Saturday, October 24, 2009


Stomach or ventrikulus form a pouch located under the diaphragm. Stomach can be divided into three regions, namely the cardia, fundus and pylorus. Cardia is the top, the entrance area of food from the esophagus. Fundus is the middle, rounded shape. Pylorus is the lower part, the area associated with the 12 finger intestine (duodenum). On the wall of the inner hull are the glands that produce gastric lymph. The smell, shape, color and taste of food will cause reflex secretion of gastric lymph. Sap stomach gastric acid (HCl), pepsin, musin, and renin. Gastric acid serves as a killer of microorganisms and activates the enzyme pepsinogen into pepsin. Pepsin is an enzyme that can change the protein into smaller molecules. Musin is smoothed mucosal protein foods. Renin is a specific enzyme found only in mammals, acting as kaseinogen into casein. Casein coagulated by Ca ² + from milk that can be digested by pepsin. Without a tangible case reninm liquid will slip in and USU lambuing without a chance to digest.

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