detected.

After weeks of fetal age 7, of the baby clearly formed. Baby's head seemed bowed and in the amniotic fluid of water * or amnotic sac that will provide growth needs of the baby during pregnancy.

You know, at the age of our content-8 weeks, the appearance of the baby is beginning to develop between the formation of nostrils, lips, mouth and tongue. His eyes have also been seen in the membrane of thin skin. At this time also a member of hands and feet are also formed even if not quite yet.

The size of the baby at the age of 9 weeks is just as big as a grape that is one inch in size. Ear formation was visible at this time. And the best cheer of the mother is at this time our baby was beginning to move her body. (It can move the radius of the hands and feet still attached radius).

At the age of 10 in weeks, we have babies look like a complete man. This week, you will be a little breast to swell because of fluid estrogen and progesterone in preparation for future breast feeding.

In the first week of gestation - 10 weeks, pregnant mothers in desperate need of iron. With the iron it can help pregnant women to relieve nausea, vomiting and allergic reactions. With digestible iron can also help the growth of the fetus. Among sindromyang can be prevented or reduced by the intake of iron was able to prevent fever, cough, runny nose, chills, headache, toothache, and others. Most importantly it also helps improve blood circulation and prevent the problem of twisted veins in the legs and feet and relieve tired and lethargic.

At the age of pregnancy in week 11, babies in the womb will begin a process of rapid growth and began to lift his head up away from his chest. External genitalia are beginning to take shape, but still small making it difficult to see gender as either male or female during the scan.

So by week 12 the age of 3 months of pregnancy, most women will become visible physical signs of pregnancy. Now the baby will grow quickly. The size of the unborn child will grow a few millimeters per day. His face is also becoming clear.

Fingers of the hands and feet began to form, including the ears and eyelids. Baby's weight at this time is about one ounce (28g) and the length of 8 cm.

Reduced risk of miscarriage at 12 weeks because the baby has strengthened its position. At this time baby I can yawn, stretch, rotate the body, but as it is still small we can not feel any movement.

The 13th week, the baby's head grows faster than others. The body is also getting bigger to pursue growth head. Our baby's weight can now be reached about 30g. Nails hands and feet were starting to grow. At this time gentlemen may experience significant changes due to hormonal changes that occur in the body. For example, oil secretion causes our facial spots. We need a lot of warm water to drink / cook and clean the face at least 2-3 times a day.

Sign in week 14 baby's heart will get stronger and we are able to hear it through the test scan. Speed ​​is 2 times the speed of our heart. At this time the baby looks thin layer of fat that is not available. Her skin is very thin so we could see the blood vessels. At this level usually pregnant women may experience constipation because bowel movements tend to be slowed during pregnancy. So avoid wearing tight clothing or pack that gentlemen are in a comfortable condition.

Next week is week 15, our baby is able to grasp his hand and thumb sucking. His eyes are still closed and will remain so until week 26. Even so the baby can tell the moment the light changes. Our babies have also been able to swallow. Mrs. will feel a significant change because we will be expanding waistline and the heart begins beating 20% ​​faster because the body's blood volume has increased.

So plenty of exercise can also be simple or madam swimming activity to ease the symptoms of pregnancy and to provide more powerful stamina to during the birth process later.

Sunday the 16th. Pregnancy gentlemen now almost 4 months. At this time our bodies have always healthy and energetic. Our baby has fully developed and should be given adequate nutrients by the placenta. Baby we began to receive nutrients from the placenta from week 14. Now the baby in the womb have strong bones and she was able to hear sounds for the first time.

Week 17, the hair, eyebrows, eyelashes we start growing baby while the skin on the fingertips lines also began to form. Among the wonders of God at this time is that our babies have their own search for it marks. Although the baby's length is only about 16 cm only, in such a pen. Mrs. likely to experience constipation due to slow intestinal system. Rahim we will be getting bigger and pressing the bladder. So practice this week, drink a lot of water and eat fiber foods, fruit juices and green vegetables.

Now we look at is the development of week-18. While his eyes still closed, we have babies in the womb can identify bright light through the uterus wall. Baby we can hear our heartbeat at this time. Unborn baby has started to lie down on fats that can heat the body.

Flow of estrogen and progesterone rise in the body during pregnancy gentlemen in this 18 weeks. It is designed to soften and expand the cervix for delivery. The same effect on the mucous membranes noise also occur which can cause bleeding.

Next we follow the development of 19 weeks. Baby will start production of a thick white cream all over his body to menyelaputi. It is called verniks and works to protect the skin from the amniotic fluid that surrounds it. So come on baby baby we were born we would not look like no bath for nine months. Some mothers will happen effects or score marks stretchmarks on my tummy. Nearly 90% of women will experience it.

Sunday the 20th. The growth of the unborn child gentlemen at this time is relatively slow because of the opportunity to the lungs and the digestive and immune system to mature. The size of the baby this time was about 25 cm long and weighs 340 g. within

Pigmentation in the skin may occur in more subtle but it will disappear soon after birth. Breast we currently produce colostrum, a type of liquid is turbid (color) that functions to provide all materials needed by our baby on the first day after birth. Do not try to squeeze the liquid.

In addition to the gentlemen you often have trouble bleeding gums and increased output of fluid from the vagina. Joints and ligaments, the ligaments will also be a loose body. We will more often feel pain in your back strain and other parts.

At week 21, we will go through many changes while the unborn child is growing slowly. So health care that is always healthy and vital energy. We should try to avoid doing heavy work that can be costly back. In fact, we should avoid wearing high heels.

Next week 22. The structure of our baby teeth begin to grow. Our baby's movements also become more active. Mrs. appropriately should provide responses to all movements, kicks or sound in the uterus. At this time gentlemen are able the tunes of remembrance and holy verses of the Quran to give exposure and early education in my womb. Reduce recorder or CD player near the stomach you. God willing our baby to be born will be sons of the right smart. Show your baby kick you with affection.

Now we are in week 23. At this time his arms and legs well developed. Fingers are well developed. Changes in all on this week is very good. Among these are hair, skin texture, skin color nails. Your hair will become thick and shiny. The skin will become more supple, smooth and soft.

At week 24, the gentlemen will feel happy, healthy and satisfied with the pregnancy you. We will find our weight increases normally. We need to know that this week the baby's head usually is at the bottom. While the baby's skin will become thickened. But do not be surprised if the gentlemen find a and swollen face at this point. This is because the body had begun to store excess water.

Usually occurs in week 25 and week 26 is the body we will always sweat and feel hot. For the removal of the heat, drink plenty of water. To prevent dehydration during work especially when the air-conditioning (aircond), wet washcloth and wipe on the face, neck, chest, thighs and stomach. Wear loose clothing for comfort. This week our baby's size has reached 33 cm.

Now 27 weeks, our baby is beginning to know how to suck your thumb and swallow hot water (amniotic fluid) that surrounds it. Ingested water would be out of the body as urine. Baby's taste buds at this time a new form. It was respond to sweet, sour and bitter. Sweat glands also is beginning to be formed and the baby was coughing and sobbing. During pregnancy, we are encouraged to wear clothing made of cotton that can absorb heat well.

Now in week 28, mean that we only have another three months before the birth of the eagerly awaited arrival. Mrs. likely to be a little forgetful, clumsy and somewhat awkward. during the last months, our baby has started to store fat in the body. In addition madam may also experience heartburn pain, cramps and sometimes cramps in the calves. Do not be surprised if we will deal with the contractions. It is not a contraction to produce but it is behind the so-called small kontraktion iBraxton Hiksi. During pregnancy we are trying to avoid thinking bad things or negative. Lots of reading magazines or watching television programs beneficial to the mind and the development of our pregnancy.

Week 29. Posture, we will look bigger on the front. At this time the unborn baby's skin red. But it looks quite a bit wrinkled and fats are starting to accumulate on the bottom of the skin. Eyelids open and the system has also been formed with perfect hearing.

Next week 30. Ms. need more rest. If madam does not work, make sure madam gets enough rest during day. At night, the bed early and make sure the gentlemen can sleep comfortably. Tips to sleep - lift the little feet and put some pillows under it. So the last few weeks we have a formulation need rest and comfort.

Entering week 31. For some pregnant women will have stretch marks red marks on her stomach. While on her breast, blood vessels will be seen quite clearly there. When this baby's head is down. Body length can now reach 37 cm and weighs 900 g.

32 weeks, the babies we have experienced weight gain. It reached 1.6 kg. In the normal position of the baby's head was still under. Touched on the relationship of husband and wife are, some pregnant women with anxiety when having sexual intercourse for fear of hurting your unborn child. In fact, gentlemen do not have to worry about when to have sex because it will not hurt baby.

Week 33, we have babies of their own have the look level. Appearance is later to be gentlemen to see when he was born later. In fact, we have babies can distinguish between light to dark. As a mother, this is the time you are required to get the rest as fat as possible. Try the couch in the afternoon as gentlemen may be tired due to lead a growing belly.

The 34th week, the baby at this time really be at the door of the womb. Infant length of about 40.5 cm. Now baby gentlemen have developed properly and his body is already balanced. This time the accumulated fat under the skin rapidly in infants. So look a little chubby baby.

The 35th week was, there will be changes in the partnership. Mrs. will experience difficulty breathing, urinating more frequently and are often unable to control urine when coughing, sneezing, or laughing out loud. While the dark line that leads to the stomach has become more prominent and visible. You are required to do some exercises include pelvic exercises to strengthen the uterus.

For those who work, week-to-36 is necessary is to take leave and rest at home. You are required to avoid stress and fatigue. Always lift your foot and place it on a pillow or high objects to prevent muscle arises or "varicose vein" and swollen feet. Babies at this time and its size is enlarged uterus filled the gentlemen at this time. Mrs. gentlemen stomach feels so full, laden and difficult to make any movement.

When it's week 37, the baby's head may have been down to the pelvis. Significant bumps in the stomach will be prolonged. Form of the unborn child is also more rounded and the skin turns pink. Her hair grew thick and increased by 5 cm. Soft nails were formed at the end of the fingers and toes.

At week 38, the gentlemen would be able to feel the bladder is slightly depressed and this will cause us to want to urinate frequently.

Mrs. turn will enter the 39th week, when nearly the last two weeks of maternity before delivery. Our stomach is so big and heavy. Right now, we need to focus minds on positive things and imagine the picturesque scenery. We must ensure that all preparations for the birth was completed packed and placed in a youth taken.

Sunday the 40th is the last week and into this week awaited moment. Mrs. will feel uncomfortable and tense the abdomen and will feel a little itchy. Will also wish muali numbness in the leg. Our baby in the womb are ready to be born. The length is 51 cm and weighs 3.4 kg has been reached. So you and her husband now dreams will become reality in a little while longer.
READ MORE - Fetal development process in the stomach

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Infectius Feline enteritis

Infectius Feline enteritis or commonly known as Distemper is an infectious inflammation of the intestine. Caused by the parvo virus. The disease is very scary for our loving cat. The death rate on the type of cat disease is very high. So you must be extra careful.

While the symptoms of cat diseases Distemper is:
High fever with less temperature reached 42 ° C
Pain in stomach
throw up

Then how if my cat has this disease. To be sure pray it! Sembuhkah surely? nggaklah yes! Diseases like this cat should be treated animal specialists.

Later after a doctor examined by a beautiful bu kucng Later the infusion will be given to cats increased durability,

While the way to prevent this disease. You can do the common things such as immunization, nutrition balance, maintaining environmental health and provide food that is free of disease.

If you have a group of cats .. you must be careful because this cat infectious disease and usually occurs in young cats.
Incoming search terms for the article:
types of cat diseases, cat diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, distemper in cats, types of cat diseases, cat illnesses, cat distemper, infectious intestinal diseases, cat distemper disease, inflammation in cats
READ MORE - Infectius Feline enteritis

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

cancer womb (cervix)

Mouth cancer womb (cervix) into health problem in developing countries. In Indonesia, patients with this disease is estimated 90-100 of 100 000 inhabitants.
In developed countries like America, there are 12,000 new cases were found in 1990. See high rates of patients, it is not surprising when the disease is a frightening specter for women. It was also because cervical cancer is highest in women and the first rank of the ten types of cancer in Indonesia. Figures patients with this disease, its true, can be pressed when the early discovery of cancer that attacks the mouth of the womb. The problem, according to dr Nasdaldy, SpOG, more than 70 per cent of people arriving late to the doctor treat. In fact, delay the inspection can be influential in life expectancy, as well as greater cost required. ''Prevention is cheaper,''he said in a seminar in Jakarta recently. Medical specialty of obstetrics and content Ginekologik Division of Cancer Dharmais Cancer Hospital Jakarta, is recognized when pre-cancerous cervix, in general, there were no symptoms. Symptoms that can be detected when there is bleeding after coitus and vaginal discharge which is not unique. When there is excessive vaginal discharge, foul smelling, and will not heal, we suggest that self-advised to consult a doctor immediately berobat. Because, this is a symptom commonly encountered in patients with cervical cancer. Examination of a doctor is needed, because not all white sign is cancer. With the examination will be known if an abnormal vaginal discharge is cancer or not. Other symptoms, he said, there is bleeding outside the menstrual cycle, especially when relating intimately. Just like the white, this phenomenon also requires examination of the doctor, because bleeding can occur due to hormonal balance disorders. Why are inspections needed when found to have symptoms? That's because the cancer is already at its stadium three of the swelling will occur in various parts of the body, such as the thighs, calves, or in his hand. The result could be more fatal, the delay in handling can cause death. For early detection, to do pap smears in women who were sexually active at least once a year by taking the rubber cervix from the vagina. Gynecological examination done by your doctor or midwife by taking samples to doctors lear cervical anatomical pathologists. We recommend that pap smear done on day 10-20 of the menstrual cycle. However, in the 24 hours before the examination, not having a husband and wife. What are the risk factors mouth uterine cancer risk? According to dr Nasdaldy, women who are married or initiate sexual activity at a young age (less than 18 years) have a risk of mouth cancer of the womb. The same risk can be experienced by women who take turns sexual partners. That is, women who have many sexual partners or husbands have many sexual partners. They are more susceptible to uterine cancer are women who often suffer from sexually transmitted infections in the area, which many have children, and women smokers. ''Women smokers have a risk two times greater than in female non-smoker,''he said. Prevention Prevention is far better than the cure. That's true, even though it is easy to apply. The problem is, there are many women who refuse to berobat yourself to your obstetrician has a variety of symptoms despite oral contact with uterine cancer. In fact, women already have symptoms affected servick, healthy women who already have berobat themselves to be detected since the spring. Prevention, according to Nasdaldy, can be done by three strategies: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary prevention is needed in all populations with a risk of mouth cancer of the womb. How, by providing counseling. ''Not only medical, but can in schools because there are many who do not know and do not care,''tuturnya. Secondary prevention is also needed on people who do not have symptoms. This is so that the incident numbers can be pressed and allow treatment as early as possible. Early treatment, as well as their costs a bit, the result even better. Whereas tertiary prevention that has been done on the disease ini.Ada a few things to be done for primary prevention in patients with cervix. But the important thing is lowering risk factors. For example, removing the cause of sexual behavior displayed by human papilloma virus infection (HPV). ''Girls are more vulnerable to HPV infection,''he said. Equally important to the nutritional factors. According to a medical specialist is the person with a good diet is easier to prevent this disease. It should be noted, no taboo food for cancer patients. Because the statement was not true to say that cancer patients should not eat meat. ''That's the myth,''he said. Nutrients, he said, is necessary for the prevention of this disease. Good food to eat is caretenoids, vitamin A, retinoids, vitamin C, vitamin E, and folate. Green and yellow vegetables are good for improving nutrition. Besides lowering the risk factors and nutrition, primary prevention should also be a vaccination. Immunization, said Nasdaldy, made active at a young age before a sexual relationship and are still in development. Preventive vaccine aimed at forming antibodies and given to healthy people. Vaccine treatment was given to people infected with HVP and immune system stimulation. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the vaccine should be given the first time in five years in relation to sexually active after age 25 years or until age 65. The frequency of vaccinations, suggested the world body, done 2-3 years with a record of two consecutive negative.
READ MORE - cancer womb (cervix)

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's Disease is a form of senile diseases (dementia) most commonly experienced by people aged 65 years and above. This is not part of the normal aging process, but the disease that causes progressive loss of brain nerve cells. Since nerve cells are important for normal thinking, memory and brain function, those suffering from Alzheimer's disease impaired brain function that interfere with their normal daily activities.

Gradually, Alzheimer's patients lose their ability to perform basic daily activities such as brushing teeth, dressing, bathing and other. In the end, their ability to walk and talk can also be affected or lost altogether.

Disease known as 'The Long Goodbye', the disease usually cover a period of more than 10 to 20 years. Despite intensive research conducted in recent years, Alzheimer's disease is not fully understood and there is no known cure, thus early detection and treatment is the only option to manage the disease effectively.

Memory affects

Matter of much concern is that compliance with medication for memory loss of Alzheimer's disease a person. Patients may forget to take medications or forget that they were taking doses.

Feedback from caregivers indicate that often times, patients are reluctant to take medication as I feel they do not suffer from any disease.

Alzheimer's Dementia is a common disease for the elderly. Asia-Pacific According to statistics, people with this disease has reached 18 million people. More than 60,000 people in Malaysia is suffering from Alzheimer's. Expected by 2020, this figure will double to 120,000 people.

To sacrifice time and energy to take care of the elderly suffering from Alzheimer's disease or senile not an easy task. Alzheimer's is a health problem that requires attention from the patient's family.

The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, which is synonymous with this elderly, increase with increasing age.

Risks and Symptoms

Once people reach 20 years, the death of cells in the brain began to occur and cause the brain to shrink. Destruction of brain cells continuously causing reduced quality of memory.

Individuals who are at risk for this disease is a person who is suffering from hypertension when he reaches the age of 40 years and above, people with diabetes, lack of exercise, high cholesterol and hereditary factors that have family members suffering from this disease at the age range of the 50's.

The earliest symptoms of dementia is to be forgetful, especially about important things done each day. They need to be taken to a doctor for a check to confirm it.

Dementia refers to a group of symptoms associated with memory loss, occurs slowly without being noticed, but eventually could worsen.

As a result, difficult to remember a person and affect his ability to think clearly as to interfere with normal activities and routines such as eating and hygiene management.

In addition to deterioration of thinking, the patient had experienced changes in personality and behavior and their feelings.

Among other symptoms of dementia is often forgotten things done, quickly tired, it is difficult to distinguish time, place and people, lost their logic, forgetful, not be able perform daily activities and prepare yourself, not concentrating, difficulty remembering words when speaking and difficult naming objects.

In addition, Alzheimer's patients are often depressed, nonsense, impatient, hard to distinguish the times and the worst is that they fail to control when small or large bowel, they can not think, speak and move but there are also people with Alzheimer's lose timidity and talk about it that could embarrass your family or naked in public places.

Early Diagnosis

If the patient is receiving treatment at an early stage, it is thus able to reduce the problem of family burden of care.

Detect early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease is an advantage. The doctor can provide guidance on the early signs of dementia. If patients really diagnosed with Alzheimer's, patients' families have more time to make plans for the future. Treatment can be done earlier and more effective.

When the diagnosis is carried out, doctors need patient information from family and friends, physical examination and neurological and laboratory tests. In addition, the doctor will do tests neuropsikologikal while doing a scan images using CT or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). He said the PET scan is a major step for more information.


Recounting the history of Alzheimer's disease, was discovered by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1907, called Alzheimer's, in conjunction with his name. Dementia can be divided into two, the first reversible dementia (reversable) which can be controlled and the two did not turn the remains. As a result of post-mortem of a woman, Dr. Alzheimer's found the woman's brain is not only shrinking but, filled with extraordinary mass of protein called amyloid plaques and intertwining fibers (neuro-fibrillary).

Guidelines for The Guardian

Here is a guide for families who want to deal with their family members suffering from Alzheimer's disease:

* Always jokes with them as a senile old folks tend to keep their social skills.

* As a young person, create a positive mood when talking to them. Do interact with them with a gentle and polite language as a mark of respect.

* Remember the wonderful times they lived together for most of the senile patients do not remember what had occurred within 45 minutes.

* When talking to them, create a tranquil atmosphere. Avoid noise, such as mobile phones and radio. Introduce yourself and explain your relationship with him as he touched hands and shoulders.

* Talk to them using language and simple sentences. We need to understand that this group was rather touchy. So, you do not need to raise their voices. Language is enough to clear the low tone.

* Dementia Patients often forget, so you need patience to wait for their reply every time.

* Create a happy atmosphere to chat while talking things funny. If they are in a sad mood, try to change the environment and story topics.
READ MORE - Alzheimer's Disease

Three types of standard cancer

The term cancer-trigger horror in the minds of anyone. But despite countless diseases that can grasp life, aka lymphoma cancer lymph nodes can be cured. The treatment can be through therapy, monoclonal antibody therapy, radiation, biologic therapy, and bone marrow graft. By doing intensive therapy, there are opportunities for cancer patients are cured completely. However, this possibility depends on a number of factors. The factors that influence the stadium, the size of the swollen glands, and the degree of violence. Degrees of violence lymphoma divided into two. Aggressive lymphomas belonging to quickly grow and spread. If left alone can be deadly in 6 months. Hope life figures ranging up to 5 years, with a 30-40 percent chance to heal. Therapy, chemotherapy doses used are high, it could also be marrow graft. The results showed an increase of life expectancy. A former lymphoma patient, Ibrahim Zakir doing intensive chemotherapy treatment. As a result, he recovered completely. "I had to stadium III, and having chemotherapy every 21 days. After 8 times kemo, finally recovered," said Ibrahim.

Lymphoma is a cancer that grows as a result of mutations lymphocyte cells (a type of white blood cells) previously normal, like normal lymphocytes, malignant lymphocytes can grow in various organs in the body including lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, blood or other organs.
There are two types of cancer, namely limfotik system, and Hodgkin's disease non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Lymph node cancer or lymphoma is a group of diseases RELATED violence and the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is an important part of the immune system that make up the body's natural defense against infection and cancer.
The lymphatic fluid is a white liquid like milk fat and protein containing all of lymphocyte flow throughout the body through the lymphatic vessels. There are two types of lymphocyte cells, namely B cells and T B-cell function to help protect the body against bacteria by making antibodies that destroy bacteria. Symptoms of cancer and diseases include swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpit or groin.
Swelling of the gland had to begin with symptoms of weight loss for free, continuous fatigue, cough and shortness of breath, hives, fever and sweating for no reason at night.
Often patients do not show typical symptoms have only a sort of lump or swelling of lymph nodes in the neck. Because there are no special concerns many new patients in advanced stage when treatment until the cancer cells have spread and taken to secret operations.
WHO estimates around 1.5 million people worldwide currently living with NHL and 300 thousand people died because of this disease every year. Approximately 55 percent of the NHL and rapidly growing aggressive type.
NHL is the third fastest growing cancer after skin cancer and lung. Figures NHL incidence increased 80 percent compared to the 1970's. Each year the number increased incidence of this disease 3-7 message. NHL is quite common in adults with the highest figures in the 45-60 year age range.
The more old age the higher the risk of developing lymphoma because of the resilience of the body decreases. To date the cause of lymphoma is not known reliably. There are four possible causes, namely genetic factors, immune system abnormalities, viral or bacterial infections and toxins in the environment (herbicides, preservatives, chemical dyes). Multifaktor cause.
There are more than 30 subtipe NHL (90 percent of type B cells) can be classified with the consideration of several factors, appearance under the microscope, the size, speed and organs to be grown.
Indolent lymphoma (low level) grew slowly until the early diagnosis more difficult. Patients can survive for many years but no treatments to cure. Patients usually respond well to initial therapy, but it is possible relapse again. Patients with indolent lymphoma can receive therapy to six times during life, but the longer the response decreased.

Aggressive lymphoma (high terrorism degrees) quickly grow and spread. If left without medication can be deadly in six months. Figures the average life expectancy of five years, and 30-40 percent healed. Patients who are diagnosed early are more likely to get treated at all perfect and rare risk of relapse, because of a protective healing, usually treated more aggressively. Prof. Caramel L * Hematology-Oncology Tambunan members.

Three types of standard cancer treatments used (source U.S. National cancer Institute)

Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cancer cells or by stopping the process of cancer cells. chemotherapy per oral and injection into blood vessels or muscles would go into the bloodstream and can reach cancer cells throughout the body (systemic chemotherapy).
included chemotherapy directly into the spine, organs, or body cavity such as the stomach, which affect cancer cells in the regional district referred to regional chemotherapy. Combination chemotherapy is treatment using more than one anticancer drug. How chemotherapy is given depends on the type of cancer being treated and the stadium.

Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment that uses high energy x-ray or types of radiation to kill cancer cells or prevent them developing.
There are two types of radiation therapy.
External radiation uses a machine outside the body to send radiation to the cancer.
Internal radiation therapy uses a radioactive substance sealed in needles, seeds, wires, or catheters that are placed directly into or near the cancer. The way the radiation therapy is given depends on the type of cancer being treated and the stadium.

Target cell therapy
Target cell therapy is a treatment that uses drugs or other substances to identify and attack specific cancer cells without damaging normal cells. One type of targeted therapy used in the treatment of Hodgkin's disease in children is a monoclonal antibody therapy. Monoclonal antibody therapy is a cancer treatment that uses antibodies made in the laboratory from one type of immune system cell. These antibodies can identify substances on cancer cells or normal substances that may help cancer cells grow. Antibodies attached to the substances and kill the cancer cells, inhibiting their growth, or prevent their spread. Monoclonal antibodies are given by infusion.
Other therapies are being tested is to try to stem cells (blood cells imatur) removed from the patient's blood or bone marrow and then frozen and stored. After chemotherapy is completed, the holding cells kept diluted and given back to patients by infusion. This Reinfused grow into stem cells (and restore) the body's blood cells.

Surgery can be done to remove as many tumors.
READ MORE - Three types of standard cancer